- [Road to war (Scenario)](/OPAC-Brief/SITUATION/132nd OP ARCTIC CITADEL Introduction Brief.pdf)
### Intelligence - [Intelligence](/OPAC-Brief/INTELLIGENCE/Intelligence.html) - [Report intelligence after an event](https://cm.132virtualwing.org/campaigns)
### Combined Joint Task Force-23 (CJTF-23) Orders - [CJTF-23 Operations Order](/OPAC-Brief/ORDERS/JFC/OPAC_CJTF23_OPERATION ORDER.pdf)
- [CJTF 23 - Directions&Guidance for D1 (TO BE ISSUED BEFORE ATO DAY 1)](/OPAC-Brief/ORDERS/JFC/TOBEISSUED BY JFC.pdf) - [CJTF 23 - Update on friendly situation combatflite for D1 (TO BE ISSUED BEFORE ATO DAY 1) ](/OPAC-Brief/COMBATFLITE/TOBEISSUED BY JFC.cf)
### Joint Force Air Component Commander (JFACC) - [Joint Air Operations Plan (JAOP) (TO BE ISSUED BY JFACC PRIOR TO D1) ](/OPAC-Brief/ORDERS/JFACC/TOBEISSUEDBYJFACC.pdf)
- [Targeting meeting for D1 (TO BE ISSUED BY JFACC PRIOR TO D1)](/OPAC-Brief/ORDERS/JFACC/OPAC Targeting Meeting D12.pdf) - [Airspace Control Order (ACO) D0](/OPAC-Brief/ORDERS/JFACC/OPAR_D0_ACO.cf)
## Mission Information - [Weather forecast + time (current + next 3 events)](/OPAC-Brief/MISSION INFORMATION/Weather.html) - [Available ordnance](/OPAC-Brief/MISSION INFORMATION/OPAC Ordnance.pdf) - [Maintenance and logisitcal status](/OPAC-Brief/MISSION INFORMATION/Maintenance.html) - [Standard Conventional Loads all aircrafts](/OPAC-Brief/MISSION INFORMATION/OPAC JFACC Standard Conventional Loads.xlsx) - [Presets and Datalink](/OPAC-Brief/COMMUNICATIONS/PRESETS.html) - [SPINS](/OPAC-Brief/MISSION INFORMATION/OPAC STANDING SPINS.pdf) - [Airfield information](/OPAC-Brief/MISSION INFORMATION/Airfields.html) - [Carrier information - TO BE ISSUED PRIOR TO D5](/OPAC-Brief/MISSION INFORMATION/TOBEISSUEDBEFORED5.html) - [Airspace Control Plan (ACP) - TO BE ISSUED BY JFACC PRIOR TO D1](/OPAR-Brief/MISSION INFORMATION/TOBEISSUEDBYJFACC.cf)
- [AET-100 OPAC v1.0](/OPAC-Brief/MISSION INFORMATION/OPAC AET-100 Authentication Encruption Table.pdf)
- [TAT-101 OPAC v1.0](/OPAC-Brief/MISSION INFORMATION/OPAC TAT-101 Transmission Authentication Table.pdf)
## Admin [Admin info](/OPAC-Brief/ADMIN/Admin.html) | [Tacview and Recordings](/OPAC-Brief/ADMIN/Recordings.html) |
## AIR TASKING ORDER Is published on the 132nd website
**NOTE:** You will need to manually refresh webpages to get changes as the pages are updated. Until we resolve this issue, we recommend everyone to refresh the page when you enter it to make sure you have the latest information availeble.
### JFACC and VIS TTP For volunteers in the roles of JFACC and/or VIS that is planning and executing the air campaign, the following TTPs are available: - [JFACC TTP](/OPAC-Brief/ADMIN/JFACC TTP v1.0.pdf) - [VIS TTP](/OPAC-Brief/ADMIN/VIS TTP v0.3.pdf)
![132nd Logo](/EXTRA/132ndLogosmall.png)