- Utrecht, Netherlands
- https://pydev.nl
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YOLO-v3-COCO-CoreML PublicYOLOv3 on COCO dataset in CoreML with Vision implemented for iPhone iOS in Swift
YOLO-v3-OpenImages-CoreML PublicYOLO v3 on OpenImages dataset in CoreML with Vision implemented for iPhone iOS in Swift
Swift 3
MobileNet-CoreML PublicMobileNet in CoreML with Vision implemented for iPhone iOS in Swift
keras-imdb-sentiment-classification PublicIMDB Movie reviews sentiment classification, prints prediction scores + original review sentence, easy to retrain and pretrained weights included (3 epochs, 99.24% acc)
Python 1
keras-diabetes-prediction Publicusing tensorflow and keras to train a model on a subset of the pima indians diabetes dataset and evaluate the model on a subset not occurring in the training dataset
Python 1
9 contributions in the last year
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