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Ale Mostajo edited this page Oct 6, 2020 · 1 revision

The following hooks can be used to filter customizer options.

NOTE: Replace {namespace} with the namespace of the WordPress MVC project you which to add hooks for.


Filter hook that allows filtering customizer panels for the desired namespace.

add_filter( 'wpmvc_addon_customizer_panels_{namespace}', function( $panels ) {
    return $panels;
} );


Filter hook that allows filtering customizer sections for the desired namespace.

add_filter( 'wpmvc_addon_customizer_sections_{namespace}', function( $sections ) {
    return $sections;
} );


Filter hook that allows filtering customizer settings for the desired namespace.

add_filter( 'wpmvc_addon_customizer_settings_{namespace}', function( $settings ) {
    return $settings;
} );


Filter hook that allows filtering customizer controls for the desired namespace.

add_filter( 'wpmvc_addon_customizer_controls_{namespace}', function( $controls ) {
    return $controls;
} );


Filter hook that allows filtering customizer rendering settings for the desired namespace.

add_filter( 'wpmvc_addon_customizer_render_settings_{namespace}', function( $settings) {
    return $settings;
} );