Considering that downloading from our server may be unstable in some regions other than China, we use google drive to share the data as an alternative option. The share link can be requested and is only valid within two weeks after you receive it. The data in the google drive share link is all the same as data on facescape website.
To request the share link, the following points should be noted:
For anyone who has applied and get the license key before, just send the request to [email protected]. Please use the Email that was used to apply the license key.
For anyone who didn't have a license key, you should firstly apply for it in, and mention the request of share link in the application mail.
The share link is only valid within two weeks after you receive it. Please do NOT distribute the share link to others.
The content in the google drive shared folder can be downloaded in command-line using tools like gdrive, which is a tiny multi-platform downloading tool. Gdrive executable for Linux or Windows can be obtained here.
Usage of gdrive:
gdrive download [fileID or folderID] --recursive
The [fileID] can be identified from the share link, like:[fileID]/view?usp=sharing
The [folderID] can be identified from the share link, like:[folderID]?usp=sharing
The share link can be viewed by "right-click --> get share link" in google drive.
├─── Information (2 files, 16k)
├─── Parametric Model (3 files, 15.4G)
├─── TU-Model (9 files, 120G)
├─── Multi-View Data (36 files, 689G)
├─── License_Agreement.pdf
Please refer to our project page for detailed description.