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1312 lines (1085 loc) · 101 KB


🛠Lite.Ai.ToolKit: 一个轻量级的C++ AI模型工具箱,用户友好(还行吧),开箱即用。已经包括 100+ 流行的开源模型。这是一个根据个人兴趣整理的C++工具箱,, 涵盖目标检测人脸检测人脸识别语义分割抠图等领域。详见 Model ZooONNX HubMNN HubTNN HubNCNN Hub. [若是有用,❤️不妨给个⭐️🌟支持一下吧,感谢支持~]

English | 中文文档 | MacOS | Linux | Windows


  • 用户友好,开箱即用。 使用简单一致的调用语法,如lite::cv::Type::Class,详见examples.
  • 少量依赖,构建容易。 目前, 默认只依赖 OpenCVONNXRuntime,详见build
  • 众多的算法模块,且持续更新。 目前,包括将近 300+ C++实现以及 500+ 权重文件

引用 🎉🎉


  title={ A lite C++ toolkit of awesome AI models.},
  note={Open-source software available at},
  author={Yan Jun},

关于训练 🤓👀


预编译库 和 技术规划 ✅

目前,有一些预编译的MacOS(x64)和Linux(x64)下的动态库,可以直接从以下链接进行下载。Windows(x64)和Android下的预编译库,也会在最近发布出来。更多详情请参考issues#48 . 更多可下载的的预编译库,请跳转到releases 查看。



快速配置 👀


set(TOOLKIT_LIBS onnxruntime)
set(OpenCV_LIBS opencv_core opencv_imgcodecs opencv_imgproc opencv_video opencv_videoio)

add_executable(lite_yolov5 examples/test_lite_yolov5.cpp)
target_link_libraries(lite_yolov5 ${TOOLKIT_LIBS} ${OpenCV_LIBS})

目录 📖💡

1. 快速开始 🌟🌟

案例0: 使用YOLOv5 进行目标检测。请从Model-Zoo2 下载模型文件。

#include "lite/lite.h"

static void test_default()
  std::string onnx_path = "../../../hub/onnx/cv/yolov5s.onnx";
  std::string test_img_path = "../../../examples/lite/resources/test_lite_yolov5_1.jpg";
  std::string save_img_path = "../../../logs/test_lite_yolov5_1.jpg";

  auto *yolov5 = new lite::cv::detection::YoloV5(onnx_path); 
  std::vector<lite::types::Boxf> detected_boxes;
  cv::Mat img_bgr = cv::imread(test_img_path);
  yolov5->detect(img_bgr, detected_boxes);
  lite::utils::draw_boxes_inplace(img_bgr, detected_boxes);
  cv::imwrite(save_img_path, img_bgr);  
  delete yolov5;

2. 重要更新 🆕

Click here to see details of Important Updates!
Date Model C++ Paper Code Awesome Type
【2022/04/03】 MODNet link AAAI 2022 code matting
【2022/03/23】 PIPNtet link CVPR 2021 code face::align
【2022/01/19】 YOLO5Face link arXiv 2021 code face::detect
【2022/01/07】 SCRFD link CVPR 2021 code face::detect
【2021/12/27】 NanoDetPlus link blog code detection
【2021/12/08】 MGMatting link CVPR 2021 code matting
【2021/11/11】 YoloV5_V_6_0 link doi code detection
【2021/10/26】 YoloX_V_0_1_1 link arXiv 2021 code detection
【2021/10/02】 NanoDet link blog code detection
【2021/09/20】 RobustVideoMatting link WACV 2022 code matting
【2021/09/02】 YOLOP link arXiv 2021 code detection

