libde265 is an open source implementation of the h.265 video codec. It is written from scratch and has a plain C API to enable a simple integration into other software.
libde265 supports WPP and tile-based multithreading and includes SSE optimizations. The decoder includes all features of the Main profile and correctly decodes almost all conformance streams (see [wiki page]).
A list of supported features are available in the wiki.
For latest news check our website at
The library comes with two example programs:
dec265, a simple player for raw h.265 bitstreams. It serves nicely as an example program how to use libde265.
sherlock265, a Qt-based video player with the additional capability to overlay some graphical representations of the h.265 bitstream (like CU-trees, intra-prediction modes).
Example bitstreams can be found, e.g., at this site:
Approximate performance for WPP, non-tiles streams (measured using the timehevc
tool from the GStreamer plugin).
The tool plays a Matroska movie to the GStreamer fakesink and measures
the average framerate.
Resolution | avg. fps | CPU usage |
720p | 284 fps | 39 % |
1080p | 150 fps | 45 % |
4K | 36 fps | 56 % |
- Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2700K CPU @ 3.50GHz (4 physical CPU cores)
- Ubuntu 12.04, 64bit
- GStreamer 0.10.36
If you got libde265 from the git repository, you will first need to run
the included
script to generate the configure
libde265 has no dependencies on other libraries, but both optional example programs have dependencies on:
SDL (optional for dec265's YUV overlay output),
Qt (required for sherlock265),
libswscale (required for sherlock265 if libvideogfx is not available).
libvideogfx (required for sherlock265 if libswscale is not available, optional for dec265).
Libvideogfx can be obtained from or
You can disable building of the example programs by running ./configure
--disable-dec265 Do not build the dec265 decoder program. --disable-sherlock265 Do not build the sherlock265 visual inspection program.
Additional logging information can be turned on and off using these ./configure
--enable-log-error turn on logging at error level (default=yes) --enable-log-info turn on logging at info level (default=no) --enable-log-trace turn on logging at trace level (default=no)
cmake scripts to build libde265 and the sample scripts dec265
and enc265
included and can be compiled using these commands:
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
See the cmake documentation for further information on using cmake on other platforms.
Binary packages can be obtained from this launchpad site.
Libde265 has been integrated into these applications:
gstreamer plugin, source, binary packages.
VLC plugin source, binary packages.
Windows DirectShow filters,
ffmpeg fork,
ffmpeg decoder source
The library libde265
is distributed under the terms of the GNU Lesser
General Public License. The sample applications are distributed under
the terms of the GNU General Public License.
for more details.
Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Struktur AG Contact: Dirk Farin [email protected]