🚀 A seamless framework for build app from MVC, MVVM, VIPER (etc.) design pattern in iOS world. (OC & Swift)
- Assemble a VIPER module as fast so far, only need one line code.
- Build-In powerful component event communication.
- Real-Time track Component link 💫 .
- Consider MVx, VIPER (etc.) module as component, using the same transition and event API.
- Add plugin mechanism for custom extension other design pattern module and URL Route.
- Add URL interceptor for intercept special URL before transition.
🍺 Thanks VIPER!
see Lego-swift
- Xcode 7.0+
- IOS 6.0+
is now available (July 2017). 🎉 It's now add Swift (all version) language support. 🎉
To integrate XFLegoVIPER into your Xcode project using CocoaPods, specify it in your Podfile:
platform :ios, '8.0'
use_frameworks! # for Swift!!!
target '<Your Target Name>' do
pod 'XFLegoVIPER', '~> 4.0'
- With
in your Podfile- Swift:
import XFLegoVIPER
- Objective-C:
#import <XFLegoVIPER/XFLegoVIPER.h>
(or with Modules enabled:@import XFLegoVIPER;
- Swift:
- Without
in your Podfile- Swift: Add
#import "XFLegoVIPER.h"
to your bridging header. - Objective-C:
#import "XFLegoVIPER.h"
- Swift: Add
Now you can use template file to create a module which make of stuff class as fast as possible.
Too complicated? See Video
Xcode templates can be found in the repository's /Template/Architecture
folder. To install them, open your terminal and run:
mkdir -p ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/Templates/
cp -R Template/Architecture ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/Templates/
- Quit Xcode and open again
- Right click a group, select
New File...
- Scrolling to Architecture Section, double click
item - Input module name (you need add class prefix), and next, final click
we have blue folder under select group, what's wrong? Let's fix it:
- Right click blue folder, select
Show in Finder
- Back to Xcode, right click blue folder again, select
->Remove References
- Back to opened Finder, drag new-folder to Xcode under a group
OK! It Work!
see change log
iOS Architecture Patterns English | Chinese
Architecting iOS Apps with VIPER English | Chinese
yizzuide, [email protected]
QQ Group:450518005
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XFLegoVIPER is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.