Plugin that send out notification to assignee about the due date. Only if a due date is set. A notification is send even if the issue is overdue
User can chose in 'Account Settings' on which days notification should be sent. The days of the week must be written as numbers and divided using a comma (1,2,3)
- redmine 4.x and up
git clone git:// /your_redmine_root_directory/plugins/due_date_reminder
cd /your_redmine_root_directory/
bundle install
bundle exec rake redmine:plugins:migrate RAILS_ENV=production
cd /your_redmine_root_directory/
bundle exec rake redmine:reminder_plugin:send_notifications RAILS_ENV=production
Now the best solution is to use crontab to automate sending out notification. Learn more about cron at
This plugin is licensed under the MIT license. fork f0y