A django app to simplify the use of uWSGI.it api with a few extras.
Real-time notification system for alarms!
You can take a look at the metrics of your containers, domains or all of the metrics of your domains and containers with the same tag!
Use the following command:
pip install uwsgiit-console
You should install this uwsgi plugin too if you want to get colored gifs for real-time alarms.
Open settings.py and add select2 and console to your INSTALLED_APPS:
- settings.py
Add 'console.template_context.context_processors.console_context' to TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS:
In the end you can set a few variables:
CONSOLE_TITLE = 'Whatever You Want' #Default 'uWSGI.it Console'
CONSOLE_SUBTITLE = 'Whatever You Want' #Default ''
DEFAULT_API_URL = 'https://whatever.you.want/' #Default 'https://api.uwsgi.it/api/'
- urls.py
urlpatterns = patterns('',
... ,
(r'whatever/you/want', include('console.urls')),
- Static files
Run collectstatic command or map static directory.
- Add an uwsgi.it api in the database
In order to make it work you have to add one UwsgiItApi instance in the database containing the url you put in DEFAULT_API_URL.
- uwsgi-gif
If you installed uwsgi-gif you have to add those lines to your vassals:
plugin = gif
route = ^/foo_(\d+)_(\d+)_(\d+)\.gif$ gif:width=80,height=80,red=$1,green=$2,blue=$3
To launch test you should install tox (pip install tox) and you need to add a few variable into console/tests/test_settings.py:
Now you can launch the tests with::
Now, since this project relies on third party API... you have to be patience, normally it takes around 1 minute.