Hubitat Elevation device handler for Philips Wiz wi-fi color lights
Fix to make sure polling restarts properly after Hub reboot.
Support for the new 3 parameter setColorTemperature capability added in Hubitat firmware v2.2.6
Minor code cleanup
Performance and stability improvements.
Maker API can now optionally call setEffect with an effect name instead of a number. For example:
devices/<device number>/setEffect/Club
Support for dynamic assignment of IP addresses in large installations. Added setIPAddress, macAddress. and ipAddress for use with the Maker API.
setIPAddress allows an external system to set the bulb's IP address. Once set, the new address overrides the user-entered address, and will persist through reboots. This allows an external program to monitor the network for address reassignments and adjust bulb IP addresses on the Hubitat accordingly.
To use, send the setIPAddress command via Maker API in the following format:
devices/<device number>/setIPAddress/
The macAddress and ipAddress attributes are now available to as part of the bulb's device information, and can be used by external programs to aid in network management.
These features are enabled by default, but can be disabled from the device page UI.
Change to on/off/level message order to improve dimmer behavior
Fixed issues with Hubitat color bulb controller tile.
Change to dimmer behavior -- the dimmer now turns the light off when fully dim, and back on if the bulb is off and the dimmer is set above the minimum.
Enables the use of Wiz Lighting Effects in Hubitat Scenes. This is way nicer than it sounds -- the Scenes app does not currently support lighting effects, and some of the best looking colors on the Wiz bulb are only available as effects.
Now you can set them via the bulb's devices page or with the Wiz app, and capture them with the Scenes app on your hub in the normal way.
Technical note: I save effect information in a range of color temperatures that the bulb won't use but that the hub can read and store. So when you use effects in your scenes, the bulb's color temperature may display an unusual looking value when you view or edit scenes settings.
This is normal -- the CT value is 6000+the effect number -- and you can actually use this to manually change effects when you're editing scenes. To set effect #1, for example, you'd set the bulb to CT mode and enter the color temperature 6001.