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Sep 21, 2016
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Sep 10, 2016
Sep 21, 2016
Sep 20, 2016
Sep 21, 2016
Sep 21, 2016
Sep 10, 2016
Sep 21, 2016

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layout technologies
sbt-microsites plugin is completely written in Scala
sbt-microsites plugin uses SBT and other sbt plugins to generate microsites easily
Jekyll allows to transform plain text into static websites and blogs.

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sbt-microsites is a sbt plugin tool that facilitates the creation of fancy microsites for your projects.

It's based in other awesome sbt plugins to make it posible, so basically, integrates everything in some basic steps to automatically create and publish the microsite to GitHub Pages.

The plugin provides some basic free styles, css, and image resources by default, everything based Bootstrap framework. If you want to personalize color palette, styles and images you can do it in your project side in a easy way as you can see in the documentation.

In order to achieve the microsite creation, it uses directly these plugins and libraries:

Additionally it depends on other useful libraries and plugins like:


To satisfy the jekyll prerequisite, here a couple of hints for local and travis environments.

Local Environment

Depending on your platform, you might do this with:

yum install jekyll

apt-get install jekyll

gem install jekyll

Continuous Integration - Travis

If you have enabled Travis for your project, you might have to tweak some parts of your .travis.yml file:

Potentially, your project is a scala project (language: scala), therefore you need to add the bundle gems vendro path in the PATH environment variable:

 - export PATH=${PATH}:./vendor/bundle

This is needed in order to install and be able to use jekyll gem from other parts of your project. We have to do it in the Travis install section:

 - ...
 - gem install jekyll -v 3.2.1


First of all, add the following lines to the project/plugins.sbt file, within your project or sbt module where you want to use the sbt-microsites plugin. Depending on the version:

Latest release:

addSbtPlugin("com.fortysevendeg"  % "sbt-microsites" % "0.2.0")

Latest snapshot built from the master branch code:

println("""resolvers += Resolver.sonatypeRepo("snapshots")""")
println(s"""addSbtPlugin("com.fortysevendeg"  % "sbt-microsites" % "${microsites.BuildInfo.version}"""")

Finally, to enable the plugin, add this to your build.sbt file:


Build the microsite

Once you have written down your documents you can build the microsite running this sbt task:

sbt> makeMicrosite

Internally, sequentially it'll run other tasks, among theirs, tut and makeSite (sbt-site) tasks.

View the microsite in your browser

  1. In a shell, navigate to the generated site directory in target/site

  2. Start jekyll with jekyll serve

  3. Navigate to http://localhost:4000/yourbase_url/ in your browser, where yourbase_url depends on your own preferences (see micrositeBaseUrl setting).

Publish the microsite

Before publishing, a couple of requirements should be satisfied:

  1. Initializing the gh-pages branch, you can follow the instructions defined in the sbt-ghpages repository
  2. Define micrositeGithubOwner and micrositeGithubRepo settings, you can see more details about them later on in this document

Once both requirements are satisfied, you can just run:

sbt> publishMicrosite


Apart from the microsite for this plugin that you can finde in the docs sbt module in this repository, a quite complete example is located on

Please see the documentation for more information.