Welcome to my GitHub Profile! π I'm Nirflector alias Hendrik.
I started learning Java in 2016 and developed my first applications. 2017 I began developing plugins for Minecraft using the Spigot and BungeeCord API combined with different plugin APIs. I develop plugins since 2017 and I founded a Multigaming-Network with 5 friends of mine where I still develop plugins for. Hopefully we can see each other on the network soon! π
My skills:
- Java
When I was 10, I started creating own songs with MAGIX Music Maker. I practiced a lot, but I felt really limited, so I decided to continue using a more professional DAW and I installed FL Studio. Fruity Loops is still my favourite DAW and I still enjoy making music. If you want to listen, have a look at my SoundCloud and leave a like. π π