A Zettelkasten note-taking system built with Leptos, featuring server-side rendering and WebAssembly support.
Core System
- Server-side rendering with Axum web framework
- WebAssembly-powered frontend
- File-based note storage system
- REST API for note management
API Endpoints
GET /api/notes
- Retrieve list of all notesGET /api/notes/:id
- Fetch specific note by ID
Required Tools
# Install Rust nightly
rustup toolchain install nightly --allow-downgrade
# Add WebAssembly target
rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown
# Install cargo-generate
cargo install cargo-generate
# Install SASS compiler
npm install -g sass
# Install end-to-end testing dependencies
cd end2end && npm install
├── src/
│ ├── main.rs # Server setup & API routes
│ ├── app/ # Leptos components
│ ├── note/ # Note management
│ └── lib.rs # Core functionality
├── notes/ # Note storage directory
└── end2end/ # Test suite
Running Development Server
cargo leptos watch
Building for Release
cargo leptos build --release
Running Tests
# Development tests
cargo leptos end-to-end
# Production tests
cargo leptos end-to-end --release
Required Files
- Server binary:
- Site assets:
Directory Structure
└── site/
Environment Configuration
export LEPTOS_OUTPUT_NAME="miniref"
export LEPTOS_SITE_ROOT="site"
export LEPTOS_SITE_PKG_DIR="pkg"
export LEPTOS_RELOAD_PORT="3001"
Server Features
- Axum-based web server with integrated routing
- Note storage management system
- JSON API responses
- Error handling with proper HTTP status codes
Frontend Features
- Leptos components for UI
- Hydration support for server-side rendered content
- WebAssembly optimization
- Fallback handlers for unmatched routes
The system uses a file-based note storage system located in the ./notes
directory. Notes are:
- Loaded on server startup
- Accessible via REST API
- Managed through the NoteStore interface
- Retrieved individually or as a complete list
- Fork the repository
- Install all development dependencies
- Create a feature branch
- Add tests for new functionality
- Submit a pull request