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MinerGate API


Currencies List

Currency Name Currency Code (cc)
Bitcoin btc
Litecoin ltc
Bytecoin bcn
Monero xmr
FantomCoin fcn
QuazarCoin qcn
DigitalNote xdn
MonetaVerde mcn
Dashcoin dsh
Aeon coin aeon
Infinium-8 inf8

Non-authorized API methods

Methods list

Profit rating

Summary: Returns the list of all currencies sorted by profitability.

Method: GET

Path: /1.0/pool/profit-rating

Example response:

["btc", "qcn", "xmr", "bcn"]

Top hashrate

Summary: Returns the lists of top 10 miners for each currency.

Method: GET

Path: /1.0/pool/top/hashrate

Example response:

"xmr": [
      "hashrate": 536450.558066599,
      "nickname": "nickname1"
      "hashrate": 90208.49551531563,
      "nickname": "nickname2"
      "hashrate": 55373.55420204257,
      "nickname": "nickname3"
    }, ...
"bcn" : {
}, ...}

Blockchain info

Summary: Returns the blockchain data of the specified currency. Returned values are as follows: chain height, last block timestamp, network difficulty, network hashrate, base reward.

Method: GET

Path: /1.0/:cc/status

Example request: /1.0/xmr/status

Example response:

  "hash": "04ab3e8bb9c7724b27563cb9c5cab9d25f948f4579e57deb9b7a95b4b66e4acc",
  "height": 940410,
  "orphan": false,
  "timestamp": 1454512169,
  "difficulty": 795820297,
  "prevBlockHash": "21af39326483b2f1d4556e0e363887e28aeb7e1753eec2e1e2ba4d984ecccae3",
  "sizeMedian": 210,
  "blockSize": 254,
  "txCumulativeSize": 210,
  "txCount": 1,
  "baseReward": 7.193899826126,
  "penalty": 0,
  "reward": 7.193899826126,
  "feeSumm": 0,
  "alreadyGeneratedCoins": 10903400.563529158,
  "cumulativeTxCount": 1481736,
  "rewardBlocksWindow": 100,
  "fullRewardMaxBlockSize": 20000,
  "instantHashrate": 13263671.616666667


Summary: Authorizes the user and gives token for the following methods.

Method: POST

Path: /1.0/auth/login

Content-Type: application/json

Body: email, password, totp (2-step authorization token, required if 2-step authorization is enabled)

Example body:

  "email": "[email protected]",
  "password": "your_password",
  "totp": 123456

Possible errors:

  "error": "WrongEmailOrPassword",
  "message": "Email and password did not match."
  "error": "TotpRequired",
  "message": "Two-factor authorization is enabled for this account. Please provide TOTP code."

Example success response:

  "token": "1c2VySWQiOiJibGFja19sdWdhMkBtYW1c2VySWQiOiJibGFja19sdWdhMkBtYW1c2VySWQiOiJibGFja19sdWdhMkBtYW"

Authorized API methods

To perform the authorized request, put the token to its header. The token value is generated during login process.

Node.js authorized request example:

var request = require('request');
var token = 'your_token_here'

function callback(error, response, body) {
    if (!error && response.statusCode == 200) {
        return body;
    } else {

    url: '',
    headers: {
        'content-type': 'application/json',
        'token': token
    json: true
}, callback);

PHP authrozied request example:

$token = 'your_token_here';

if( $curl = curl_init() ) {
    curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, '');
    curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
    curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array(
        'Content-Type: application/json',
        'token: ' . $token
    $out = curl_exec($curl);
    echo $out;

Methods list


Summary: Returns the user’s balance. Requires authorization.

Method: GET

Path: /1.0/balance

Example response:

  "aeon": "30.66592521533400000000",
  "bcn": "30143.50038210000000000000",
  "btc": "0.00800000000000000000",
  "dsh": "2.80476725202",
  "xdn": "4.53423417000000000000",
  "fcn": "4.14526383581300000000",
  "inf8": "24.88587286959600000000",
  "ltc": "0.10015669000000000000",
  "mcn": "16.42067126414000000000",
  "xmr": "0.01750385351100000000",
  "qcn": "13.59907377987700000000"


Summary: Returns the list of user’s transfers. Requires authorization.

