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Easy swagger-ui drop-in plugin for hapi to be used with hapi-swaggered.

Supports hapi 10.x and up

Build Status Dependency Status js-standard-style npm downloads


npm install hapi-swaggered-ui


  • title: string, title of swagger ui
  • path: string, optional path where the docs should be located at (e.g. '/docs', defaults to: null)
  • basePath: string, optional url base path (e.g. used to fix reverse proxy routes)
  • swaggerEndpoint: Override the auto-detection of hapi-swaggered with a specific URL. (not recommended in use with hapi-swaggered; optional)
  • swaggerOptions: object (according to swagger-ui)
    • apisSorter: Apply a sort to the API list. It can be 'alpha' (sort paths alphanumerically) or null (server side sorting).
    • operationsSorter: Apply a sort to the operation list of each API. It can be 'alpha' (sort by paths alphanumerically), 'method' (sort by HTTP method) or null (server side sorting).
    • docExpansion: Controls how the API listing is displayed. It can be set to 'none' (default), 'list' (shows operations for each resource), or 'full' (fully expanded: shows operations and their details).
    • supportedSubmitMethods: Routes which differ will be listed as readonly - default: ['get', 'post', 'put', 'patch', 'delete', 'head']
    • highlightSizeThreshold: Any size response below this threshold will be highlighted syntactically, attempting to highlight large responses can lead to browser hangs, not including a threshold will default to highlight all returned responses.
    • validatorUrl: By default, Swagger-UI attempts to validate specs against's online validator (disabled for localhost). You can use this parameter to set a different validator URL, for example for locally deployed validators (Validator Badge). Setting it to false will disable validation. This parameter is relevant for Swagger 2.0 specs only.
  • authorization: object - can be null or false to disable authorization through swagger-ui (e.g. in case of public apis without auth)
    • scope: string, 'query' or 'header'
    • field: string, name of the field
    • valuePrefix: string, prefix fields value (e.g. with 'bearer ')
    • defaultValue: string, default value of the api-key field
    • placeholder: string, placeholder of the api-key field
  • auth: object, auth options as specified in route options (hapi docs), will be applied to all registered plugin routes
  • defaultTags: array of strings, will be passed to the specs endpoint through the query param 'tags' (hapi-swaggered feature: tag filtering)


Since hapi-swaggered exposes its plugin configuration hapi-swaggered-ui should find it's swagger endpoint automatically. In case you want to use hapi-swaggered-ui without hapi-swaggered (or the auto-detection doesn't work) you can manually set the swagger endpoint by the swaggerEndpoint option. In addition the page title can be changed through the option title.

Note: Hapi v8.x.x shipped with the vision and inert plugins already registered with the server, but have been removed in Hapi v9.x.x so require manual plugin registration before hapi-swaggered-ui as shown below.

    register: require('hapi-swaggered-ui'),
    options: {
      title: 'Example API',
      path: '/docs',
      authorization: { // see above
        field: 'apiKey',
        scope: 'query', // header works as well
        // valuePrefix: 'bearer '// prefix incase
        defaultValue: 'demoKey',
        placeholder: 'Enter your apiKey here'
      swaggerOptions: {} // see above
  }], {
    select: 'api'
  }, function (err) {
  if (err) {
    throw err

May have a look at the example listed at