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File metadata and controls

318 lines (208 loc) · 9.71 KB


QuestDB is a disk-persisted lightweight embedded edn-based nosql database made for clojure.

WARNING: This is intended for teaching/learning/toying with Clojure, although we also use for non-critical part of applications.

In production, we use this library usually when we need a temporary
structured storage before actually store in central DB. Or simply use it as a more intelligent storage than a simple file system.


Put this in your leiningen project.clj :dependencies vector

Clojars Project
Clojars Project alt tag CircleCI

Concept & Rationale

Learning a new language sometimes requires a way to be able to do 'real-world' stuffs easily, especially to make the language more playful for beginners without having to do some setups. QuestDB intends to serve the needs for beginners requiring a simple nosql database that can be embedded directly into the project without any installation required, but provides good enough standard CRUDs and basic querying ability (view in couches' terms).


Create database

Before we can add anything to the database, obviously first thing we need to do is to create the db so it starts living in our app.

;; in REPL

(use 'questdb.core)

;; in ns form 

(:require [questdb.core :refer :all])

;; Example of complete version of ns form

(ns ourapp.core
  (:require [questdb.core :as qc]))
;; Notes for clojure beginners, when you alias a namespace like this  
;; then you need to call every function in this ns as qc/[function-name]
;; for example (qc/create! ...)

questdb.core> (def db "hellodb") 
=> #<Var@74c806dc: "hellodb">
questdb.core> (create! db) 
=> {:status true, :message "hellodb has been created!"} 
questdb.core> (db-exists? db) 
=> true

Add doc/docs

Let's put some data to the db. We can use put-doc! for one doc or put-docs! for multiple docs.

The doc in questdb is a simple valid clojure map.

put-doc! receives two arguments, dbname & a map (in which data resided)

put-docs! receives 2 arguments, dbname & a vector of data maps.

questdb.core> (put-doc! db {:name "Sam Seaborn" :age 35 :type :person}) 
=> {:uuid "aa5057ee-a91c-4529-bed0-1446836c073d", :age 35,
    :name "Sam Seaborn", :type :person}

questdb.core> (put-docs! db (for [i (range 1 5)] 
	      		    	 {:i i :sqr (* i i) :type :number} 
=> ("7bd756a6-d2d8-46db-a88f-50f66a65be12"

Get doc/docs

To retrieve data, use get-doc for one doc or get-docs for multiple docs.

get-doc must be called with 2 arguments, dbname and uuid string of the doc.

get-docs however can be called with one argument dbname and returns all docs in db.

When calling get-docs with two arguments, the second argument is a list/vector of uuids intended to be retrieved.

questdb.core> (get-docs db)
=> ({:uuid "aa5057ee-a91c-4529-bed0-1446836c073d",
     :age 35,
     :name "Sam Seaborn",
     :type :person}
 {:uuid "7bd756a6-d2d8-46db-a88f-50f66a65be12",
  :i 1,
  :sqr 1,
  :type :number}
 {:uuid "7ad9d7b8-aad2-4471-9a6e-4b2b90a667a1",
  :i 2,
  :sqr 4,
  :type :number}
 {:uuid "fcf01920-db3b-4e45-972f-3acd053c11c2",
  :i 3,
  :sqr 9,
  :type :number}
 {:uuid "c3af924e-406f-4d48-9b66-3c99eb665349",
  :i 4,
  :sqr 16,
  :type :number})

questdb.core> (get-doc db "c3af924e-406f-4d48-9b66-3c99eb665349",)
=> {:uuid "c3af924e-406f-4d48-9b66-3c99eb665349", :i 4, :sqr 16, :type :number}

questdb.core> (get-docs db ["fcf01920-db3b-4e45-972f-3acd053c11c2"

=> ({:uuid "fcf01920-db3b-4e45-972f-3acd053c11c2", :i 3, :sqr 9, :type :number}
{:uuid "c3af924e-406f-4d48-9b66-3c99eb665349", :i 4, :sqr 16, :type :number})

'Querying' data

QuestDB provides a simple querying based on matching key-value pair.

Use (find-doc dbname kv-map) to retrieve one arbitrary doc that match the kv-pair.

Or use (find-docs dbname kv-map) to retrieve all docs that match the kv-map.

questdb.core> (find-doc db {:i 2})
=> {:uuid "7ad9d7b8-aad2-4471-9a6e-4b2b90a667a1", :i 2, :sqr 4, :type :number} 

questdb.core> (find-doc db {:type :number}) 
=> {:uuid "7ad9d7b8-aad2-4471-9a6e-4b2b90a667a1", :i 2, :sqr 4, :type :number}

questdb.core> (find-docs db {:type :number}) 
=> ({:uuid "7ad9d7b8-aad2-4471-9a6e-4b2b90a667a1", :i 2, :sqr 4, :type :number}
{:uuid "fcf01920-db3b-4e45-972f-3acd053c11c2", :i 3, :sqr 9, :type :number} 
{:uuid "7bd756a6-d2d8-46db-a88f-50f66a65be12", :i 1, :sqr 1, :type :number} 
{:uuid "c3af924e-406f-4d48-9b66-3c99eb665349", :i 4, :sqr 16, :type :number})

