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9001 committed Sep 2, 2023
1 parent 7676961 commit cadaeee
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Showing 5 changed files with 57 additions and 11 deletions.
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -287,6 +287,10 @@ server notes:
* iPhones: the volume control doesn't work because [apple doesn't want it to](
* `AudioContext` will probably never be a viable workaround as apple introduces new issues faster than they fix current ones

* iPhones: the preload feature (in the media-player-options tab) can cause a tiny audio glitch 20sec before the end of each song, but disabling it may cause worse iOS bugs to appear instead
* just a hunch, but disabling preloading may cause playback to stop entirely, or possibly mess with bluetooth speakers
* tried to add a tooltip regarding this but looks like apple broke my tooltips

* Windows: folders cannot be accessed if the name ends with `.`
* python or windows bug

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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions copyparty/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
# coding: utf-8

VERSION = (1, 9, 3)
VERSION = (1, 9, 4)
CODENAME = "prometheable"
BUILD_DT = (2023, 8, 31)
BUILD_DT = (2023, 9, 2)

S_VERSION = ".".join(map(str, VERSION))
S_BUILD_DT = "{0:04d}-{1:02d}-{2:02d}".format(*BUILD_DT)
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26 changes: 21 additions & 5 deletions copyparty/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2895,12 +2895,26 @@ def tx_zip(
logmsg = "{:4} {} ".format("", self.req)
self.keepalive = False

cancmp = not self.args.no_tarcmp

if fmt == "tar":
mime = "application/x-tar"
packer: Type[StreamArc] = StreamTar
if cancmp and uarg.startswith("gz"):
mime = "application/gzip"
ext = "tar.gz"
elif cancmp and uarg.startswith("bz2"):
mime = "application/x-bzip"
ext = "tar.bz2"
elif cancmp and uarg.startswith("xz"):
mime = "application/x-xz"
ext = "tar.xz"
mime = "application/x-tar"
ext = "tar"
mime = "application/zip"
packer = StreamZip
ext = "zip"

fn = items[0] if items and items[0] else self.vpath
if fn:
Expand All @@ -2925,7 +2939,7 @@ def tx_zip(
ufn = b"".join(zbl).decode("ascii")

cdis = "attachment; filename=\"{}.{}\"; filename*=UTF-8''{}.{}"
cdis = cdis.format(afn, fmt, ufn, fmt)
cdis = cdis.format(afn, ext, ufn, ext)
self.send_headers(None, mime=mime, headers={"Content-Disposition": cdis})

Expand All @@ -2943,10 +2957,12 @@ def tx_zip(
self.log("transcoding to [{}]".format(cfmt))
fgen = gfilter(fgen, self.thumbcli, self.uname, vpath, cfmt)

cmp = "" if self.args.no_tarcmp else uarg

bgen = packer(
self.log, fgen, utf8="utf" in uarg, pre_crc="crc" in uarg, cmp=cmp
utf8="utf" in uarg,
pre_crc="crc" in uarg,
cmp=uarg if cancmp else "",
bsent = 0
for buf in bgen.gen():
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8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions copyparty/web/browser.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -376,8 +376,8 @@ var Ls = {
"fu_xe2": "404: File not found??",

"fz_tar": "plain gnu-tar file (linux / mac)",
"fz_targz": "tar with gzip level 3 compression",
"fz_tarxz": "tar with xz level 1 compression",
"fz_targz": "tar with gzip level 3 compression$N$Nthis is usually very slow, so$Nuse uncompressed tar instead",
"fz_tarxz": "tar with xz level 1 compression$N$Nthis is usually very slow, so$Nuse uncompressed tar instead",
"fz_zip8": "zip with utf8 filenames (maybe wonky on windows 7 and older)",
"fz_zipd": "zip with traditional cp437 filenames, for really old software",
"fz_zipc": "cp437 with crc32 computed early,$Nfor MS-DOS PKZIP v2.04g (october 1993)$N(takes longer to process before download can start)",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -842,8 +842,8 @@ var Ls = {
"fu_xe2": "404: Filen finnes ikke??",

"fz_tar": "ukomprimert gnu-tar arkiv, for linux og mac",
"fz_targz": "gnu-tar pakket med gzip (nivå 3)",
"fz_tarxz": "gnu-tar pakket med xz (nivå 1)",
"fz_targz": "gnu-tar pakket med gzip (nivå 3)$N$NNB: denne er veldig treg;$Nukomprimert tar er bedre",
"fz_tarxz": "gnu-tar pakket med xz (nivå 1)$N$NNB: denne er veldig treg;$Nukomprimert tar er bedre",
"fz_zip8": "zip med filnavn i utf8 (noe problematisk på windows 7 og eldre)",
"fz_zipd": "zip med filnavn i cp437, for høggamle maskiner",
"fz_zipc": "cp437 med tidlig crc32,$Nfor MS-DOS PKZIP v2.04g (oktober 1993)$N(øker behandlingstid på server)",
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26 changes: 26 additions & 0 deletions docs/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,3 +1,29 @@
# 2023-0831-2211 `v1.9.3` iOS and http fixes

## new features
* iPhones and iPads are now able to...
* 9986136dfb2364edb35aa9fbb87410641c6d6af3 play entire albums while the screen is off without the music randomly stopping
* apple keeps breaking AudioContext in new and interesting ways; time to give up (no more equalizer)
* 1c0d978979a703edeb792e552b18d3b7695b2d90 perform search queries and execude js code
* by translating [smart-quotes]( into regular `'` and `"` characters
* python 3.12 support
* technically a bugfix since it was added [a year ago]( way before the first py3.12 alpha was released but turns out i botched it, oh well
* filter error messages so they never include the filesystem path where copyparty's python files reside
* print more context in server logs if someone hits an unexpected permission-denied

# bugfixes
found some iffy stuff combing over the code but, as far as I can tell, luckily none of these were dangerous:
* URL normalization was a bit funky, but it appears everything access-control-related was unaffected
* some url parameters were double-decoded, causing the unpost filtering and file renaming to fail if the values contained `%`
* clients could cause the server to return an invalid cache-control header, but newlines and control-characters got rejected correctly
* minor cosmetics / qol fixes:
* reduced flickering on page load in chrome
* fixed some console spam in search results
* markdown documents now have the same line-height in directory listings and the editor

# 2023-0826-2116 `v1.9.2` bigger hammer

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