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Change for a Dollar Kata in Haskell Using Property-Based Test TDD

Change for a Dollar is just a fun name for the Coin Change Kata where you are given an amount and you must convert that into coins.

Up and Running

Install Haskell

Create file change.hs containing

module CoinChanger where

Fire up ghci and load your file (or run it with runhaskell)

% ghci
*CoinChanger> :load change


In Haskell we define our function name and types first

change :: Money -> [ Coin ]

Before TDD there was CDD (compiler driven development)

*CoinChanger> :load change

Compiler says, "You haven't implemented change!"

change :: Money -> [ Coin ]
change = []

Compiler asks:

  • What is Money?
  • What is Coin?
type Money = Int
type Coin = Int
change :: Money -> [ Coin ]
change = []

Complier says, "Your implementation doesn't match your signature"

change _ = []

First Test There and Back Again

The simplest property I can think of is the sum of change x will equal x

prop_ChangeRoundTrip m = forAll (choose (0,100)) m == sum (change m)

Compiler says, "You need parenthesis around each argument"

prop_ChangeRoundTrip m = forAll (choose (0,100)) $ m == sum (change m)

Compiler says, "The last parameter should be a function that takes a Money and returns a Testable"

prop_ChangeRoundTrip m = forAll (choose (0,100)) $ \m -> m == sum (change m)

Run That Test

import Test.QuickCheck
*CoinChanger> quickCheck prop_ChangeRoundTrip

Pass the Test

The simplest solution to passing this test is return the amount.

change :: Money -> [ Coin ]
change m = m : []

Test No Weird Coins

It looks like we need to add coins to the implementation and write another test.

coins :: [ Coin ]
coins = [25,10,5,1]
prop_ChangeContainsOnlyRealCoins m = forAll (choose (1,100)) $ \m -> all (\x -> elem x coins) $ change m


Making this pass is as simple as handing out pennies.

change :: Money -> [ Coin ]
change m = []
change m = 1 : change (m-1)

Running Multiple Tests

You're probably tired or running tests individually. I know I am!

Adding runTests fixes that.

runTests = $quickCheckAll

Compiler says, "$ is a part of TemplateHaskell, please let me know when you meta-program."

Adding the following to the top of the file will do the trick:

{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}

Compiler is still not happy, "quickCheckAll! Where can I find that?"

import Test.QuickCheck.All

But how do I run all my tests?

*CoinChanger> runTests

Lower Denomination Coins Will Total Less Than the Next Larger Coin.

prop_ChangeSameCoinsWillTotalLessThanNextLargerCoin = forAll (choose (0,100)) $ \m ->
  let _change = change m
  in all (\x -> (maxAllowedCoins coins x) >= (coinCount _change  x)) $ _change

TODO Continue from here (Ignore everything below)


change :: Money -> [ Coin ]
change 0 = []
change m = largestCoin m : change (m - largestCoin m)

Compiler says, "You need to implement largestCoin."

In TDD, we start with a test.

prop_LargestCoinPenny m = forAll (choose (1,4)) $ \m -> largestCoin m == 1

Compiler says, "You still haven't implemented largestCoin?"

largestCoin _ = 1

Compiler says, "I am still confused! What type is largestCoin?"

largestCoin :: Money -> Coin
largestCoin _ = 1

Are you feeling nickel and dimed, yet?

prop_LargestCoinNickel m = forAll (choose (5,9)) $ \m -> largestCoin m == 5
prop_LargestCoinDime   m = forAll (choose (10,24)) $ \m -> largestCoin m == 10

Enough hard coding, lets implementation it.

largestCoin :: Money -> Coin
largestCoin m = head dropWhile (>m) [25,10,5,1]

Compiler says, "Like Clojure, I need parenthesis around dropWhile and it's 2 args"

largestCoin m = head $ dropWhile (>m) [25,10,5,1]

Refactor for Clarity

coins :: [ Coin ]
coins = [25,10,5,1]

largestCoin m = head $ dropWhile (>m) coins

Lock Down Implementation

If someone adds a 50 cent coin to the end of coins, our code would break. We should add a property test for that.

prop_CoinsAreOrderLargestToSmallest = coins == (reverse $ sort coins)

Refactor Away Recursion

change' = unfoldr nextCoin
        nextCoin 0 = Nothing
        nextCoin m = Just (largestCoin m, m - largestCoin m)

Compiler says, "unfoldr? unfoldr?! Who has heard of unfoldr?!!"

import Data.List

Hmm... What if we got our refactor wrong? That is where QuickCheck shines.

prop_ChangeEqualsChangePrime m = forAll (choose (0,100)) $ \m -> change m == change' m

Good work! It is time for cookies and milk!