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605 lines (449 loc) · 18.9 KB

Mobile Angular Ui Changelog

v. 1.2.0-beta.10

Fri Dec 19 2014

ui-if/ui-hide/ui-show/ui-class does not evaluate with scope by default anymore. You should use ui-scope-context to inject scope vars into condition context.

v. 1.2.0-beta.9

  • Fix #183 (padding not removed when sidebar-header/footer are removed)

Fri Dec 19 2014

v. 1.2.0-beta.8

Fri Dec 19 2014

Drag Fixes and Demo improvements:

  • Transform now works in FF (broken due to bad property name)
  • Added translate(0,0) workaround to [drag-to-dismiss] in demo to make it work in Android and mobile chrome
  • Drag prevent propagation of move so it works while nested in ng-swipe
  • Demo uses modals with ng-include

v. 1.2.0-beta.7

Fri Dec 19 2014

  • fix #177
  • ui-* now fires after ng-click

v. 1.2.0-beta.6

Thu Dec 18 2014

  • Added ng-swipe-left/ng-swipe-right directives
  • Improved tests for SharedState
  • Scaffolded specs for ui-switch

v. 1.2.0-beta.4 - v. 1.2.0-beta.5

Thu Dec 16 2014

  • Fixes $drag causing exception or warning due to misused insertRule
  • Doc comments in drag.js now reflects $drag actual interface

v. 1.2.0-beta.3

Thu Dec 16 2014

  • Fixes #179: causing exception on focus inputs inside scrollables, now Angular soft keyboard workaround will work again
  • Added tests with Protractor

v. 1.2.0-beta.2

Wed Nov 28 2014

Migrating to Mobile Angular UI 1.2

All of the functionalities are now separed in 3 modules: core, components and gestures.

Core UI functionalities

Core UI Functionalities are those any HTML UI built on Angular could use. They are not Mobile-specific nor depending on anything else that Angular itself, and you could use them with any css framework.


They are the same that 1.1 beside to be prefixed with ui- so use: ui-yield-to and ui-content-for.

Toggle/Toggleable to SharedState and ui-*

Toggle has been rewritten from scratch for 1.2. In place of that there is a new service with it's own isolated context.

It is called SharedState. It will act as a BUS between UI elements to share UI related state that is automatically disposed when all scopes requiring it are destroyed.


SharedState.initialize(requiringScope, 'myId');

Using SharedState directives is very close to attach an ng-init in root element and interact through expression and ng-click, but it has handy features to avoid polluting controllers/scopes with ui-related stuffs.

SharedState methods are exposed through ui- directives. So you should never use it directly in your controller, and you can spare them to hold application logic.

Example: Tabs

<div class="tabs" ui-state="activeTab">

  <ul class="nav nav-tabs">
    <li ui-class="{'active': activeTab == 1)}">
      <a ui-set="{'activeTab': 1}">Tab 1</a>
    <li ui-class="{'active': activeTab == 2)}">
      <a ui-set="{'activeTab': 2}">Tab 2</a>
    <li ui-class="{'active': activeTab == 3)}">
      <a ui-set="{'activeTab': 3}">Tab 3</a>

  <div ui-if="activeTab == 1">
    Tab 1

  <div ui-if="activeTab == 2">
    Tab 2

  <div ui-if="activeTab == 3">
    Tab 3


NOTE: ui-toggle/set/turnOn/turnOff responds to click/tap without stopping propagation so you can use them along with ng-click too. You can also change events to respond to with ui-triggers attribute.

Any SharedState method is exposed through Ui object in $rootScope. So you could always do ng-click="Ui.turnOn('myVar')".

Since SharedState is a service you can initialize/set statuses through controllers too:

app.controller('myController', function($scope, SharedState){
  SharedState.initialize($scope, "activeTab", 3);

As well as you can use ui-default for that:

<div class="tabs" ui-state="activeTab" ui-default="thisIsAnExpression(5 + 1 - 2)"></div>

Outer Clicks

ui-outer-click and ui-outer-click-if are directives that allow to specifiy a behaviour when click/tap events happen outside an element. This can be easily used to implement eg. close on outer click feature for a dropdown.

