The code challenge is an important part of your interview process. Since there is a high demand for our class, it's one of the best tools we have in determining who has the ability to learn quickly and master concepts in a short amount of time and who does not.
The problems range from pretty easy to fairly difficult, and we don't necessarily expect you to get them all exactly correct. This is meant for us to gauge where you are at and your ability to tackle new projects, difficult tasks, and somewhat vague problems. It is very important that you attempt and try to complete all of the problems. The more you complete, even if they're not perfect, the more we'll know about you and your ability to learn in an intense environment.
Complete the coding challenge the best you can within one week. This will give us enough time to review your challenges and get a spot for you in the class.
There are three challenges. All code should be written in Swift and the solution should compile in Playgrounds without any warnings or errors. We are not strictly concerned with seeing a specific 'correct' answer. There are many ways to do all three challenges. Find one that works for you.
Do the following:
- Download an archive of this repository
- If you don't have Xcode, download it from the Mac App Store or from Apple's Developer Resources
- Open the Playground in the archive
- Complete the three coding challenges
- Submit them following the steps below
We use git and Github for all of our code distribution and collaboration during class. However, we do not expect our applicants to know about forks, cloning, or pull requests before starting the precourse work. Consequently, you will submit your application at our Dropbox File Request. We will be notified when you submit your challenge.
Mentors review submissions twice each week. If you have any questions about your application before you hear back, please contact [email protected].
Feel free to use the Swift Documentation, Google, or Stack Overflow as you complete your code challenge. Here are a few specific links that may be helpful:
- The Swift Programming Language: About Swift
- The Swift Programming Language: The Basics
- The Swift Programming Language: Basic Operators
- The Swift Programming Language: Strings and Characters
- The Swift Programming Language: Collection Types
- The Swift Programming Language: Control Flow
- The Swift Programming Language: Functions