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This is a functional testing to make sure each fucntion does exactly what it's meant to do without malfunctioning.

Usage example

Java Development using Netbean 8.2 IDE


Open Netbeans 8.2 -> Click Run tab -> Click Run Test File


Edit, compile and run JUnit Java code without a Main function.
Practice test driven development.

Development setup

  Let NetBeans "resolve" projects problems with JUnit to automatically add hamcrest binary to the project.
If you are having problems with JUnit in NetBeans, make sure you are using NetBeans 8.2 and not NetBeans 8.0.2. 
On MacOS if the interface and menu of NetBeans 8.2 are not working make sure you are not using a version of Java more recent than:

Release History

  • 0.0.1


Bradley Juma – [email protected]


Saad Khan – [email protected]



  1. Fork it (
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b feature/fooBar)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some fooBar')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin feature/fooBar)
  5. Create a new Pull Request


The purpose of this project was to modify the PayStation project using TDD (test-driven development). There were a total of 8 extra test cases that had to be added. We needed to commit to the repository every time a test was added and when a test passed. Every commit needed to include a commit message.

Everything was implemented according to the project's requirements. The test cases were added and all of the new test cases passed the tests. We committed to the repository every time a test case was added and every time a test case passed a test. TDD was the main focus of this assignment and we made sure to utilize it to the best of our abilities during the testing process.

No additional improvements beyond the assignment's requirements were made on our behalf. We knew that we were working on learning the basics of TDD with this lab so we only completed what was required in order to remain within the boundaries of the lab. We implemented TDD as much as we could and this lab really helped us understand test-driven development.


Saad Khan: Firstly, I updated the methods in, adding instructions to them and ensuring that they functioned as intended. Then, I added added about half of the new test cases to, checking that the tests failed before writing and fixing code to ensure that the final version of the tests passed. Lastly, I updated and added the Requirements section, answering important questions regarding the assignment. I communicated with Bradley through Skype calls so that we both knew which tasks we were responsible for and so that we did not do any overlapping work which would cause us to waste time in the assignment.

Bradley Juma: I first started the project with the, adding information about how to build, and run the testing. I followed along and clone the project, and began working on the tests given to get an idea of what's needed to be done along with communicating with Saad over Skype so we're both on the same page. I continued on, implemented some of the cases in the requirements sheet, and then did a final refactoring check on the important function used during testing.

paystationtdd-01-khan-juma created by GitHub Classroom


paystationtdd-01-khan-juma created by GitHub Classroom






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