3. 模型支持矩阵

  • / = 暂不支持.
  • ✅ = 可以运行,且官方支持.
  • ✔️ = 可以运行,但非官方支持.
  • ❔ = 计划中,但不会很快实现,也许几个月后.
Class Size Type Demo ONNXRuntime MNN NCNN TNN MacOS Linux Windows Android
YoloV5 28M detection demo ✔️ ✔️
YoloV3 236M detection demo / / / ✔️ ✔️ /
TinyYoloV3 33M detection demo / / / ✔️ ✔️ /
YoloV4 176M detection demo / / / ✔️ ✔️ /
SSD 76M detection demo / / / ✔️ ✔️ /
SSDMobileNetV1 27M detection demo / / / ✔️ ✔️ /
YoloX 3.5M detection demo ✔️ ✔️
TinyYoloV4VOC 22M detection demo / / / ✔️ ✔️ /
TinyYoloV4COCO 22M detection demo / / / ✔️ ✔️ /
YoloR 39M detection demo ✔️ ✔️
ScaledYoloV4 270M detection demo / / / ✔️ ✔️ /
EfficientDet 15M detection demo / / / ✔️ ✔️ /
EfficientDetD7 220M detection demo / / / ✔️ ✔️ /
EfficientDetD8 322M detection demo / / / ✔️ ✔️ /
YOLOP 30M detection demo ✔️ ✔️
NanoDet 1.1M detection demo ✔️ ✔️
NanoDetPlus 4.5M detection demo ✔️ ✔️
NanoDetEffi... 12M detection demo ✔️ ✔️
YoloX_V_0_1_1 3.5M detection demo ✔️ ✔️
YoloV5_V_6_0 7.5M detection demo ✔️ ✔️
GlintArcFace 92M faceid demo ✔️ ✔️
GlintCosFace 92M faceid demo ✔️ ✔️ /
GlintPartialFC 170M faceid demo ✔️ ✔️ /
FaceNet 89M faceid demo ✔️ ✔️ /
FocalArcFace 166M faceid demo ✔️ ✔️ /
FocalAsiaArcFace 166M faceid demo ✔️ ✔️ /
TencentCurricularFace 249M faceid demo ✔️ ✔️ /
TencentCifpFace 130M faceid demo ✔️ ✔️ /
CenterLossFace 280M faceid demo ✔️ ✔️ /
SphereFace 80M faceid demo ✔️ ✔️ /
PoseRobustFace 92M faceid demo / / / ✔️ ✔️ /
NaivePoseRobustFace 43M faceid demo / / / ✔️ ✔️ /
MobileFaceNet 3.8M faceid demo ✔️ ✔️
CavaGhostArcFace 15M faceid demo ✔️ ✔️
CavaCombinedFace 250M faceid demo ✔️ ✔️ /
MobileSEFocalFace 4.5M faceid demo ✔️ ✔️
RobustVideoMatting 14M matting demo / ✔️ ✔️
MGMatting 113M matting demo / ✔️ ✔️ /
MODNet 24M matting demo ✔️ ✔️ /
MODNetDyn 24M matting demo / / / ✔️ ✔️ /
BackgroundMattingV2 20M matting demo / ✔️ ✔️ /
BackgroundMattingV2Dyn 20M matting demo / / / ✔️ ✔️ /
UltraFace 1.1M face::detect demo ✔️ ✔️
RetinaFace 1.6M face::detect demo ✔️ ✔️
FaceBoxes 3.8M face::detect demo ✔️ ✔️
FaceBoxesV2 3.8M face::detect demo ✔️ ✔️
SCRFD 2.5M face::detect demo ✔️ ✔️
YOLO5Face 4.8M face::detect demo ✔️ ✔️
PFLD 1.0M face::align demo ✔️ ✔️
PFLD98 4.8M face::align demo ✔️ ✔️
MobileNetV268 9.4M face::align demo ✔️ ✔️
MobileNetV2SE68 11M face::align demo ✔️ ✔️
PFLD68 2.8M face::align demo ✔️ ✔️
FaceLandmark1000 2.0M face::align demo ✔️ ✔️
PIPNet98 44.0M face::align demo ✔️ ✔️
PIPNet68 44.0M face::align demo ✔️ ✔️
PIPNet29 44.0M face::align demo ✔️ ✔️
PIPNet19 44.0M face::align demo ✔️ ✔️
FSANet 1.2M face::pose demo / ✔️ ✔️
AgeGoogleNet 23M face::attr demo ✔️ ✔️
GenderGoogleNet 23M face::attr demo ✔️ ✔️
EmotionFerPlus 33M face::attr demo ✔️ ✔️
VGG16Age 514M face::attr demo ✔️ ✔️ /
VGG16Gender 512M face::attr demo ✔️ ✔️ /
SSRNet 190K face::attr demo / ✔️ ✔️
EfficientEmotion7 15M face::attr demo ✔️ ✔️
EfficientEmotion8 15M face::attr demo ✔️ ✔️
MobileEmotion7 13M face::attr demo ✔️ ✔️
ReXNetEmotion7 30M face::attr demo / ✔️ ✔️ /
EfficientNetLite4 49M classification demo / ✔️ ✔️ /
ShuffleNetV2 8.7M classification demo ✔️ ✔️
DenseNet121 30.7M classification demo ✔️ ✔️ /
GhostNet 20M classification demo ✔️ ✔️
HdrDNet 13M classification demo ✔️ ✔️
IBNNet 97M classification demo ✔️ ✔️ /
MobileNetV2 13M classification demo ✔️ ✔️
ResNet 44M classification demo ✔️ ✔️ /
ResNeXt 95M classification demo ✔️ ✔️ /
DeepLabV3ResNet101 232M segmentation demo ✔️ ✔️ /
FCNResNet101 207M segmentation demo ✔️ ✔️ /
FastStyleTransfer 6.4M style demo ✔️ ✔️
Colorizer 123M colorization demo / ✔️ ✔️ /
SubPixelCNN 234K resolution demo / ✔️ ✔️
SubPixelCNN 234K resolution demo / ✔️ ✔️
InsectDet 27M detection demo / ✔️ ✔️
InsectID 22M classification demo ✔️ ✔️
PlantID 30M classification demo ✔️ ✔️
YOLOv5BlazeFace 3.4M face::detect demo / / ✔️ ✔️
YoloV5_V_6_1 7.5M detection demo / / ✔️ ✔️
HeadSeg 31M segmentation demo / ✔️ ✔️
FemalePhoto2Cartoon 15M style demo / ✔️ ✔️
FastPortraitSeg 400k segmentation demo / / ✔️ ✔️
PortraitSegSINet 380k segmentation demo / / ✔️ ✔️
PortraitSegExtremeC3Net 180k segmentation demo / / ✔️ ✔️
FaceHairSeg 18M segmentation demo / / ✔️ ✔️
HairSeg 18M segmentation demo / / ✔️ ✔️
MobileHumanMatting 3M matting demo / / ✔️ ✔️
MobileHairSeg 14M segmentation demo / / ✔️ ✔️
YOLOv6 17M detection demo ✔️ ✔️

4. 编译文档

  • MacOS: 从Lite.Ai.ToolKit 源码编译MacOS下的动态库。需要注意的是Lite.Ai.ToolKit 使用onnxruntime作为默认的后端,因为onnxruntime支持大部分onnx的原生算子,具有更高的易用性。如何编译Linux和Windows版本?点击 ▶️ 查看。
    git clone --depth=1  # 最新源码
    cd && sh ./  # 对于MacOS, 你可以直接利用本项目包含的OpenCV, ONNXRuntime, MNN, NCNN and TNN依赖库,无需重新编译
💡️ Linux 和 Windows

Linux 和 Windows

⚠️ Lite.Ai.ToolKit 的发行版本目前不直接支持Linux和Windows,你需要从下载Lite.Ai.ToolKit的源码进行构建。首先,你需要下载(如果有官方编译好的发行版本的话)或编译OpenCVONNXRuntime 和其他你需要的推理引擎,如MNN、NCNN、TNN,然后把它们的头文件分别放入各自对应的文件夹,或者直接使用本项目提供的头文件。本项目的依赖库头文件是直接从相应的官方库拷贝而来的,但不同操作系统下的动态库需要重新编译或下载,MacOS用户可以直接使用本项目提供的各个依赖库的动态库。

      cp -r you-path-to-downloaded-or-built-opencv/include/opencv4/opencv2
      cp -r you-path-to-downloaded-or-built-onnxruntime/include/onnxruntime
      cp -r you-path-to-downloaded-or-built-MNN/include/MNN
      cp -r you-path-to-downloaded-or-built-ncnn/include/ncnn
      cp -r you-path-to-downloaded-or-built-TNN/include/tnn

