"Do" is a music news website with a homepage for highlighted articles, five category pages (Cover story, News, Interviews, Live, Reviews), and a few others.
There are six articles on a homepage, the most popular one (the article which users voted the most), and five latest articles from all categories.
Each category page has four of the most recent articles, along with their images, titles (truncated if needed), author's name, a preview of text, the number of votes, and a Read more link.
If logged in, users can vote for articles from this and a few other pages. Visitors can vote only once for each article, but it is not forbidden to support their creations.
Authors can edit and delete their articles, but not other people's.
- Ruby 3.0.1
- Rails
- PostgreSQL 1.1
- Node.js 12.22.1
- Yarn 1.22.5
- Bootstrap
- Copy this link
- Open your terminal or command line
- Run
git clone
and Paste the link - Open the folder with your code editor
- Run
bundle install
to install all dependencies - Run
yarn install
to install yarn - Run
rails webpacker:install
- Run
rails db:create
to create the database tables - Run
rails db:migrate
to migrate the database - Run
rails db:seed
to seed the database with default values for article's categories - Run
rails server
to open the local server - You can follow the nav links to create a user account, to add articles, or vote
Rails Rspec To run the tests, run
command in the root folder. -
CarrierWave For uploading pictures run
gem install carrierwave
andrails generate uploader
Run rubocop
Run npx stylelint "**/*.scss"
👤 Ivana Novaković-Leković
- GitHub: @githubhandle
- Twitter: @twitterhandle
- LinkedIn: LinkedIn
Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the issues page.
The design of this project is based on an idea by Nelson Sakwa. Sample articles and pictures are taken from websites NME, Kerrang!, Guardian, Rolling Stone, Spin, and Loudwire.
Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!