Inspector Gadget is a central API built upon FastAPI, PostGres, Celery/Redis to scale the retrieval of indicators of attack (IOA's) in a Cyber Security Operations Scale. It lets you submit a single request for an IOA, and retrieve information from multiple API endpoints for quick analyst investigation. It's built upon the power of ioclib
, and wrapped in a FastAPI endpoint for auditing and accounting.
Features Include:
- FastAPI and Celery for Asynchronous and distributed usage for scaling
- An Administrative Portal for tracking and auditing usage
- OAuth for verification and access
- Openapi.json for Swagger Docs built in
This started off as a simple experiment to automate some work, and play around more with FastAPI, PostGres, Celery and Redis - it's functional and accomplishes its task, but there's obviously more work that could go into it to improve it. It's also open source and free, so a great starting base for SOCs that are looking to develop automation internally.
The database uses two tables, the auth
table for detailing accounts, and the logging
table for tracking usage. Both need to be created by default. The schema's that are used to create them our outlined below:
id uuid PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4(),
username text NOT NULL UNIQUE,
password text NOT NULL,
created_date timestamptz NOT NULL DEFAULT NOW()
CREATE INDEX auth_username_index ON auth (username);
CREATE TABLE logging (
id uuid PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4(),
username text NOT NULL REFERENCES auth(username),
api text NOT NULL,
data_size integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
endpoint text NOT NULL,
parameters text NOT NULL,
user_agent text NOT NULL,
ip_address text NOT NULL,
query_date timestamptz NOT NULL DEFAULT NOW()
Once created you will need to specify the connection string in sql_app/
, specifically replacing the below variable with the correct details for your PostGresDB.
SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URL = "postgresql://postgres:password@localhost/gadgetapp"
You will need to create an initial account for usage, this account can be used to
INSERT INTO auth(username, password, account_active, account_admin)
The above hashed password can be generated using the following python code:
>>> from passlib.context import CryptContext
>>> pwd_context = CryptContext(schemes=['bcrypt'], deprecated='auto')
>>> pwd_context.hash('P@ssw0rd')
The API endpoint keys, and OAuth information are referenced in utils/
- it's heavily advised to store the Secret Keys in environment variables, and reference these from this folder.
To generate the random 32 byte hex key that's used as the OAuth Secret key, you can use the following linux command to generate something for use:
openssl rand -hex 32
Make sure that celery and redis are running, as it's required by IOCLib for the distributed and asynchronous calls to endpoints.
You can start the python component with the following command, it's highly recommended that this is proxied behind something like nginx.
gunicorn test:app --workers 4 --worker-class uvicorn.workers.UvicornWorker --bind --proxy-headers
The current endpoints are listed in the http://inspectorgadget.local/docs
- The swagger documentation will be displayed, which will show the endpoints that can be queried, and allow you to test them to see the kind of information that's returned.
Endpoint | Scope | Description |
/api/authenticate |
All | Generate a JWT token to authenticate further queries |
/api/status |
All | Indicates if logged in and status of site |
/api/me |
User | Similar to the status page |
/api/me/password |
User | Used for changing your own user password |
/api/me/usage |
User | Provides a usage report (by default the last month), for accounting queries. |
/api/admin/user |
Mon | Creates a new user account |
/api/admin/user/password |
Mon | Changes a users password |
/api/admin/user/status |
Mon | Enable or Disable a user |
/api/admin/logs |
Mon | Get information about all users, including last authentication IP Address, User Agent and mores |
/api/admin/log/{username} |
Mon | Get information about a user, including last authentication IP Address, User Agent and more |
/api/admin/reports |
Mon | Generate a usage report for all users |
/api/admin/report/{username} |
Mon | Generate a usage report for a provided user |
/api/indicator/ipv4/{ipv4} |
Tasks | Provided an IPv4 address, it'll return information about it from other API endpoints |
/api/indicator/domain/{domain} |
Tasks | Provided a domain , it'll return information about it from other API endpoints |
/api/indicator/hash/{sha256} |
Tasks | Provided a SHA256 hash, it'll return information about it from other API endpoints |
Currently Inspector Gadget connects to some of the following API endpoints:
- VirusTotal
- AlientVault OTX
- GreyNoise
- Google Safe Browsing
- Shodan
- URLScan
- Triage
And a bunch more.
To change/remove/add API endpoints edit the relevant file and add a templated function to the relevant IOC type in utils
directory. To add a new IOC type, simply create a new file in utils
, make sure it inherits from
, then ensure that it is in both the
to be allocated out to a relevate celery worker.
By defult there's three roles (OAuth scopes) that are used:
- mon: The Auditing panel for monitoring users usage
- users: The panel for accessing user information
- tasks: Lets you execute a request against multiple endpoints
An ordinary user is given the tasks
and users
scope by default to let them audit their own logs, change their user password and run tasks. An administrator user (marked by account_admin
in the PostGres Database table), will let you also view such information about other users and get given the mon
- Fix Typing
- Frontend
- Dockerise
- Probably fix a ton of bugs