Our top priority for the Terraform Language Server is to ensure that each widely used aspect of the Terraform language has the following IDE functionality
- Autocomplete
- Semantic token based syntax highlighting
- Hover
- Document linking
- Diagnostics
- Formatting
- Symbols
We will generally prioritize work in this direction over other enhancements until full coverage is achieved. Occasionally, we'll prioritize other high-impact work based on user feedback, and are happy to work with external contributors even when it doesn't work toward this product direction.
To see specific features and planned work, see the GitHub Project Board that we review and update weekly. This is our internal source of truth for planned engineering work, and is public in order to help users and contributors accurately understand status and project direction.
The product-development initiatives in this document reflect HashiCorp's current plans and are subject to change and/or cancellation at HashiCorp's sole discretion.