Ever had to debug Leetcode problems? Debugging a Leetcode problem on their website is behind a paywall. And running & debugging a Leetcode problem locally requires you to write the driver code that will call the problem function with example inputs & outputs, lc-boilerplate-generator
can do just that for you.
This can generate compilable driver code in C++ and Rust with example inputs and assertions against their expected outputs. If the problem inputs and/or outputs are primitive data types or 1-D or 2-D arrays, then this can generate driver code for it.
Not Supported:
- Problems based on dynamic data structures like Linked List, Tree.
- Problems based on writing a class for a custom data structure.
Generated boilerplate code for Rust
Generated boilerplate code for C++
./lc-boilerplate-generator <leetcode-problem-url> <language>
(supported languages:cpp
and it will ask for both these input.
- Install Rust from https://rustup.rs/
- Run with
cargo run
or Build binary withcargo build --release
- Support Java and Python
- Handle problems where return type is void & the problem checks the updated version of the input, e.g. this LC Problem