  <div class="btn-group pull-right">
    <a ui-turn-on='myDropdown' class='btn'>
      <i class="fa fa-ellipsis-v"></i>

      <li><a>Another action</a></li>
      <li><a>Something else here</a></li>
      <li class="divider"></li>
      <li><a>Separated link</a></li>

New Experimental Features


A drop in replacement for ngTouch's $swipe. It is free from other ngTouch features that does not play or duplicates fastclicks behaviour.


$drag Service wraps $swipe to extend its behavior moving target element through css transform according to the $swipe coords thus creating a drag effect.

$drag interface is very close to $swipe:

app.controller('MyController', function($drag, $element){
  var unbindDrag = $drag.bind($element, {
   // drag callbacks
   // - rect is the current result of getBoundingClientRect() for bound element
   // - cancelFn issue a "touchcancel" on element
   // - resetFn restore the initial transform
   // - undoFn undoes the current movement
   // - swipeCoords are the coordinates exposed by the underlying $swipe service
   start: function(rect, cancelFn, resetFn, swipeCoords){},
   move: function(rect, cancelFn, resetFn, swipeCoords){},
   end: function(rect, undoFn, resetFn, swipeCoords) {};
   cancel: function(rect, resetFn){},

   // constraints for the movement
   // you can use a "static" object of the form:
   // {top: .., lelf: .., bottom: .., rigth: ..}
   // or pass a function that is called on each movement 
   // and return it in a dynamic way.
   // This is useful if you have to constraint drag movement while bounduaries are
   // changing over time.

   constraint: function(){ return {top: y1, left: x1, bottom: y2, right: x2}; }, // or just {top: y1, left: x1, bottom: y2, right: x2}

   // instantiates the Trasform according to touch movement (defaults to `t.translate(dx, dy);`)
   // dx, dy are the distances of movement for x and y axis after constraints are applyied
   transform: function(transform, dx, dy, currSwipeX, currSwipeY, startSwipeX, startSwipeY) {},

   // changes the Transform before is applied to element (useful to add something like easing or accelleration)
   adaptTransform: function(transform, dx, dy, currSwipeX, currSwipeY, startSwipeX, startSwipeY) {}

  // This is automatically called when element is disposed so it is not necessary
  // that you call this manually but if you have to detatch $drag service before
  // this you could just call:

Main differences with $swipe are:

  • bound elements will move following swipe direction automatically
  • coords param take into account css transform so you can easily detect collision with other elements.
  • start, move, end callback receive a cancel funcion that can be used to cancel the motion and reset the transform.
  • you can configure the transform behavior passing a transform function to options.
  • you can constraint the motion through the constraint option (setting relative movement limits)

Example 1. Drag to dismiss

app.directive('dragToDismiss', function($drag, $parse, $timeout){
  return {
    restrict: 'A',
    compile: function(elem, attrs) {
      var dismissFn = $parse(attrs.dragToDismiss);
      return function(scope, elem, attrs){
        var dismiss = false;

        $drag.bind(elem, {
          constraint: {
            minX: 0, 
            minY: 0, 
            maxY: 0 
          move: function(c) {
            if( c.left >= c.width / 4) {
              dismiss = true;
            } else {
              dismiss = false;
          cancel: function(){
          end: function(c, undo, reset) {
            if (dismiss) {
              $timeout(function() { 
                scope.$apply(function() {
              }, 400);
            } else {

Example 2. Touch enabled "deck of cards" carousel directive

app.directive('carousel', function(){
  return {
    restrict: 'C',
    scope: {},
    controller: function($scope) {
      this.itemCount = 0;
      this.activeItem = null;

      this.addItem = function(){
        var newId = this.itemCount++;
        this.activeItem = this.itemCount == 1 ? newId : this.activeItem;
        return newId;
      }; = function(){
        this.activeItem = this.activeItem || 0;
        this.activeItem = this.activeItem == this.itemCount - 1 ? 0 : this.activeItem + 1;

      this.prev = function(){
        this.activeItem = this.activeItem || 0;
        this.activeItem = this.activeItem === 0 ? this.itemCount - 1 : this.activeItem - 1;

