Repository for Terraform templates solutions based on Alibaba Cloud provider.
This section will describe how to use Terraform to deploy differents solutions.
Software installed on your system:
- Terraform (>=0.10.7)
- Aliyun Command Line Interface
- [Ossutil Command Line Toole] (
On the one hand, we assume that you have already configured your aliyuncli with your Access Keys ( Also, please install individually Aliyun Python SDK for each service required, because some resource can to be setup only via through the cli.
On the other hand, you must export those environments variables otherwise you will have a prompt to enter the pieces of information :
export TF_VAR_access_key_id="XXXXXXXXXXXX"
export TF_VAR_access_key_secret="XXXXXXXXXXXX"
export TF_VAR_region="XX-XXXXX-X"
The following commands for the Ossutil show how you can obtain the command list and configure it in english:
ossutil -L en
ossutil config -L en
Run the following commands to create the infrastructure :
cd hosting/web-application-hosting
terraform init
terraform plan|apply \
--var 'solution_name=wah' \
-var-file=parameters.tfvars \
Then create the bucket with the Ossutil command line tool:
ossutil mb oss://wah-storage -e oss-[region]
Run the following commands to create the infrastructure :
cd hosting/web-application-hosting
terraform init
terraform plan|apply \
--var 'solution_name=acd' \
-var-file=parameters.tfvars \
Then create the bucket with the Ossutil command line tool:
ossutil mb oss://acd-storage -e oss-[region]
Finally create a CDN domain name pointing to the SLB public ip by following this documentation
Run the following commands to create the infrastructure :
cd hosting/auto-scaling
terraform init
terraform plan|apply \
--var 'solution_name=as' \
-var-file=parameters.tfvars \
Then create the bucket with the Ossutil command line tool:
ossutil mb oss://as-storage -e oss-[region]
Finally create a CDN domain name pointing to the SLB public ip by following this documentation