Machos is a very simple tool for dumping sections of MachO files. With Machos, you can choose specific sections to be dumped into an output file. This tool was developed to fulfill the need for a method to extract shellcodes written in Rust for macOS.
Usage: machos [COMMAND]
list List MachO file sections
dump Dump selected MachO file sections
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version
$ machos list -i shellcode
Avalible sections:
For the following file:
$ objdump -D shellcode
shellcode: file format mach-o arm64
Disassembly of section __TEXT,__text:
0000000100003fbc <__start>:
100003fbc: 10000141 adr x1, #40
100003fc0: d503201f nop
100003fc4: 52800090 mov w16, #4
100003fc8: 52800020 mov w0, #1
100003fcc: 52800342 mov w2, #26
100003fd0: d4001001 svc #0x80
100003fd4: 52800030 mov w16, #1
100003fd8: d2800000 mov x0, #0
100003fdc: d4001001 svc #0x80
100003fe0: d65f03c0 ret
Disassembly of section __TEXT,__const:
0000000100003fe4 <l_anon.199b25154eef2430d3d8813648c6db47.0>:
100003fe4: 6c6c6548 ldnp d8, d25, [x10, #-320]
100003fe8: 7266206f <unknown>
100003fec: 73206d6f <unknown>
100003ff0: 6c6c6568 ldnp d8, d25, [x11, #-320]
100003ff4: 65646f63 fnmls z3.h, p3/m, z27.h, z4.h
100003ff8: a69ff020 <unknown>
100003ffc: 86 0a <unknown>
The following dump was created:
$ machos dump -i shellcode -s __text,__const -o shellcode.bin
$ xxd shellcode.bin
00000000: 4101 0010 1f20 03d5 9000 8052 2000 8052 A.... .....R ..R
00000010: 4203 8052 0110 00d4 3000 8052 0000 80d2 B..R....0..R....
00000020: 0110 00d4 c003 5fd6 4865 6c6c 6f20 6672 ......_.Hello fr
00000030: 6f6d 2073 6865 6c6c 636f 6465 20f0 9fa6 om shellcode ...
00000040: 860a ..