然后把各个依赖库拷贝到|windows) 文件夹。 请参考依赖库的编译文档1

      cp you-path-to-downloaded-or-built-opencv/lib/*opencv*|windows)/
      cp you-path-to-downloaded-or-built-onnxruntime/lib/*onnxruntime*|windows)/
      cp you-path-to-downloaded-or-built-MNN/lib/*MNN*|windows)/
      cp you-path-to-downloaded-or-built-ncnn/lib/*ncnn*|windows)/
      cp you-path-to-downloaded-or-built-TNN/lib/*TNN*|windows)/

注意,你还需要安装ffmpeg(<=4.2.2),因为opencv的videoio模块依赖ffmpeg进行mp4的编解码。参考issue#203 . 在MacOS下,ffmpeg4.2.2已经作为一个自定义依赖库被我打包进,不需要再从HomeBrew安装为系统库,因此是单体的,你可以把它移植到app里面,不用心另一台运行app的机器没有ffmpeg,MacOS版本的已经包含ffmpeg. 在Windows下,opencv官方团队已经提供了用于opencv的ffmpeg预编译库。在Linux下编译opencv时,请确保-DWITH_FFMPEG=ON,并检查是否链接到ffmpeg.

  • 先编译ffmpeg,注意必须是低版本的,高于4.4的,opencv会不兼容。
git clone --depth=1 -b n4.2.2
cd ffmpeg
./configure --enable-shared --disable-x86asm --prefix=/usr/local/opt/ffmpeg --disable-static
make -j8
make install
  • 然后,编译带ffmpeg支持的OpenCV,指定-DWITH_FFMPEG=ON

mkdir build
cd build

cmake .. \
  -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=your-path-to-custom-dir \
  -D BUILD_opencv_python3=OFF \
  -D BUILD_opencv_python2=OFF \
  -D BUILD_opencv_apps=OFF \
make -j8
make install
cd ..


  • Windows: 你可以参考issue#6 ,讨论了常见的编译问题。

  • Linux: 参考MacOS下的编译,替换Linux版本的依赖库即可。Linux下的发行版本将会在近期添加 ~ issue#2

  • 令人开心的消息!!! : 🚀 你可以直接下载最新的ONNXRuntime官方构建的动态库,包含Windows, Linux, MacOS and Arm的版本!!! CPU和GPU的版本均可获得。不需要再从源码进行编译了,nice。可以从v1.8.1 下载最新的动态库. 我目前在Lite.Ai.ToolKit中用的是1.7.0,你可以从v1.7.0 下载, 但1.8.1应该也是可行的。对于OpenCV,请尝试从源码构建(Linux) 或者 直接从OpenCV 4.5.3 下载官方编译好的动态库(Windows). 然后把头文件和依赖库放入上述的文件夹中.

  • Windows GPU 兼容性: 详见issue#10.

  • Linux GPU 兼容性: 详见issue#97.

🔑️ 如何链接Lite.Ai.ToolKit动态库?
  • 你可参考以下的CMakeLists.txt设置来链接动态库.
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.17)


# setting up

# add your executable

add_executable(lite_rvm examples/test_lite_rvm.cpp)
        MNN  # need, if built with ENABLE_MNN=ON,  default OFF
        ncnn # need, if built with ENABLE_NCNN=ON, default OFF 
        TNN  # need, if built with ENABLE_TNN=ON,  default OFF 
        ${OpenCV_LIBS})  # link & other libs.
cd ./build/ && otool -L
        @rpath/ (compatibility version 0.0.1, current version 0.0.1)
        @rpath/libopencv_highgui.4.5.dylib (compatibility version 4.5.0, current version 4.5.2)
        @rpath/libonnxruntime.1.7.0.dylib (compatibility version 0.0.0, current version 1.7.0)
cd ../ && tree .
├── bin
├── include
│   ├── lite
│   │   ├── backend.h
│   │   ├── config.h
│   │   └── lite.h
│   └── ort
└── lib
  • 运行已经编译好的examples:
cd ./build/ && ls -lh | grep lite
-rwxr-xr-x  1 root  staff   301K Jun 26 23:10
-rwxr-xr-x  1 root  staff   196K Jun 26 23:10 lite_yolov4
-rwxr-xr-x  1 root  staff   196K Jun 26 23:10 lite_yolov5
LITEORT_DEBUG LogId: ../../../hub/onnx/cv/yolov5s.onnx
=============== Input-Dims ==============
detected num_anchors: 25200
generate_bboxes num: 66
Default Version Detected Boxes Num: 5

为了链接动态库,你需要确保OpenCV and onnxruntime也被正确地链接。你可以在CMakeLists.txt 中找到一个简单且完整的,关于如何正确地链接Lite.AI.ToolKit动态库的应用案例。

5. 模型下载

Lite.Ai.ToolKit 目前包括将近 100+ 流行的开源模型以及 500+ 文件,大部分文件是我自己转换的。你可以通过lite::cv::Type::Class 语法进行调用,如 lite::cv::detection::YoloV5。更多的细节见Examples for Lite.Ai.ToolKit。注意,由于Google Driver(15G)的存储限制,我无法上传所有的模型文件,国内的小伙伴请使用百度云盘。

File Baidu Drive Google Drive Docker Hub Hub (Docs)
ONNX Baidu Drive code: 8gin Google Drive ONNX Docker v0. (28G), v0. (400M) ONNX Hub
MNN Baidu Drive code: 9v63 MNN Docker v0. (11G), v0. (213M) MNN Hub
NCNN Baidu Drive code: sc7f NCNN Docker v0. (9G), v0. (197M) NCNN Hub
TNN Baidu Drive code: 6o6k TNN Docker v0. (11G), v0. (217M) TNN Hub
  docker pull qyjdefdocker/  # (28G)
  docker pull qyjdefdocker/   # (11G)
  docker pull qyjdefdocker/  # (9G)
  docker pull qyjdefdocker/   # (11G)
  docker pull qyjdefdocker/  # (400M) + YOLO5Face
  docker pull qyjdefdocker/   # (213M) + YOLO5Face
  docker pull qyjdefdocker/  # (197M) + YOLO5Face
  docker pull qyjdefdocker/   # (217M) + YOLO5Face
❇️ 命名空间和Lite.Ai.ToolKit算法模块的对应关系