app.directive('carouselItem', function($drag) {
  return {
    restrict: 'C',
    require: '^carousel',
    scope: {},
    transclude: true,
    template: '<div class="item"><div ng-transclude></div></div>',
    link: function(scope, elem, attrs, carousel) {
      scope.carousel = carousel;
      var id = carousel.addItem();
      var zIndex = function(){
        var res = 0;
        if (id == carousel.activeItem){
          res = 2000;
        } else if (carousel.activeItem < id) {
          res = 2000 - (id - carousel.activeItem);
        } else {
          res = 2000 - (carousel.itemCount - 1 - carousel.activeItem + id);
        return res;

        return carousel.activeItem;
      }, function(n, o){

      $drag.bind(elem, {
        constraint: { minY: 0, maxY: 0 },
        adaptTransform: function(t, dx, dy, x, y, x0, y0) {
          var maxAngle = 15;
          var velocity = 0.02;
          var r = t.getRotation();
          var newRot = r + Math.round(dx * velocity);
          newRot = Math.min(newRot, maxAngle);
          newRot = Math.max(newRot, -maxAngle);
        move: function(c){
          if(c.left >= c.width / 4 || c.left <= -(c.width / 4)) {
          } else {
        cancel: function(){
        end: function(c, undo, reset) {
          if(c.left >= c.width / 4) {
            scope.$apply(function() {
          } else if (c.left <= -(c.width / 4)) {
            scope.$apply(function() {


Transform is the underlying service used by $drag to deal with css trasform matrix in a simpler and vendor-angnostic way.

<div id="myElem" style="transform: translateX: 20px;"></div>
var e = document.getElementById('myElem');
var t0 = Transform.fromElement(e);

// -> 20;


// Set t0 to element ignoring previous transform.

var t1 = new Transform();

t1.translate(12, 40);

// merges t1 with current trasformation matrix of element.

UI Components

General Considerations

Since 1.2 I've tried to retain bootstrap existing components look and feel as much as possible for two reason:

  1. People would expect to already know them and how customize their appearence through css.
  2. Mobile Angular UI dependance on bootstrap is more loose so it does not need to be updated each time BS3 changes.

As a consequence i've reduced special styles for panels/forms/modals to the bare minimum.


Pretty much the same. They plays well with ng-if now.


.scrollable component is backward compatible but also has some major improvements too.

  1. .scrollable-header/.scrollable-footer can be used to add fixed header/footer to a scrollable area without having to deal with css height and positioning to avoid breaking scroll.
  2. .scrollable-content controller now expose a scrollTo function.
  3. It plays nice with android keyboard and forms.
  4. You can use ui-scroll-bottom/ui-scroll-top directives handle that events and implement features like infinite scroll.
<div class="scrollable">
  <div class="scrollable-content section" ui-scroll-bottom="loadMore()">
      <li ng-repeat="item in items">

Modals and Overlay

Modal dialogs has been reintroduced from Bootstrap, overlays are now just modals styled different.

<div content-for="modals">
  <!-- A plain modal dialog -->
  <div class="modal" ui-if='modal1' ui-state='modal1'>
    <div class="modal-dialog">
      <div class="modal-content">
        <div class="modal-header">
          <button class="close" 
          <h4 class="modal-title">Modal title</h4>
        <div class="modal-body">
        <div class="modal-footer">
          <button ui-turn-off="modal1" class="btn btn-default">Close</button>
          <button ui-turn-off="modal1" ng-click="doSomething()" class="btn btn-primary">Save changes</button>

  <!-- A blurred overlay dialog -->
    <div class="modal modal-overlay" ui-if='modal2' ui-state='modal2'>
      <div class="modal-dialog">
        <div class="modal-content">
          <div class="modal-header">
            <button class="close"
            <h4 class="modal-title">Modal title</h4>
          <div class="modal-body">
          <div class="modal-footer">
            <button ui-turn-off="modal2" class="btn btn-default">Close</button>
            <button ui-turn-off="modal2" ng-click="doSomething()" class="btn btn-primary">Save changes</button>


Basically the same, but now they rely on SharedState and bindOuterClick to activate/inactivate them.