Notice the difference between calling find-doc and find-docs even
if we use the same 'query'.

find-doc and find-docs can also be called with a simple boolean :and :or

;; To better show these capabilities let's add some more data

questdb.core> (put-docs! db (for [i (range 1 11)] 
				{:number i 
				 :even? (even? i) 
	 			 :multiple-of-3 (zero? (rem i 3))}))

;; In your REPL, you will see the list of uuids for the newly added docs
;; To see the uuids for all docs you can use (uuids dbname)

;; Let's start querying these data

questdb.core> (find-docs db {:or {:even? true :multiple-of-3 true}})
=> ({:uuid "2cbea7fc-549d-431d-bf66-51a02cf17ad8", :number 2, :even? true, 
:multiple-of-3 false} 
{:uuid "5ded07d0-2589-41b0-b49b-04f9b85491fc", :number 8, :even? true,
:multiple-of-3 false} 
{:uuid "1fd98c14-2741-4506-b8d5-71dbb8d8d0de", :number 3, :even? false, 
:multiple-of-3 true} 
{:uuid "841d174a-1a81-4238-ba83-de32097eed40", :number 4, :even? true,
:multiple-of-3 false} 
{:uuid "4a8addd8-da1e-47b4-861e-c1508e60d546", :number 9, :even? false, 
:multiple-of-3 true} 
{:uuid "c10d6f43-6c6b-4952-b7b9-fad72bde25c5", :number 10, :even? true,
:multiple-of-3 false} 
{:uuid "7ba32673-f01f-4242-b87b-84d1870aa7cb", :number 6, :even? true, 
:multiple-of-3 true})

;; Let's call it again without the :or 'operator'

questdb.core> (find-docs db {:even? true :multiple-of-3 true}) 
=> ({:uuid "7ba32673-f01f-4242-b87b-84d1870aa7cb", :number 6, :even? true,
:multiple-of-3 true})

;; As you can see here, without :or the query by-default using :and

;; You can also add option 'false' as third argument if you just need   
the uuids not the whole data of the docs

questdb.core> (find-docs db {:or {:even? true :multiple-of-3 true}} false) 
=> #{"2cbea7fc-549d-431d-bf66-51a02cf17ad8"

;; Notice it returns a set instead of a list

Updating doc/docs

To update the document, you simply use put-doc! or put-docs! in almost similar manner as when you're adding doc/docs. The significant difference here is that you need to supply the :uuid of the doc/docs.

However, if you supply data with :uuid key, but the key does not exist in db, then it will add the doc with uuid supplied by the system and replacing the uuid you supply in the document.

questdb.core> (put-doc! db (merge (find-doc db {:number 2}) {:sqr 4}) 
=> {:sqr 4, :uuid "2cbea7fc-549d-431d-bf66-51a02cf17ad8",
    :number 2, :even? true, :multiple-of-3 false}

;; Here we use the :uuid from above doc, but change the :number value to 23
;; The result as you can see is the old-doc merged with the newly supplied data.

questdb.core> (put-doc! db {:number 23 :uuid "2cbea7fc-549d-431d-bf66-51a02cf17ad8"})
=> {:sqr 4, :uuid "2cbea7fc-549d-431d-bf66-51a02cf17ad8", :number 23,
    :even? true, :multiple-of-3 false}

Delete doc/docs

To delete doc/docs, we use del-doc!! and del-docs!!, notice that we use 2 '!'s. All 'add' and 'update' functions use one '!' whereas deletion and destroy use 2 '!'s.

Beside deleting the doc/docs both deletion functions also delete the entry in
indexing files.

questdb.core> (del-doc!! db "2cbea7fc-549d-431d-bf66-51a02cf17ad8")
=> true

questdb.core> (get-doc db "2cbea7fc-549d-431d-bf66-51a02cf17ad8") 
=> nil

;; We can also use the data map as long as we supply the :uuid for that doc.

questdb.core> (def datum (get-doc db "7ba32673-f01f-4242-b87b-84d1870aa7cb")) 
=> #<Var@59a1d3ff: 
{:uuid "7ba32673-f01f-4242-b87b-84d1870aa7cb", :number 6, :even? true,
:multiple-of-3 true}>

questdb.core> datum 
=> {:uuid "7ba32673-f01f-4242-b87b-84d1870aa7cb", :number 6, :even? true,
:multiple-of-3 true} 

questdb.core> (del-doc!! db datum) 
=> true

questdb.core> (get-doc db "7ba32673-f01f-4242-b87b-84d1870aa7cb") 
=> nil

Destroying the database

Finally kill the database. You can create as many databases in an application as long as they have different names.

questdb.core> (destroy!! db)
=> true 



Refer to the codox-style docs in the doc directory for further documentation of public vars/functions


QuestDB automatically indexes data according to its key-value pair. It supposes
to make querying process faster. The indexing process happens incrementally
each time there's update to the database. Since we assume this db used for
small sets of data, then we assume performance-wise it's an acceptable behaviour.


Sabda PS (squest)


Copyright © 2014 PT Zenius Education

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License version 1.0.