Namespace Details
lite::cv::detection Object Detection. one-stage and anchor-free detectors, YoloV5, YoloV4, SSD, etc. ✅
lite::cv::classification Image Classification. DensNet, ShuffleNet, ResNet, IBNNet, GhostNet, etc. ✅
lite::cv::faceid Face Recognition. ArcFace, CosFace, CurricularFace, etc. ❇️
lite::cv::face Face Analysis. detect, align, pose, attr, etc. ❇️
lite::cv::face::detect Face Detection. UltraFace, RetinaFace, FaceBoxes, PyramidBox, etc. ❇️
lite::cv::face::align Face Alignment. PFLD(106), FaceLandmark1000(1000 landmarks), PRNet, etc. ❇️
lite::cv::face::align3d 3D Face Alignment. FaceMesh(468 3D landmarks), IrisLandmark(71+5 3D landmarks), etc. ❇️
lite::cv::face::pose Head Pose Estimation. FSANet, etc. ❇️
lite::cv::face::attr Face Attributes. Emotion, Age, Gender. EmotionFerPlus, VGG16Age, etc. ❇️
lite::cv::segmentation Object Segmentation. Such as FCN, DeepLabV3, etc. ❇️ ️
lite::cv::style Style Transfer. Contains neural style transfer now, such as FastStyleTransfer. ⚠️
lite::cv::matting Image Matting. Object and Human matting. ❇️ ️
lite::cv::colorization Colorization. Make Gray image become RGB. ⚠️
lite::cv::resolution Super Resolution. ⚠️


Lite.AI.ToolKit的类与权重文件对应关系说明,可以在 中找到。比如, lite::cv::detection::YoloV5lite::cv::detection::YoloX 的权重文件为:

Class Pretrained ONNX Files Rename or Converted From (Repo) Size
lite::cv::detection::YoloV5 yolov5l.onnx yolov5 (🔥🔥💥↑) 188Mb
lite::cv::detection::YoloV5 yolov5m.onnx yolov5 (🔥🔥💥↑) 85Mb
lite::cv::detection::YoloV5 yolov5s.onnx yolov5 (🔥🔥💥↑) 29Mb
lite::cv::detection::YoloV5 yolov5x.onnx yolov5 (🔥🔥💥↑) 351Mb
lite::cv::detection::YoloX yolox_x.onnx YOLOX (🔥🔥!!↑) 378Mb
lite::cv::detection::YoloX yolox_l.onnx YOLOX (🔥🔥!!↑) 207Mb
lite::cv::detection::YoloX yolox_m.onnx YOLOX (🔥🔥!!↑) 97Mb
lite::cv::detection::YoloX yolox_s.onnx YOLOX (🔥🔥!!↑) 34Mb
lite::cv::detection::YoloX yolox_tiny.onnx YOLOX (🔥🔥!!↑) 19Mb
lite::cv::detection::YoloX yolox_nano.onnx YOLOX (🔥🔥!!↑) 3.5Mb

这意味着,你可以通过Lite.Ai.ToolKit中的同一个类,根据你的使用情况,加载任意一个yolov5*.onnxyolox_*.onnx,如 YoloV5, YoloX等.

auto *yolov5 = new lite::cv::detection::YoloV5("yolov5x.onnx");  // for server
auto *yolov5 = new lite::cv::detection::YoloV5("yolov5l.onnx"); 
auto *yolov5 = new lite::cv::detection::YoloV5("yolov5m.onnx");  
auto *yolov5 = new lite::cv::detection::YoloV5("yolov5s.onnx");  // for mobile device 
auto *yolox = new lite::cv::detection::YoloX("yolox_x.onnx");  
auto *yolox = new lite::cv::detection::YoloX("yolox_l.onnx");  
auto *yolox = new lite::cv::detection::YoloX("yolox_m.onnx");  
auto *yolox = new lite::cv::detection::YoloX("yolox_s.onnx");  
auto *yolox = new lite::cv::detection::YoloX("yolox_tiny.onnx");  
auto *yolox = new lite::cv::detection::YoloX("yolox_nano.onnx");  // 3.5Mb only !
🔑️ 如何从通过Docker Hub下载Model Zoo?
  • Firstly, pull the image from docker hub.
    docker pull qyjdefdocker/ # (11G)
    docker pull qyjdefdocker/ # (9G)
    docker pull qyjdefdocker/ # (11G)
    docker pull qyjdefdocker/ # (28G)
  • Secondly, run the container with local share dir using docker run -idt xxx. A minimum example will show you as follows.
    • make a share dir in your local device.
    mkdir share # any name is ok.
    • write script like:
    docker run -idt -p ${PORT2}:${PORT1} -v ${SERVICE_DIR}:${CONRAINER_DIR} --shm-size=16gb --name ${CONRAINER_NAME} qyjdefdocker/
  • Finally, copy the model weights from /home/hub/mnn/cv to your local share dir.
    # activate mnn docker.
    sh ./
    docker exec -it mnn_docker_hub_d /bin/bash
    # copy the models to the share dir.
    cd /home/hub 
    cp -rf mnn/cv share/

Model Hubs提供大量的预训练模型的ONNX文件. 同时, 更多的模型权重文件详见 Model Zoo and ONNX Hub, MNN Hub, TNN Hub, NCNN Hub.

