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Development in Intellij |
/docs/development-in-intellij.html |
Apache Eagle can be developed in popular IDE, e.g. Intellij and Eclipse. Here we focus on development in Intellij.
Normally HDP sandbox is needed for testing Hadoop monitoring. Please reference Quick Start for setting up HDP sandbox.
Please ensure following daemons are up
HBase master/region server only needed when HBase is metadata store
MySQL only neede when MySQL is metadata store
Import source code into Intellij, and find eagle-webservice project. Intellij Ultimate supports launching J2EE server within Intellij. If you don't have Intellij Ultimate version, Eclipse is another option.
- Check service configuration
Under eagle-webservice/src/main/resources, configure application.conf for metadata store. As of Eagle 0.4.0, by default, it points to sandbox HBase. If you want to use MySQL as metadata store, just copy application-mysql.conf to application.conf.
- Ensure tables are created
Run under eagle-assembly/src/main/bin/ to create metadata tables.
- Start Eagle service
Configure Intellij for running tomcat server with eagle-service artifacts
- Check topology configuration
Take HDFS data activity monitoring as example, config application.conf under eagle-security/eagle-security-hdfs-securitylog/src/main/resources for eagle service endpoint, Kafka endpoint etc.
- Start Storm topology
Normally one data source has one correponding Storm topology, for example to monitor HDFS data activity, is used for starting Storm topology and reading audit logs from Kafka.
Other example data integrations are as follows
Hive query activity monitoring :
HBase data activity monitoring:
MapR FS data activity monitoring: