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A highly customizable UI library for react native and expo


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A customizable UI component library for react-native and expo


npm i react-native-unicorn


Components available in this library are as follows:

Component Description
Accordion A customizable accordion-style list component for React Native applications. It allows you to display a list of items with expandable content sections.
Avatar A customizable image component for displaying user avatars or other images in different shapes and sizes.
Bar Graph A customizable bar graph component that allows you to display a bar graph.
Bouncing Dots A customizable loading animation component for that displays a series of dots bounce in a sequence
Card A customizable card component that allows you to display content within a styled card layout.
Carousel A customizable carousel component that allows you to display a list of items in a horizontally scrollable carousel layout.
Checkbox A customizable checkbox component allows you to display a checkbox with a label.
Circular Graph A a customizable circular graph component that allows you to display a circular progress graph with an optional percentage label in the center.
Countdown Timer A is a customizable countdown component that allows you to display a countdown timer that triggers a callback function when the time is up.
Counter Box A customizable counter component that allows you to display a counter with increment and decrement buttons.
Input A customizable Text Input component that allows you to display a text input field with optional icon, placeholder, and custom styles.
DropDown A customizable dropdown component that displays a dropdown list with selectable options, each of which can have an optional icon.
Grid A customizable grid component that displays a table-like structure with rows and columns.
OTP Input A customizable One-Time Password (OTP) input component that displays a series of input fields for OTP entry.
Password Input A customizable password input component.
Phone Input A customizable phone number component that allows you to display a phone number input field with an integrated country code picker
Radio Button A customizable radio button that allows you to display a group of radio buttons with selectable options.
Vertical Stepper A customizable vertical stepper component.



The Accordion component is a versatile, customizable accordion-style list component for React Native applications. It allows you to display a list of items with expandable content sections.

The component accepts the following props:

Props Description
data An array of objects, where each object represents an accordion item. Each object should have the following properties:
  • title: The title of the accordion item.
  • component: The content to be displayed when the accordion item is expanded.
  • expanded: A boolean indicating whether the accordion item is initially expanded or not.
viewStyle A string representing additional Tailwind CSS classes to be applied to the accordion item container.
textStyle A TextStyle object for customizing the style of the accordion item title. It uses default css
dividerColor A string representing the color of the divider line that appears when an accordion item is expanded.
pageSize A number representing the number of accordion items to be displayed per page. If this prop is provided, pagination buttons will be displayed.


import Accordion from 'react-native-unicorn/accordion'

        title: 'First Item',
        component: <Text>First Item Content</Text>,
        expanded: false,
        title: 'Second Item',
        component: <Text>Second Item Content</Text>,
        expanded: false,
    textStyle={{ color: 'blue' }}

accordion paged-accordion


The Avatar component is a customizable image component for React Native applications. It allows you to display user avatars or other images in different shapes and sizes.

The component accepts the following props:

Props Description
source The image source for the avatar. This can be a local asset or a URL to a remote image.
variant The shape of the avatar. This can be one of the following::
  • 'circle': The avatar will be displayed as a circle.
  • 'square': The avatar will be displayed as a square.
  • 'drop': The avatar will be displayed as a droplet shape, with a rounded top and a flat bottom.
size The size of the avatar in pixels. This will determine both the width and the height of the avatar.
style Additional Tailwind CSS classes to be applied to the avatar.


import Avatar from 'react-native-unicorn/avatar'

    source={{ uri: '' }}


Bar Graph

The BarGraph component is a customizable bar graph component for React Native applications. It allows you to display a bar graph with different statuses based on the percentage provided.

The component accepts the following props:

Props Description
percentage A number representing the percentage to be displayed by the bar graph. This value should be between 0 and 100.
barColor An optional string representing the color of the active bars in the graph. If not provided, the default color will be used.
inactiveColor An optional string representing the color of the inactive bars in the graph. If not provided, the default color will be used.


import BarGraph from 'react-native-unicorn/bar-graph'


bar graph

Bouncing Dots

The BouncingDots component is a customizable loading animation component that displays a series of dots that bounce in a sequence, creating a smooth loading animation.

The component accepts the following props:

Props Description
dots The number of dots to display. Default is 3.
colors An array of colors for the dots.
size The size of the dots in pixels. Default is 10.
bounceHeight The height of the bounce in pixels. Default is 10.
borderRadius The border radius of the dots. If not provided, the dots will be circular.
components An array of custom components to use instead of dots.


import BouncingDots from 'react-native-unicorn/dots'

    colors={['red', 'green', 'blue', 'yellow', 'purple']}



The Card component is a customizable card component that allows you to display content within a styled card layout.

The component accepts the following props:

Props Description
children The content to be displayed within the card.
viewStyle An optional string representing additional Tailwind CSS classes to be applied to the card.
props Any additional props to be passed to the underlying TouchableOpacity component.


import Card from 'react-native-unicorn/card'

  <Card viewStyle={'p-2 m-4 justify-center flex-1'}>
    <View style={{ height: 50, justifyContent: 'center' }}>
      <Text>This is a card.</Text>



The Carousel component is a customizable carousel component that allows you to display a list of items in a horizontally scrollable carousel layout.

The component accepts the following props:

Props Description
data An array of items to be displayed in the carousel.
renderComponent The component to be rendered in ths carousel
autoplayInterval An optional number representing the interval (in milliseconds) at which the carousel should automatically scroll to the next item. Default is 3000 (3 seconds).


import Carousel from 'react-native-unicorn/dots'

    data={[{ title: 'Item 1' }, { title: 'Item 2' }, { title: 'Item 3' }]}
    renderComponent={(item, index) => <Text>{item.title}</Text>}



The Checkbox component is a customizable checkbox component that allows you to display a list of items in a horizontally scrollable checkbox layout.

The component accepts the following props:

Props Description
label The label to be displayed next to the checkbox.
onSelect A function that is called when the checkbox is selected or deselected. The function receives a boolean argument indicating whether the checkbox is checked.
isChecked An optional boolean indicating whether the checkbox is initially checked. Default is false.
color An optional string representing the color of the checkbox when it is checked. If not provided, the default color is used.
width An optional string representing the width of the checkbox. If not provided, the default width is '100%'.
textStyle An optional TextStyle object for customizing the style of the label.


import Checkbox from 'react-native-unicorn/checkbox';

    width: Dimensions.get('window').width,
    padding: 5,
    justifyContent: 'center',
    alignItems: 'center',
    alignSelf: 'center',
    label={'Default Checked'}
    onSelect={() => {}}
    label={'Default Unchecked'}
    onSelect={() => {}}



The CircularGraph component is a customizable circularGraph component that allows you to display a list of items in a horizontally scrollable circularGraph layout.

The component accepts the following props:

Props Description
percentage A number representing the percentage to be displayed by the circular graph. This value should be between 0 and 100.
radius The radius of the circular graph in pixels.
strokeWidth The width of the stroke used to draw the circular graph in pixels.
strokeColor An optional string representing the color of the progress stroke. If not provided, the default color is used.
displayText An optional boolean indicating whether to display the percentage text in the center of the graph. Default is false.


import CircularGraph from 'react-native-unicorn/circular-graph';

    width: Dimensions.get('window').width,
    padding: 5,
    justifyContent: 'center',
    alignItems: 'center',
    alignSelf: 'center',



The Countdown component is a customizable countdown component that allows you to display a countdown timer that triggers a callback function when the time is up.

The component accepts the following props:

Props Description
seconds The initial number of seconds for the countdown.
onTimeUp A function that is called when the countdown reaches zero.
textStyle An optional TextStyle object for customizing the style of the countdown text.


import Countdown from 'react-native-unicorn/countdown';

    width: Dimensions.get('window').width,
    padding: 5,
    justifyContent: 'center',
    alignItems: 'center',
    alignSelf: 'center',
    onTimeUp={() => {
      Alert.alert("Time's up!");



The CounterBox component is a customizable CounterBox component that allows you to display a counter with increment and decrement buttons.

The component accepts the following props:

Props Description
onTextChanged A function that is called when the counter value changes. The function receives the new counter value as a string.
counterValue An optional number representing the initial value of the counter. Default is 1.
title An optional string representing the title to be displayed above the counter.
textStyle An optional TextStyle object for customizing the style of the counter text.
viewStyle An optional string representing additional Tailwind CSS classes to be applied to the counter.


import CounterBox from 'react-native-unicorn/counterBox';

    width: Dimensions.get('window').width,
    padding: 5,
    justifyContent: 'center',
    alignItems: 'center',
    alignSelf: 'center',
    onTextChanged={(value) => console.log(`Counter value is ${value}`)}
    textStyle={{ fontSize: 20 }}



The CustomInput component is a customizable TextInput component that allows you to display a text input field with optional icon, placeholder, and custom styles.

The component accepts the following props:

Props Description
onTextChange A function that is called when the text in the input field changes. The function receives the new text as a string.
variant A string representing the variant of the input field. This determines the height and multiline property of the input field. The accepted values are 'small', 'medium', and 'large'.
placeholder A string representing the placeholder text to be displayed in the input field.
placeholderTextColor An optional string representing the color of the placeholder text.
viewStyle An optional string representing additional Tailwind CSS classes to be applied to the input field.
textStyle An optional TextStyle object for customizing the style of the text in the input field.
icon An optional React Node to be displayed next to the input field.
disabled An optional boolean indicating whether the input field is disabled.
caps An optional boolean indicating whether the text in the input field should be auto-capitalized.
length An optional number representing the maximum length of the text in the input field.
inputMode An optional string representing the input mode of the input field.
props Any additional props to be passed to the underlying TextInput component.


import Input from 'react-native-unicorn/custom-input';

    width: Dimensions.get('window').width,
    padding: 5,
    justifyContent: 'center',
    alignItems: 'center',
    alignSelf: 'center',
    placeholder="Medium Input"
    onTextChange={(text: string) => {



The DropDown component is a customizable dropdown component that displays a dropdown list with selectable options, each of which can have an optional icon.

The component accepts the following props:

Props Description
options An array of objects representing the options to be displayed in the dropdown. Each object should have an id, label, and value property, and an optional icon property.
onSelect A function that is called when an option is selected. The function receives the value of the selected option.
title A string representing the title to be displayed on the dropdown button.
viewStyle An optional string representing additional Tailwind CSS classes to be applied to the dropdown button.
textStyle An optional TextStyle object for customizing the style of the text in the dropdown button and options.


import DropDown from 'react-native-unicorn/dropdown';

    width: Dimensions.get('window').width,
    padding: 5,
    justifyContent: 'center',
    alignItems: 'center',
    alignSelf: 'center',
        { id: '1', label: 'Option 1', value: '1', icon: <Icon name="home" /> },
        { id: '2', label: 'Option 2', value: '2' },
    onSelect={(value) => console.log(`Selected value is ${value}`)}
    title="Select an option"



The Grid component is a customizable grid component that displays a table-like structure with rows and columns.

The component accepts the following props:

Props Description
data An array of objects representing the data to be displayed in the grid. Each object should have properties corresponding to the keys provided in the keys prop.
columns An array of strings representing the column headers of the grid.
keys An array of strings representing the keys of the data objects. The order of the keys determines the order of the columns in the grid.
textStyle An optional TextStyle object for customizing the style of the text in the grid cells.


import { Grid } from 'react-native-unicorn/grid';

    { id: '1', name: 'John Doe', age: 30 },
    { id: '2', name: 'Jane Doe', age: 25 },
  columns={['ID', 'Name', 'Age']}
  keys={['id', 'name', 'age']}



The OTPInput component is a customizable One-Time Password (OTP) input component that displays a series of input fields for OTP entry. Long pressing on the first cell allows users to paste the OTP in all the cells.

The component accepts the following props:

Props Description
length The number of digits in the OTP.
value The initial value of the OTP.
onOtpChange A function that is called when the OTP value changes. The function receives the new OTP value.
incorrect A boolean indicating whether the entered OTP is incorrect. If true, the input fields are highlighted in red.
textStyle An optional TextStyle object for customizing the style of the text in the input fields.
viewStyle An optional string representing additional Tailwind CSS classes to be applied to the container view of the input fields.


import { OTPInput } from './otp-input';

  onOtpChange={(value) => console.log(`OTP value is ${value}`)}
  textStyle={{ color: 'black', fontSize: 16 }}



The PasswordInput component is a customizable password input component for React Native applications. It allows you to display a password input field with an integrated show/hide password toggle.

The component accepts the following props:

Props Description
onChangePassword A function that is called when the password value changes. The function receives the new password value.
placeholder An optional string representing the placeholder text to be displayed in the input field.
placeholderTextColor An optional string representing the color of the placeholder text.
textStyle An optional TextStyle object for customizing the style of the text in the input field.
viewStyle An optional string representing additional Tailwind CSS classes to be applied to the container view of the input field.
disabled An optional boolean indicating whether the input field is disabled.
props An optional object containing additional TextInputProps to be passed to the TextInput component.


import { PasswordInput } from './password-input';

    onChangePassword={(text: string) => console.log(text)}



The PhoneNumberInput component is a customizable phone number component that allows you to display a phone number input field with an integrated country code picker.

The component accepts the following props:

Props Description
onPhoneNumberChange A function that is called when the phone number value changes. The function receives the new phone number value.
placeholderTextColor An optional string representing the color of the placeholder text.
placeholder An optional string representing the placeholder text to be displayed in the input field.
textStyle An optional TextStyle object for customizing the style of the text in the input field.
viewStyle An optional string representing additional Tailwind CSS classes to be applied to the container view of the input field.
codeStyle An optional string representing additional Tailwind CSS classes to be applied to the country code picker.
props An optional object containing additional TextInputProps to be passed to the TextInput component.
disabled An optional boolean indicating whether the input field is disabled.
codes An optional array of strings representing the country codes to be displayed in the country code picker.


import { PhoneNumberInput } from './phone-input';

    onPhoneNumberChange={(text: string) => console.log(text)}

     onPhoneNumberChange={(text: string) => console.log(text)}

     codes={['KE', 'UG', 'TZ']}



The RadioButton component is a customizable radio button that allows you to display a group of radio buttons with selectable options.

The component accepts the following props:

Props Description
data An array of objects representing the options to be displayed as radio buttons. Each object should have an id and label property.
type A string representing the type of the radio button.
onSelect A function that is called when a radio button is selected. The function receives the value of the selected option.
orientation A string representing the orientation of the radio buttons. It can be 'horizontal' or 'vertical'.
viewStyle An optional string representing additional Tailwind CSS classes to be applied to the container view of the radio buttons.
textStyle An optional TextStyle object for customizing the style of the text in the radio buttons.
width An optional string representing the width of the radio buttons.
defaultSelected An optional object representing the default selected option.


import { RadioButton } from './radio-button';

      { id: '1', label: 'Option 1' },
      { id: '2', label: 'Option 2' },
    onSelect={(item: any) => {



The VerticalStepper component is a customizable vertical stepper component for React Native applications. It allows you to display a series of steps in a vertical layout.

The component accepts the following props:

Props Description
steps An array of objects representing the steps to be displayed in the stepper. Each object should have a title and component property, and an optional pointStyle property.
viewStyle An optional string representing additional Tailwind CSS classes to be applied to the container view of the stepper.
textStyle An optional TextStyle object for customizing the style of the text in the stepper.


import { VerticalStepper } from './vertical-stepper';

    { title: 'Step 1', component: <Text>Step 1 Content</Text> },
    { title: 'Step 2', component: <Text>Step 2 Content</Text>, pointStyle: 'bg-red-500' },
  viewStyle="bg-blue-500 my-5"

In this example, the VerticalStepper component is used to display a vertical stepper with two steps: 'Step 1' and 'Step 2'. The content of each step is a Text component. The point of 'Step 2' has a red background. The container view of the stepper has a blue background. The text in the stepper is white and has a font size of 16.



A highly customizable UI library for react native and expo







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