6. 应用案例

更多的应用案例详见examples 。点击 ▶️ 可以看到该主题下更多的案例。

案例0: 使用YOLOv5 进行目标检测。请从Model-Zoo2 下载模型文件。

#include "lite/lite.h"

static void test_default()
  std::string onnx_path = "../../../hub/onnx/cv/yolov5s.onnx";
  std::string test_img_path = "../../../examples/lite/resources/test_lite_yolov5_1.jpg";
  std::string save_img_path = "../../../logs/test_lite_yolov5_1.jpg";

  auto *yolov5 = new lite::cv::detection::YoloV5(onnx_path); 
  std::vector<lite::types::Boxf> detected_boxes;
  cv::Mat img_bgr = cv::imread(test_img_path);
  yolov5->detect(img_bgr, detected_boxes);
  lite::utils::draw_boxes_inplace(img_bgr, detected_boxes);
  cv::imwrite(save_img_path, img_bgr);  
  delete yolov5;


或者你可以使用最新的 🔥🔥 ! YOLO 系列检测器YOLOXYoloR ,它们会获得接近的结果。


auto *detector = new lite::cv::detection::YoloX(onnx_path);  // Newest YOLO detector !!! 2021-07
auto *detector = new lite::cv::detection::YoloV4(onnx_path); 
auto *detector = new lite::cv::detection::YoloV3(onnx_path); 
auto *detector = new lite::cv::detection::TinyYoloV3(onnx_path); 
auto *detector = new lite::cv::detection::SSD(onnx_path); 
auto *detector = new lite::cv::detection::YoloV5(onnx_path); 
auto *detector = new lite::cv::detection::YoloR(onnx_path);  // Newest YOLO detector !!! 2021-05
auto *detector = new lite::cv::detection::TinyYoloV4VOC(onnx_path); 
auto *detector = new lite::cv::detection::TinyYoloV4COCO(onnx_path); 
auto *detector = new lite::cv::detection::ScaledYoloV4(onnx_path); 
auto *detector = new lite::cv::detection::EfficientDet(onnx_path); 
auto *detector = new lite::cv::detection::EfficientDetD7(onnx_path); 
auto *detector = new lite::cv::detection::EfficientDetD8(onnx_path); 
auto *detector = new lite::cv::detection::YOLOP(onnx_path);
auto *detector = new lite::cv::detection::NanoDet(onnx_path); // Super fast and tiny!
auto *detector = new lite::cv::detection::NanoDetPlus(onnx_path); // Super fast and tiny! 2021/12/25
auto *detector = new lite::cv::detection::NanoDetEfficientNetLite(onnx_path); // Super fast and tiny!
auto *detector = new lite::cv::detection::YoloV5_V_6_0(onnx_path); 
auto *detector = new lite::cv::detection::YoloV5_V_6_1(onnx_path); 
auto *detector = new lite::cv::detection::YoloX_V_0_1_1(onnx_path);  // Newest YOLO detector !!! 2021-07
auto *detector = new lite::cv::detection::YOLOv6(onnx_path);  // Newest 2022 YOLO detector !!!

案例1: 使用RobustVideoMatting2021🔥🔥🔥 进行视频抠图。请从Model-Zoo2 下载模型文件。

#include "lite/lite.h"

static void test_default()
  std::string onnx_path = "../../../hub/onnx/cv/rvm_mobilenetv3_fp32.onnx";
  std::string video_path = "../../../examples/lite/resources/test_lite_rvm_0.mp4";
  std::string output_path = "../../../logs/test_lite_rvm_0.mp4";
  std::string background_path = "../../../examples/lite/resources/test_lite_matting_bgr.jpg";
  auto *rvm = new lite::cv::matting::RobustVideoMatting(onnx_path, 16); // 16 threads
  std::vector<lite::types::MattingContent> contents;
  // 1. video matting.
  cv::Mat background = cv::imread(background_path);
  rvm->detect_video(video_path, output_path, contents, false, 0.4f,
                    20, true, true, background);
  delete rvm;



auto *matting = new lite::cv::matting::RobustVideoMatting:(onnx_path);  //  WACV 2022.
auto *matting = new lite::cv::matting::MGMatting(onnx_path); // CVPR 2021
auto *matting = new lite::cv::matting::MODNet(onnx_path); // AAAI 2022
auto *matting = new lite::cv::matting::MODNetDyn(onnx_path); // AAAI 2022 Dynamic Shape Inference.
auto *matting = new lite::cv::matting::BackgroundMattingV2(onnx_path); // CVPR 2020 
auto *matting = new lite::cv::matting::BackgroundMattingV2Dyn(onnx_path); // CVPR 2020 Dynamic Shape Inference.
auto *matting = new lite::cv::matting::MobileHumanMatting(onnx_path); // 3Mb only !!!

案例2: 使用FaceLandmarks1000 进行人脸1000关键点检测。请从Model-Zoo2 下载模型文件。

#include "lite/lite.h"

static void test_default()
  std::string onnx_path = "../../../hub/onnx/cv/FaceLandmark1000.onnx";
  std::string test_img_path = "../../../examples/lite/resources/test_lite_face_landmarks_0.png";
  std::string save_img_path = "../../../logs/test_lite_face_landmarks_1000.jpg";
  auto *face_landmarks_1000 = new lite::cv::face::align::FaceLandmark1000(onnx_path);

  lite::types::Landmarks landmarks;
  cv::Mat img_bgr = cv::imread(test_img_path);
  face_landmarks_1000->detect(img_bgr, landmarks);
  lite::utils::draw_landmarks_inplace(img_bgr, landmarks);
  cv::imwrite(save_img_path, img_bgr);
  delete face_landmarks_1000;



auto *align = new lite::cv::face::align::PFLD(onnx_path);  // 106 landmarks, 1.0Mb only!
auto *align = new lite::cv::face::align::PFLD98(onnx_path);  // 98 landmarks, 4.8Mb only!
auto *align = new lite::cv::face::align::PFLD68(onnx_path);  // 68 landmarks, 2.8Mb only!
auto *align = new lite::cv::face::align::MobileNetV268(onnx_path);  // 68 landmarks, 9.4Mb only!
auto *align = new lite::cv::face::align::MobileNetV2SE68(onnx_path);  // 68 landmarks, 11Mb only!
auto *align = new lite::cv::face::align::FaceLandmark1000(onnx_path);  // 1000 landmarks, 2.0Mb only!
auto *align = new lite::cv::face::align::PIPNet98(onnx_path);  // 98 landmarks, CVPR2021!
auto *align = new lite::cv::face::align::PIPNet68(onnx_path);  // 68 landmarks, CVPR2021!
auto *align = new lite::cv::face::align::PIPNet29(onnx_path);  // 29 landmarks, CVPR2021!
auto *align = new lite::cv::face::align::PIPNet19(onnx_path);  // 19 landmarks, CVPR2021!

