Powershell module for manipulating VMware Horizon View Connection Server
VMware PowerCLI provides module VMware.VimAutomation.HorizonView to connect with View connection server. Compared to origin VMware View PowerCLI (available as a Powershell snapin), this new module is not very easy to use. So I created this VMware.View.Broker module to provide more easy-to-use functions.
Connect-ViewBroker: connect to View Connection Server. Once the connection is established, the connection server is saved as $global:defaultBroker. All further actions will be taken against this broker.
Get-ViewLicense: retrieve license information
Set-ViewLicense: set license key
Get-ViewVC: retrieve all virtual centers
Add-ViewVC: add a virtual center
Remove-ViewVC: remove one or more virtual centers
Get-ViewFarm: retrieve all farms
Get-ViewRDSServer: retrieve all RDS servers
Get-ViewDesktop: retrieve all desktop pools
Get-ViewApplication: retrieve all application pools
Get-ViewMachine: retrieve all non-rds machines
Get-ViewSession: retrieve all sessions
Set-ViewSession: disconnect / logoff / forced logoff / reset one or more sessions
Get-ViewVCVM: retrieve vCenter managed virtual machines
- create a folder named VMware.View.Broker under Powershell module folder
- copy VMware.View.Broker.psm1 and VMware.View.Broker.psd1 into the new folder
- run the command below to load this module
Import-Module VMware.View.Broker