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File metadata and controls

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ZWEIDENKER Flutter Workflows

Workflows used at ZWEIDENKER to build and deploy Flutter Apps.

Melos Quality Checks

    uses: zweidenker/flutter_workflows/.github/workflows/melos_quality_checks.yaml@v2
        setup: true
        lint: false
        test: true

Performs quality checks for repositories using melos


Name Type Description Default required
setup boolean Should run melos run setup true
lint boolean Should run melos run lint:all true
test boolean Should run melos run test:coverage:all true
runner string Github actions runner ubuntu-latest
lfs boolean Enable git lfs false

Build Android

    needs: quality
    uses: zweidenker/flutter_workflows/.github/workflows/build_android.yaml@v2
      appDirectory: packages/app
      buildApk: false
      buildBundle: true
      upload: ${{ github.ref_name == 'main' }}
      additionalBuildArguments: --dart-define=API_KEY=${{ secrets.API_KEY }}
      keyStore: ${{ secrets.ANDROID_KEYSTORE }}
      keyStorePassword: ${{ secrets.ANDROID_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD }}
      keyPassword: ${{ secrets.ANDROID_KEY_PASSWORD }}
      keyAlias: ${{ secrets.ANDROID_KEY_ALIAS }}
      googleApiKey: ${{ secrets.GOOGLE_API_KEY }}


In order to setup signing the app's build.gradle needs to contain the following blocks.


def keystoreProperties = new Properties()
def keystorePropertiesFile = rootProject.file('')
if (keystorePropertiesFile.exists()) {
  keystoreProperties.load(new FileInputStream(keystorePropertiesFile))

android {

  signingConfigs {
    release {
      keyAlias keystoreProperties['keyAlias']
      keyPassword keystoreProperties['keyPassword']
      storeFile file(keystoreProperties['storeFile'])
      storePassword keystoreProperties['storePassword']

Also in /path/to/app/android/fastlane/Fastfile there should be the following lane

  desc "Deploy App to Internal Google Play Track"
  lane :uploadApp do |options|
        aab: "../build/app/outputs/bundle/release/app-release.aab",
        json_key_data: ENV['GOOGLE_UPLOAD_KEY'],
        track: "internal"

⚠️ Note that GOOGLE_UPLOAD_KEY is accessed using ENV and not through options


Name Type Description Default required
appDirectory string Directory where the app is based on the repository root. eg packages/app *
buildApk boolean Should build an Apk true
buildBundle boolean Should build an App Bundle true
upload boolean Should upload the App to Google Play. Note this will also check if the current workflow does not run on a pull_request event false
archiveArtifacts boolean If the workflow should archive apks and aabs. This normally should only be needed for a first release build to upload manually to Google Play or for certain PRs false
runner string Github actions runner ubuntu-latest
lfs boolean Enable git lfs false
buildNumberOffset number An Offset used to generate the BuildNumber. This will result in the build number being the offset + the Run Number of Github. This is only required if there are already builds on the Play Store in order to have an increasing Build Number. 0


Name Description required
additionalBuildArguments Arguments that will be appended to the flutter build command. e.g --dart-define
keyStore Android Signing Key. Encoded as a base64 String *
keyStorePassword Keystore Password *
keyPassword Key Password *
keyAlias Key Alias *
googleApiKey Google Play Service Account json key used to upload. Information on how to optain this can be found here

Build iOS

    uses: zweidenker/flutter_workflows/.github/workflows/build_ios.yaml@v2
      appDirectory: packages/app
      fastlaneEnv: app
      upload: ${{ github.ref_name == 'main' }}
      additionalBuildArguments: --dart-define=API_KEY=${{ secrets.API_KEY }}
      matchPassword: ${{ secrets.MATCH_PASSWORD }}
      apiKey: ${{ secrets.IOS_API_KEY }}
      matchSSHKey: ${{ secrets.MATCH_GIT_PRIVATE_KEY }}


For the pipeline to work the following fastlane configurations must be met

There is a valid Matchfile under path/to/app/ios/fastlane/Matchfile

The following lanes are defined in path/to/app/ios/fastlane/Fastfile

  lane :certificates do |options|
    api_key_path = ENV['IOS_API_KEY']
      type: "appstore",
      readonly: true


  desc "build app"
  lane :buildApp do |options|
          export_options: "fastlane/export_options/app-store.plist",
          output_directory: 'build',

  desc "upload to testflight"
  lane :uploadApp do |options|
      ipa: "build/Runner.ipa",
      api_key_path: ENV['IOS_API_KEY'],
      app_identifier: ENV['APP_IDENTIFIER'],
      skip_waiting_for_build_processing: true

⚠️ Note that IOS_API_KEY is accessed using ENV and not through options

⚠️ Note that the certificates and buildApp lane contain calls to setup_ci() to ensure proper keychain management


Name Type Description Default required
appDirectory string Directory where the app is based on the repository root. eg packages/app *
matchHost string Host that is used for fastlane match repository. This is needed, as ZWEIDENKER currently host our match repository on bitbucket
fastlaneEnv string Fastlane Environment *
upload boolean Should upload the App to Testflight. Note this will also check if the current workflow does not run on a pull_request event false
runner string Github actions runner macos-latest
lfs boolean Enable git lfs false
buildNumberOffset number An Offset used to generate the BuildNumber. This will result in the build number being the offset + the Run Number of Github. This is only required if there are already builds on the App Store in order to have an increasing Build Number. 0
Name Description required
additionalBuildArguments Arguments that will be appended to the flutter build command. e.g --dart-define
matchPassword Fastlane Match Password *
apiKey Apple Api Key as a unencoded json. The format can be found here *
matchSSHKey Private SSH Key to access the match repository *