案例3: 使用colorization 进行图像着色。请从Model-Zoo2 下载模型文件。

#include "lite/lite.h"

static void test_default()
  std::string onnx_path = "../../../hub/onnx/cv/eccv16-colorizer.onnx";
  std::string test_img_path = "../../../examples/lite/resources/test_lite_colorizer_1.jpg";
  std::string save_img_path = "../../../logs/test_lite_eccv16_colorizer_1.jpg";
  auto *colorizer = new lite::cv::colorization::Colorizer(onnx_path);
  cv::Mat img_bgr = cv::imread(test_img_path);
  lite::types::ColorizeContent colorize_content;
  colorizer->detect(img_bgr, colorize_content);
  if (colorize_content.flag) cv::imwrite(save_img_path, colorize_content.mat);
  delete colorizer;



auto *colorizer = new lite::cv::colorization::Colorizer(onnx_path);

案例4: 使用ArcFace 进行人脸识别。请从Model-Zoo2 下载模型文件。

#include "lite/lite.h"

static void test_default()
  std::string onnx_path = "../../../hub/onnx/cv/ms1mv3_arcface_r100.onnx";
  std::string test_img_path0 = "../../../examples/lite/resources/test_lite_faceid_0.png";
  std::string test_img_path1 = "../../../examples/lite/resources/test_lite_faceid_1.png";
  std::string test_img_path2 = "../../../examples/lite/resources/test_lite_faceid_2.png";

  auto *glint_arcface = new lite::cv::faceid::GlintArcFace(onnx_path);

  lite::types::FaceContent face_content0, face_content1, face_content2;
  cv::Mat img_bgr0 = cv::imread(test_img_path0);
  cv::Mat img_bgr1 = cv::imread(test_img_path1);
  cv::Mat img_bgr2 = cv::imread(test_img_path2);
  glint_arcface->detect(img_bgr0, face_content0);
  glint_arcface->detect(img_bgr1, face_content1);
  glint_arcface->detect(img_bgr2, face_content2);

  if (face_content0.flag && face_content1.flag && face_content2.flag)
    float sim01 = lite::utils::math::cosine_similarity<float>(
        face_content0.embedding, face_content1.embedding);
    float sim02 = lite::utils::math::cosine_similarity<float>(
        face_content0.embedding, face_content2.embedding);
    std::cout << "Detected Sim01: " << sim  << " Sim02: " << sim02 << std::endl;

  delete glint_arcface;


Detected Sim01: 0.721159 Sim02: -0.0626267


auto *recognition = new lite::cv::faceid::GlintCosFace(onnx_path);  // DeepGlint(insightface)
auto *recognition = new lite::cv::faceid::GlintArcFace(onnx_path);  // DeepGlint(insightface)
auto *recognition = new lite::cv::faceid::GlintPartialFC(onnx_path); // DeepGlint(insightface)
auto *recognition = new lite::cv::faceid::FaceNet(onnx_path);
auto *recognition = new lite::cv::faceid::FocalArcFace(onnx_path);
auto *recognition = new lite::cv::faceid::FocalAsiaArcFace(onnx_path);
auto *recognition = new lite::cv::faceid::TencentCurricularFace(onnx_path); // Tencent(TFace)
auto *recognition = new lite::cv::faceid::TencentCifpFace(onnx_path); // Tencent(TFace)
auto *recognition = new lite::cv::faceid::CenterLossFace(onnx_path);
auto *recognition = new lite::cv::faceid::SphereFace(onnx_path);
auto *recognition = new lite::cv::faceid::PoseRobustFace(onnx_path);
auto *recognition = new lite::cv::faceid::NaivePoseRobustFace(onnx_path);
auto *recognition = new lite::cv::faceid::MobileFaceNet(onnx_path); // 3.8Mb only !
auto *recognition = new lite::cv::faceid::CavaGhostArcFace(onnx_path);
auto *recognition = new lite::cv::faceid::CavaCombinedFace(onnx_path);
auto *recognition = new lite::cv::faceid::MobileSEFocalFace(onnx_path); // 4.5Mb only !

案例5: 使用SCRFD 2021 进行人脸检测。请从Model-Zoo2 下载模型文件。

#include "lite/lite.h"

static void test_default()
  std::string onnx_path = "../../../hub/onnx/cv/scrfd_2.5g_bnkps_shape640x640.onnx";
  std::string test_img_path = "../../../examples/lite/resources/test_lite_face_detector.jpg";
  std::string save_img_path = "../../../logs/test_lite_scrfd.jpg";
  auto *scrfd = new lite::cv::face::detect::SCRFD(onnx_path);
  std::vector<lite::types::BoxfWithLandmarks> detected_boxes;
  cv::Mat img_bgr = cv::imread(test_img_path);
  scrfd->detect(img_bgr, detected_boxes);
  lite::utils::draw_boxes_with_landmarks_inplace(img_bgr, detected_boxes);
  cv::imwrite(save_img_path, img_bgr);
  std::cout << "Default Version Done! Detected Face Num: " << detected_boxes.size() << std::endl;
  delete scrfd;



auto *detector = new lite::face::detect::UltraFace(onnx_path);  // 1.1Mb only !
auto *detector = new lite::face::detect::FaceBoxes(onnx_path);  // 3.8Mb only ! 
auto *detector = new lite::face::detect::FaceBoxesv2(onnx_path);  // 4.0Mb only ! 
auto *detector = new lite::face::detect::RetinaFace(onnx_path);  // 1.6Mb only ! CVPR2020
auto *detector = new lite::face::detect::SCRFD(onnx_path);  // 2.5Mb only ! CVPR2021, Super fast and accurate!!
auto *detector = new lite::face::detect::YOLO5Face(onnx_path);  // 2021, Super fast and accurate!!
auto *detector = new lite::face::detect::YOLOv5BlazeFace(onnx_path);  // 2021, Super fast and accurate!!

