Tiny spaces is a minimal javascript game engine for building 2D rpgs and interactive fiction. It has a basic level editor, a sprite editor, a tiling engine, and a very very basic game engine.
Tiny spaces was built to support a port of the original Phantasy Star 1 game for the Sega Master System and to integrate AI/LLMs into the gameplay.
It has been intentionally kept minimal to have a very low barrier to entry, and to be as general as possible. Therefore there is no auth support, and no back end state management.
npm install
npm run dev
Point your browser at the running server and you can click into the sprite editer, map editer, or Phantasy Star 1 as an example game built with tiny spaces.
SpaceD is a super minimal game engine for building javascript based rpgs and interactive fiction.
Documentation can be found in spaced docs
Documentation can be found in map editor
Documentation can be found in sprite editor
Documentation can be found in Phantasy Star 1