Method: GET

Path: /1.0/transfers/:cc

Example request: /1.0/transfers/xdn

Example response:

    "cc": "xdn",
    "amount": 700,
    "fromUserId": "[email protected]",
    "toUserId": "[email protected]",
    "id": "c5d7b9d3-c2ce-4621-825c-58cbb5ea6eff",
    "state": "finished",
    "created": 1449161749429
    "cc": "xdn",
    "amount": 10,
    "fromUserId": "[email protected]",
    "toUserId": "[email protected]",
    "id": "e81cde3a-9b67-4f5e-98ad-08ce7884e02a",
    "state": "finished",
    "created": 1448977022415

Example request: /1.0/transfers/

Example response:

    "cc": "bcn",
    "amount": 700,
    "fromUserId": "[email protected]",
    "toUserId": "[email protected]",
    "id": "c5d7b9d3-c2ce-4621-825c-58cbb5ea6eff",
    "state": "finished",
    "created": 1449161749429
    "cc": "inf8",
    "amount": 10,
    "fromUserId": "[email protected]",
    "toUserId": "[email protected]",
    "id": "e81cde3a-9b67-4f5e-98ad-08ce7884e02a",
    "state": "finished",
    "created": 1448977022415


Summary: Returns the list of user’s withdrawals for all the currencies or a specific currency if such parameter is set. Requires authorization.

Method: GET

Path: /1.0/withdrawals/:cc

Example request: /1.0/withdrawals/xdn

Example response:

    "cc": "xdn",
    "address": "address",
    "transactionHash": "acaef20101873165b576ec44f0754c4847e5c16831b79810cff71a2eb7c00a38",
    "amount": 1.9,
    "fee": 0.1,
    "paymentId": "paymentId",
    "transactionId": "5bb3f705-82e2-4b61-8651-7567571c72f3",
    "status": "finished",
    "created": 1451151685.785
    "cc": "xdn",
    "address": "address",
    "transactionHash": "acaef20101873165b576ec44f0754c4847e5c16831b79810cff71a2eb7c00a38",
    "amount": 1.9,
    "fee": 0.1,
    "paymentId": "paymentId",
    "transactionId": "5bb3f705-82e2-4b61-8651-7567571c72f3",
    "status": "finished",
    "created": 1451151685.785

Example request: /1.0/withdrawals

Example response:

    "cc": "fcn",
    "address": "address",
    "transactionHash": "acaef20101873165b576ec44f0754c4847e5c16831b79810cff71a2eb7c00a38",
    "amount": 1.9,
    "fee": 0.1,
    "paymentId": "paymentId",
    "transactionIdHash": "5bb3f705-82e2-4b61-8651-7567571c72f3",
    "status": "pending",
    "created": 1451151685.785
    "cc": "bcn",
    "address": "address",
    "transactionHash": "acaef20101873165b576ec44f0754c4847e5c16831b79810cff71a2eb7c00a38",
    "amount": 1.9,
    "fee": 0.1,
    "paymentId": "paymentId",
    "transactionIdHash": "5bb3f705-82e2-4b61-8651-7567571c72f3",
    "status": "finished",
    "created": 1451151685.785


Summary: Returns the number of user’s active workers. Requires authorization.

Method: GET

Path: /1.0/workers

Example response:

  "bcn": {
    "minersCount": 1,
    "hashrate": 322.484387977974,
    "hashrateRank": 256
  "fcn": {
    "minersCount": 1,
    "hashrate": 322.484387977974,
    "hashrateRank": 155

Mining stats

Summary: Returns the user’s mining statistics. Requires authorization.

