This project was bootstrapped with custom web-pack, is not used create-react-app
In the project directory, you can run:
Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:8080 to view it in the browser.
Builds App for production
I'm trying to keep fractal organization
Contains components where i store forms and views
Contains the Style of App, i didn't use any framework reason why is that bootstrap and other frameworks is limiting the development u can't have any unique design i'm spending more time by overriding the core.
Contains small functions that does one thing, example convertor, checkers etc.
Redux and Saga is implemented to load, store and update - localStorage
Categories components loads categories over redux for sure also followed by redux saga, after is loaded categories will show if there is any, user could select category from list or create new one.
Category has many notes or user can create new one, after creating or selecting note from list the RichTextEditor will load note content or user will set new text to it.