Workflow | Performance(Open-Class scenario) |
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Implementation of MixBCT: Towards Self-Adapting Backward-Compatible Training(Ours) , L2 and other SOTA methods: UniBCT, NCCL, BCT, AdvBCT
L2: Conduct simple L2 constraint between old features and new features
BCT: Towards Backward-Compatible Representation Learning (CVPR2020)
UniBCT: Towards Universal Backward-Compatible Representation Learning (IJCAI2022)
NCCL: Neighborhood Consensus Contrastive Learning for Backward-Compatible Representation (AAAI2022)
AdvBCT: Boundary-Aware Backward-Compatible Representation via Adversarial Learning in Image Retrieval (CVPR2023)
- Training dataset: MS1M-V3 (ms1m-retinaface) ---- 5179510 images with 93431 IDs
- Eval dataset: IJB-C
The download link of the datasets can be find in []
- The main-dir(./) is used for train the Old model
- ./BCT_methods/ --- The methods which summarized MixBCT, UniBCT, NCCL, BCT, AdvBCT and L2.
- ./tools/ --- dataset split code, some preprocessing operations code and IJB-C evaluation code
This code based on the project insightface, We maintain separate directories for each method to enhance clarity and facilitate reproducibility.
Note: We fixed the random seed in the main file for training, and this will significantly reduce the speed of training. You can speed up the training by comment out following two lines in the main file:
#torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = False
#torch.backends.cudnn.deterministic = True
However, it will result in slight randomness of the results.
Train the old model use the arcface loss.
python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=8 --nnodes=1 --master_port=22222 configs/
Or train the old model use the softmax loss.
python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=8 --nnodes=1 --master_port=22222 configs/
Get the old features of the dataset consist of 'class70'(the sub-dataset containing 70 percent of the classes) images.
python tools/get_feature/ configs/ --SD f128_r18_softmax_class70
Get the old denoised feature of the dataset consist of 'class70' images(based on ①).
python tools/get_feature/ --T 0.9 --SD f128_r18_softmax_class70
Get the old average feature of the dataset consist of 'class70' images(based on ①).
python tools/get_feature/ --SD f128_r18_softmax_class70
Train the new model by MixBCT
cd BCT_Methods/MixBCT/
python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=8 --nnodes=1 --master_port=22222 configs/
Or train the new model by NCCL
cd BCT_Methods/NCCL/
python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=8 --nnodes=1 --master_port=22222 configs/
Or train the new model by other methods
cd BCT_Methods/#Other Methods/
python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=8 --nnodes=1 --master_port=22222 configs/OPclass_ms1mv3_r18_to_r50_(Othermethods)
IJB-C evaluation
**self-test 1:1**
python tools/ijbc_eval/ -m=#The path of '' -net=#The backbone of Nld model(r18,r50,vit...)
**self-test 1:N**
python tools/ijbc_eval/ -m=#The path of '' -net=#The backbone of Nld model(r18,r50,vit...) -N
**cross-test 1:1**
python tools/ijbc_eval/ -m=#The path of '' -net=#The backbone of Nld model(r18,r50,vit...) -m_old=#The path of '' -old_net=#The backbone of Old model(r18,r50,vit...)
**cross-test 1:N**
python tools/ijbc_eval/ -m=#The path of '' -net=#The backbone of Nld model(r18,r50,vit...) -m_old=#The path of '' -old_net=#The backbone of Old model(r18,r50,vit...)
We use 8 NVIDIA 2080Ti/3090Ti GPUs for training and apply automatic mixed precision (AMP) with float16 and float32. We use standard stochastic gradient descent (SGD) as the optimizer. The random seed is set to 666. Batch-size is set to 128 × 8. An initial learning rate of 0.1, and the learning rate linearly decays to zero over the course of training. The weight decay is set to 5×10^{-4} and momentum is 0.9. The training stops after 35 epochs. We set the ratio α of old and new features in the mixup process to 0.3. Moreover, the λ in L2 regression loss is set to 10 to match loss scale with the classfication loss.
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