Method: GET

Path: /1.0/mining/stats

Example response:

  "bcn": {
    "unconfirmedBalance": 191049661,
    "minersCount": "1",
    "hashrate": "65.405322258114126",
    "hashrateRank": 1061,
    "minerOnline": true,
    "shares": {
      "good": 827813,
      "goodEq": 968780359,
      "bad": 3469,
      "badEq": 4033431,
      "invalid": 0,
      "invalidEq": 0
    "ppsTotalMined": 111023.92139614478,
    "pplnsTotalMined": 22249.54433594,
    "blocksFound": 5,
    "totalMined": 133273.4657320848
  }, ...
  "paymentModels": {
    "bcn": "pps",
    "fcn": "pps",
    "dsh": "pplns",
    "xmr": "pps",
    "qcn": "pps",
    "xdn": "pps",
    "mcn": "pps",
    "aeon": "pps",
    "inf8": "pps",
    "btc": "pps",
    "ltc": "pps"
  "timestamp": 1454496693669

Affiliate links

Summary: Returns the list of user’s affiliate links. Requires authorization.

Method: GET

Path: /1.0/affiliate/links

Example response:

  "/a/7d14d06a612312349": "link",
  "/a/ad9e3352adde3f7123256556": "link2",
  "/a/f36f11e816381123b9b12295": "link3",
  "/a/37d05a536010d46a123e44f4": "link4",
  "/a/15e64ffe0aa0aa506dcg452a": "link5"


Summary: Returns the list of user’s affiliates. Requires authorization.

Method: GET

Path: /1.0/affiliate/childrens

Example response:

  "[email protected]": {
    "registered": 1426754165398,
    "profits": {
      "bcn": 34.91620052067053,
      "xmr": 0.0014406817930471406,
      "xdn": 0.05284179398738854,
      "mcn": 0.00000356443120348296,
      "qcn": 9.373443247396294,
      "fcn": 0.04380865486606831,
      "aeon": 9.385291553402276,
      "dsh": 1244.935845946683
    "lastProfit": 1454496377768,
    "token": "/a/d976f19wefr234fasdfd598"
  "[email protected]": {
    "registered": 1426229844791,
    "token": "/a/d976f11231d598"

Affiliate profit

Summary: Returns the user’s income from affiliates. Requires authorization.

Method: GET

Path: /1.0/affiliate/profit

Example response:

  "bcn": 48481.30996792437,
  "xmr": 0.22784646878529005,
  "xdn": 0.8658647284964952,
  "mcn": 23.31826311843995,
  "qcn": 11.443061561369651,
  "fcn": 0.32156100510772107,
  "aeon": 24.456462240551215,
  "dsh": 6193.343139060691,
  "ltc": 0.0001675684355892698,
  "inf8": 3.279558343484024,
  "btc": 0.00000503616312175371


Summary: Returns the list of user's invoices. Requires authorization.

Method: GET

Path: /1.0/invoices

Example response:

    "amount": 100000,
    "cc": "bcn",
    "address": "address",
    "comment": "Some text from invoice creator",
    "expiredDate": 1454273838471,
    "invoiceId": "44872a9e0dbb66fa5b5782cfef36f5b4bcdfba43",
    "created": 1454101038531,
    "status": "finished",
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "finished": 1454101196469
  }, ...


Summary: Returns the specified invoice. Requires authorization.

Method: GET

Path: /1.0/invoices/:id

Example request: /1.0/invoices/44872a9e0dbb66fa5b5782cfef36f5b4bcdfba43

Example response:

  "amount": 100000,
  "cc": "bcn",
  "address": "address",
  "comment": "Some text from invoice creator",
  "expiredDate": 1454273838471,
  "invoiceId": "44872a9e0dbb66fa5b5782cfef36f5b4bcdfba43",
  "created": 1454101038531,
  "status": "finished",
  "email": "[email protected]",
  "finished": 1454101196469


Summary: Returns the user’s nickname. Requires authorization.

Method: GET

Path: /1.0/profile/nickname

Example response:



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