案例6: 使用 DeepLabV3ResNet101 进行语义分割. 请从Model-Zoo2 下载模型文件。

#include "lite/lite.h"

static void test_default()
  std::string onnx_path = "../../../hub/onnx/cv/deeplabv3_resnet101_coco.onnx";
  std::string test_img_path = "../../../examples/lite/resources/test_lite_deeplabv3_resnet101.png";
  std::string save_img_path = "../../../logs/test_lite_deeplabv3_resnet101.jpg";

  auto *deeplabv3_resnet101 = new lite::cv::segmentation::DeepLabV3ResNet101(onnx_path, 16); // 16 threads

  lite::types::SegmentContent content;
  cv::Mat img_bgr = cv::imread(test_img_path);
  deeplabv3_resnet101->detect(img_bgr, content);

  if (content.flag)
    cv::Mat out_img;
    cv::addWeighted(img_bgr, 0.2, content.color_mat, 0.8, 0., out_img);
    cv::imwrite(save_img_path, out_img);
    if (!content.names_map.empty())
      for (auto it = content.names_map.begin(); it != content.names_map.end(); ++it)
        std::cout << it->first << " Name: " << it->second << std::endl;
  delete deeplabv3_resnet101;



auto *segment = new lite::cv::segmentation::FCNResNet101(onnx_path);
auto *segment = new lite::cv::segmentation::DeepLabV3ResNet101(onnx_path);

案例7: 使用 SSRNet 进行年龄估计. 请从Model-Zoo2 下载模型文件。

#include "lite/lite.h"

static void test_default()
  std::string onnx_path = "../../../hub/onnx/cv/ssrnet.onnx";
  std::string test_img_path = "../../../examples/lite/resources/test_lite_ssrnet.jpg";
  std::string save_img_path = "../../../logs/test_lite_ssrnet.jpg";

  auto *ssrnet = new lite::cv::face::attr::SSRNet(onnx_path);

  lite::types::Age age;
  cv::Mat img_bgr = cv::imread(test_img_path);
  ssrnet->detect(img_bgr, age);
  lite::utils::draw_age_inplace(img_bgr, age);
  cv::imwrite(save_img_path, img_bgr);
  std::cout << "Default Version Done! Detected SSRNet Age: " << age.age << std::endl;

  delete ssrnet;



auto *attribute = new lite::cv::face::attr::AgeGoogleNet(onnx_path);  
auto *attribute = new lite::cv::face::attr::GenderGoogleNet(onnx_path); 
auto *attribute = new lite::cv::face::attr::EmotionFerPlus(onnx_path);
auto *attribute = new lite::cv::face::attr::VGG16Age(onnx_path);
auto *attribute = new lite::cv::face::attr::VGG16Gender(onnx_path);
auto *attribute = new lite::cv::face::attr::EfficientEmotion7(onnx_path); // 7 emotions, 15Mb only!
auto *attribute = new lite::cv::face::attr::EfficientEmotion8(onnx_path); // 8 emotions, 15Mb only!
auto *attribute = new lite::cv::face::attr::MobileEmotion7(onnx_path); // 7 emotions, 13Mb only!
auto *attribute = new lite::cv::face::attr::ReXNetEmotion7(onnx_path); // 7 emotions
auto *attribute = new lite::cv::face::attr::SSRNet(onnx_path); // age estimation, 190kb only!!!

案例8: 使用 DenseNet 进行图片1000分类. 请从Model-Zoo2 下载模型文件。

#include "lite/lite.h"

static void test_default()
  std::string onnx_path = "../../../hub/onnx/cv/densenet121.onnx";
  std::string test_img_path = "../../../examples/lite/resources/test_lite_densenet.jpg";

  auto *densenet = new lite::cv::classification::DenseNet(onnx_path);

  lite::types::ImageNetContent content;
  cv::Mat img_bgr = cv::imread(test_img_path);
  densenet->detect(img_bgr, content);
  if (content.flag)
    const unsigned int top_k = content.scores.size();
    if (top_k > 0)
      for (unsigned int i = 0; i < top_k; ++i)
        std::cout << i + 1
                  << ": " <<
                  << ": " <<
                  << ": " <<
                  << std::endl;
  delete densenet;



auto *classifier = new lite::cv::classification::EfficientNetLite4(onnx_path);  
auto *classifier = new lite::cv::classification::ShuffleNetV2(onnx_path); // 8.7Mb only!
auto *classifier = new lite::cv::classification::GhostNet(onnx_path);
auto *classifier = new lite::cv::classification::HdrDNet(onnx_path);
auto *classifier = new lite::cv::classification::IBNNet(onnx_path);
auto *classifier = new lite::cv::classification::MobileNetV2(onnx_path); // 13Mb only!
auto *classifier = new lite::cv::classification::ResNet(onnx_path); 
auto *classifier = new lite::cv::classification::ResNeXt(onnx_path);

案例9: 使用 FSANet 进行头部姿态识别. 请从Model-Zoo2 下载模型文件。

#include "lite/lite.h"

static void test_default()
  std::string onnx_path = "../../../hub/onnx/cv/fsanet-var.onnx";
  std::string test_img_path = "../../../examples/lite/resources/test_lite_fsanet.jpg";
  std::string save_img_path = "../../../logs/test_lite_fsanet.jpg";

  auto *fsanet = new lite::cv::face::pose::FSANet(onnx_path);
  cv::Mat img_bgr = cv::imread(test_img_path);
  lite::types::EulerAngles euler_angles;
  fsanet->detect(img_bgr, euler_angles);
  if (euler_angles.flag)
    lite::utils::draw_axis_inplace(img_bgr, euler_angles);
    cv::imwrite(save_img_path, img_bgr);
    std::cout << "yaw:" << euler_angles.yaw << " pitch:" << euler_angles.pitch << " row:" << euler_angles.roll << std::endl;
  delete fsanet;



auto *pose = new lite::cv::face::pose::FSANet(onnx_path); // 1.2Mb only!