Syntax is basically the same:

<div class="sidebar sidebar-left">
  <!-- ... -->

Also you can now track sidebars status in url specifing uiTrackAsSearchParam attribute. This way you can manage to close a sidebar on back button too. It is optional cause it has a big caveat: you should not use query string part to update your view automatically. It is safe for many apps but not for all, so its optional.

To use this feature:

  1. enable it in sidebar setting uiTrackAsSearchParam to true:
<div class="sidebar sidebar-left" ui-track-as-search-param="true">
  <!-- ... -->
  1. Specify reloadOnSearch: false on your routes:
app.config(function($routeProvider) {
  $routeProvider.when('/',          {templateUrl: 'home.html', reloadOnSearch: false});
  $routeProvider.when('/scroll',    {templateUrl: 'scroll.html', reloadOnSearch: false}); 
  $routeProvider.when('/toggle',    {templateUrl: 'toggle.html', reloadOnSearch: false}); 
  $routeProvider.when('/tabs',      {templateUrl: 'tabs.html', reloadOnSearch: false}); 
  $routeProvider.when('/accordion', {templateUrl: 'accordion.html', reloadOnSearch: false}); 
  $routeProvider.when('/overlay',   {templateUrl: 'overlay.html', reloadOnSearch: false}); 
  $routeProvider.when('/forms',     {templateUrl: 'forms.html', reloadOnSearch: false});
  $routeProvider.when('/dropdown',  {templateUrl: 'dropdown.html', reloadOnSearch: false});
  $routeProvider.when('/drag',      {templateUrl: 'drag.html', reloadOnSearch: false});
  $routeProvider.when('/carousel',  {templateUrl: 'carousel.html', reloadOnSearch: false});


Carousel implementations (with $swipe or $drag) has been moved in an external file/plugin and not included by default.


panels and forms has been discontinued completely. This is due to: panels has a trivial markup as they are in bootstrap. Forms on the contrary has a lot of functionalities so in my opinion .form-* directives need an external plugin to be implemented and mantained correctly.

v. 1.1.0-beta.22

Sun May 25 2014

  • Fix #60: contentFor directive not compiling already compiled content anymore. You can use directives in contentFor blocks.

  • Fix #64: switch directive: ngModel changes are now properly reflected in the parent scope and external changes to the linked ngModel are now handled by the directive through ngClass.

  • Dropped overthrow.toss.js

v. 1.1.0-beta.21

  • Fixes #53: Android devices bad rendering box model with %-based translate3d. Switched to fixed sidebars width and media-queries.

v. 1.1.0-beta.20

Sun May 11 12:54 2014

  • Drop angular.js dependencies
  • grunt/grunt connect now serves both from "." and "site/output" simplifying demo testing

v. 1.1.0-beta.19

Sat May 10 15:10 2014

  • Changed css distribution policy. Now base.css includes .sm grid and desktop.css includes .md+ grid. No other styles are distributed.

v. 1.1.0-beta.18

Fri May 9 19:21 2014

  • Changed bs-form-control directive to obtain a flexible behaviour with grids
  • Added responsive .sm+ grid style to desktop.css version (it won't affect containers, they stay always fluid).
  • Improved form style to look consitently both in horizontal and vertical layout
  • Switch now supports ng-change and ng-click (fixes #46)

v. 1.1.0-beta.17

Tue May 6 13:59 2014

  • Added this changelog :)
  • Updated to latest bootstrap (3.1.1) and angular.js (1.2.17)
  • Rewritten everything in vanilla js in the hope to have more people collaborating
  • Rewritten toggle/toggleable directives in a more Angular.js fashion
  • A lot of work to get rid of memory leaks
  • Restructured .less code to be more understandable and use bootstrap vars and mixins whenever possible (you can now customize almost everything through less vars)
  • Supporting different icons sets (added same style of .fa to .icon)
  • Dropped support to iScroll (sorry too much work to maintain even this)
  • Removed $swipe service from fastclick touch implementation (just use ngTouch for that)
  • Included everything else in the same distribution file
  • Renamed bsInput to bsFormControl
  • Sidebars closes by default on outer clicks (customizable). Fix #45.
  • Fixes bsFormControl label disappearing with jquery. Fix #42.