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Yasir Latif |
I am a senior researcher at the Australian Institute for Machine Learning (AIML) at the University of Adelaide where I am a part of the Sentient Satellites Lab. Previously, I was associated with the Australian Centre for Robotic Vision (ACRV).
The full list of publications can be found in the publication section.
🛰 Check out our lastest work that enables payload on-boards satellites to main highly accurate pointing by tracking stars!
- RA-L Best Paper 2021 "HM4: Hidden Markov Model with Memory Management"
- DICTA 2019 for our work on visual localization under appearance change.
[Sept 2023] 🛰 We presented our work on ultra fine stabilisation at the "The Advanced Maui Optical and Space Surveillance Technologies (AMOS) Conference", the premier SSA conference. 🛰
[May 2022] We won! We recieved an RA-L best paper award for our work title "HM4: Hidden Markov Model with Memory Management". Congrats to all the authors!
[Oct 2020] Our work on long term distributed place recognition titled "HM4: Hidden Markov Model with Memory Management" has been accepted at RA-L.
[Mar 2020] SPRINT: Subgraph Place Recognition for INtelligent Transportation accepted to ICRA 2020
[Dec 2019] Best paper award at DICTA for our work on visual localization under appearance change. Congrats Dzung!
[Dec 2019] Invited talk at SLAM and deep learning workshop at ICCV.
[Dec 2019] Presented our work on Long term place recognition at ICCV, 2019
[OCT 2019] We won! Winners Gov-Hack 2019 digital culture challenge.
Robust SLAM Realizing, Reversing, Recovering (RRR) algorithm The code accompanying our work on Robustifying the SLAM backend can be found at
Robust SLAM Benchmarking Dataset Dataset that we developed for benchmarking Robust SLAM methods