we did it reddit 👉😎👉
- latest important update: v0.13.5
- latest gzip edition of the sfx: v0.11.18
- if upgrading from v0.11.x or before, see v0.12.4
known bugs (all harmless)
- the website may let you attempt to upload stuff without write-access
- fails gracefully with an error-message so it's all good
new features
- separate dropzones for uploading and searching! no more confusing modeswitching
- and the dropzone is global, so just drop files into the browser to upload / search 🚀🚀🚀
- add 10-minute indicators to the audio player seekbar
- make-sfx: argument
reduces compression level
- moving/deleting files when running without
(thx ixces) - zip/tar downloads: single folders are now the root element of the archive (not their contents)
- not really a bug but sufficiently unexpected
- tiny lightmode fix + minor errormessage cleanups
other changes
- crashpage: replace irc handle with new-github-issue link (i'm
anyways heh) - meta/github stuff
- renamed
branch tohovudstraum
("primary river" in nynorsk) - add CONTRIBUTING, code of conduct, and issue templates
- renamed