案例10: 使用 FastStyleTransfer 进行风格迁移. 请从Model-Zoo2 下载模型文件。

#include "lite/lite.h"

static void test_default()
  std::string onnx_path = "../../../hub/onnx/cv/style-candy-8.onnx";
  std::string test_img_path = "../../../examples/lite/resources/test_lite_fast_style_transfer.jpg";
  std::string save_img_path = "../../../logs/test_lite_fast_style_transfer_candy.jpg";
  auto *fast_style_transfer = new lite::cv::style::FastStyleTransfer(onnx_path);
  lite::types::StyleContent style_content;
  cv::Mat img_bgr = cv::imread(test_img_path);
  fast_style_transfer->detect(img_bgr, style_content);

  if (style_content.flag) cv::imwrite(save_img_path, style_content.mat);
  delete fast_style_transfer;



auto *transfer = new lite::cv::style::FastStyleTransfer(onnx_path); // 6.4Mb only

案例11: 使用 HeadSeg 进行人像头部分割. 请从Model-Zoo2 下载模型文件。

#include "lite/lite.h"

static void test_default()
  std::string onnx_path = "../../../hub/onnx/cv/minivision_head_seg.onnx";
  std::string test_img_path = "../../../examples/lite/resources/test_lite_head_seg.png";
  std::string save_img_path = "../../../logs/test_lite_head_seg.jpg";

  auto *head_seg = new lite::cv::segmentation::HeadSeg(onnx_path, 4); // 4 threads

  lite::types::HeadSegContent content;
  cv::Mat img_bgr = cv::imread(test_img_path);
  head_seg->detect(img_bgr, content);
  if (content.flag) cv::imwrite(save_img_path, content.mask * 255.f);

  delete head_seg;



auto *segment = new lite::cv::segmentation::HeadSeg(onnx_path); // 31Mb
auto *segment = new lite::cv::segmentation::FastPortraitSeg(onnx_path); // <= 400Kb !!!
auto *segment = new lite::cv::segmentation::PortraitSegSINet(onnx_path); // <= 380Kb !!!
auto *segment = new lite::cv::segmentation::PortraitSegExtremeC3Net(onnx_path); // <= 180Kb !!! Extreme Tiny !!!
auto *segment = new lite::cv::segmentation::FaceHairSeg(onnx_path); // 18M
auto *segment = new lite::cv::segmentation::HairSeg(onnx_path); // 18M
auto *segment = new lite::cv::segmentation::MobileHairSeg(onnx_path); // 14M

Example12: 使用 Photo2Cartoon 进行人像卡通风格化。请从Model-Zoo2 下载模型文件。

#include "lite/lite.h"

static void test_default()
  std::string head_seg_onnx_path = "../../../hub/onnx/cv/minivision_head_seg.onnx";
  std::string cartoon_onnx_path = "../../../hub/onnx/cv/minivision_female_photo2cartoon.onnx";
  std::string test_img_path = "../../../examples/lite/resources/test_lite_female_photo2cartoon.jpg";
  std::string save_mask_path = "../../../logs/test_lite_female_photo2cartoon_seg.jpg";
  std::string save_cartoon_path = "../../../logs/test_lite_female_photo2cartoon_cartoon.jpg";

  auto *head_seg = new lite::cv::segmentation::HeadSeg(head_seg_onnx_path, 4); // 4 threads
  auto *female_photo2cartoon = new lite::cv::style::FemalePhoto2Cartoon(cartoon_onnx_path, 4); // 4 threads

  lite::types::HeadSegContent head_seg_content;
  cv::Mat img_bgr = cv::imread(test_img_path);
  head_seg->detect(img_bgr, head_seg_content);

  if (head_seg_content.flag && !head_seg_content.mask.empty())
    cv::imwrite(save_mask_path, head_seg_content.mask * 255.f);
    // Female Photo2Cartoon Style Transfer
    lite::types::FemalePhoto2CartoonContent female_cartoon_content;
    female_photo2cartoon->detect(img_bgr, head_seg_content.mask, female_cartoon_content);
    if (female_cartoon_content.flag && !female_cartoon_content.cartoon.empty())
      cv::imwrite(save_cartoon_path, female_cartoon_content.cartoon);

  delete head_seg;
  delete female_photo2cartoon;



auto *transfer = new lite::cv::style::FemalePhoto2Cartoon(onnx_path);

7. 开源协议

Lite.Ai.ToolKit 的代码采用GPL-3.0协议。

8. 引用参考



9. 编译选项

未来会增加一些模型的MNNNCNNTNN 支持,但由于算子兼容等原因,也无法确保所有被ONNXRuntime C++ 支持的模型能够在MNNNCNNTNN 下跑通。所以,如果您想使用本项目支持的所有模型,并且不在意1~2ms的性能差距的话,请使用ONNXRuntime版本的实现。ONNXRuntime 是本仓库默认的推理引擎。但是如果你确实希望编译支持MNNNCNNTNN 支持的Lite.Ai.ToolKit动态库,你可以按照以下的步骤进行设置。

cd build && cmake \
  -DINCLUDE_OPENCV=ON \   # 是否打包OpenCV进,默认ON;否则,你需要单独设置OpenCV
  -DENABLE_MNN=ON \       # 是否编译MNN版本的模型, 默认OFF,目前只支持部分模型
  -DENABLE_NCNN=OFF \     # 是否编译NCNN版本的模型,默认OFF,目前只支持部分模型
  -DENABLE_TNN=OFF \      # 是否编译TNN版本的模型, 默认OFF,目前只支持部分模型
  .. && make -j8
  • 使用MNN、NCNN或TNN版本的接口,详见案例demo ,比如
auto *nanodet = new lite::mnn::cv::detection::NanoDet(mnn_path);
auto *nanodet = new lite::tnn::cv::detection::NanoDet(proto_path, model_path);
auto *nanodet = new lite::ncnn::cv::detection::NanoDet(param_path, bin_path);

10. 如何添加您的模型

如何添加您自己的模型以及成为贡献者?具体步骤请参考 .

11. 感谢 !! 🤗🤗
