This repo hosts the code for the Whisper Lambda, which is a Lambda function that listens on API calls to transcribe audio files.
WARNING: Has a dependency on ffmpeg, which is not installed in the lambda.
Pull the model dependencies:
make pull
Run the app locally:
make run
# In another terminal
echo "{ \"model\": \"base\", \"file\": \"$(base64 -i ./sample_1min.mp3)\" }" > req.json
curl -v -X POST \
'' \
-H 'content-type: application/json' \
-d @req.json
NOTE: Before deployment, remove all the extra files from the
directory, to avoid huge lambdas.
- Fix the ffmpeg dependency
- Add deployment instructions
- Add terrafom scripts
- Add CDK scripts
- Add SAM scripts
- Add CI/CD to this repo