Alias is a string that's used by Yii to refer to the class or directory such as @app/vendor
Read more in "Aliases".
Asset refers to a resource file. Typically, it contains JavaScript or CSS code but can be any static content accessed via HTTP.
The Configuration may refer either to the process of setting properties of an object or to a configuration file that stores settings for an object, or a class of objects. Read more in "Configuration".
Dependency Injection is a programming technique where an object injects a dependent object. "DI"
Installation is a process of preparing something to work either by following a readme file or by executing a specially prepared script. In case of Yii, it's setting permissions and fulfilling software requirements.
Middleware is a processor in the request processing stack. Given a request, it may either produce a response or do some action and pass processing to the next middleware. Read more in "Middleware".
The module is a sub-application which groups some code based on use-case. It's typically used within the main application and may contain URL handlers or console commands.
Namespace refers to a PHP language feature.
A package usually refers to Composer package. It's code ready for reuse and redistribution installable automatically via package manager.
The rule usually refers to a validation rule of the yiisoft/validator package. It holds a set of parameters for checking if a data set is valid. "Rule handler" does the actual processing.
A queue is similar to a stack. Queue follows First-In-First-Out methodology.
A Vendor is an organization or individual developer providing code in the form of packages. It also may refer to Composer's