Simple and lightweight XML parser written in Swift
This is not a robust full featured XML parser, but rather simple,
lightweight and easy to use utility for casual XML handling.
AEXML is a minion which consists of these classes:
Class | Description |
AEXMLElement |
Base class |
AEXMLDocument |
Inherited from AEXMLElement with a few addons |
AEXMLParser |
Simple (private) wrapper around Foundation.XMLParser |
- Read XML data
- Write XML string
- Covered with unit tests
- Covered with docs
Let's say this is some XML string you picked up somewhere and made a variable data: Data
from that.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<cat breed="Siberian" color="lightgray">Tinna</cat>
<cat breed="Domestic" color="darkgray">Rose</cat>
<cat breed="Domestic" color="yellow">Caesar</cat>
<dog breed="Bull Terrier" color="white">Villy</dog>
<dog breed="Bull Terrier" color="white">Spot</dog>
<dog breed="Golden Retriever" color="yellow">Betty</dog>
<dog breed="Miniature Schnauzer" color="black">Kika</dog>
This is how you can use AEXML for working with this data:
(for even more examples, look at the unit tests code included in project)
guard let
let xmlPath = Bundle.main.path(forResource: "example", ofType: "xml"),
let data = try? Data(contentsOf: URL(fileURLWithPath: xmlPath))
else { return }
do {
let xmlDoc = try AEXMLDocument(xml: data, options: options)
// prints the same XML structure as original
// prints cats, dogs
for child in xmlDoc.root.children {
// prints Optional("Tinna") (first element)
// prints Tinna (first element)
// prints Optional("Kika") (last element)
// prints Betty (3rd element)
// prints Tinna, Rose, Caesar
if let cats = xmlDoc.root["cats"]["cat"].all {
for cat in cats {
if let name = cat.value {
// prints Villy, Spot
for dog in xmlDoc.root["dogs"]["dog"].all! {
if let color = dog.attributes["color"] {
if color == "white" {
// prints Tinna
if let cats = xmlDoc.root["cats"]["cat"].all(withValue: "Tinna") {
for cat in cats {
// prints Caesar
if let cats = xmlDoc.root["cats"]["cat"].all(withAttributes: ["breed" : "Domestic", "color" : "yellow"]) {
for cat in cats {
// prints 4
// prints Siberian
// prints <cat breed="Siberian" color="lightgray">Tinna</cat>
// prints Optional(AEXML.AEXMLError.elementNotFound)
catch {
Let's say this is some SOAP XML request you need to generate.
Well, you could just build ordinary string for that?
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
<m:Trans xmlns:m="" soap:mustUnderstand="1">234</m:Trans>
Yes, but, you can also do it in a more structured and elegant way with AEXML:
// create XML Document
let soapRequest = AEXMLDocument()
let attributes = ["xmlns:xsi" : "", "xmlns:xsd" : ""]
let envelope = soapRequest.addChild(name: "soap:Envelope", attributes: attributes)
let header = envelope.addChild(name: "soap:Header")
let body = envelope.addChild(name: "soap:Body")
header.addChild(name: "m:Trans", value: "234", attributes: ["xmlns:m" : "", "soap:mustUnderstand" : "1"])
let getStockPrice = body.addChild(name: "m:GetStockPrice")
getStockPrice.addChild(name: "m:StockName", value: "AAPL")
// prints the same XML structure as original
- Xcode 8.0+
- AEXML doesn't require any additional libraries for it to work.
.Package(url: "", majorVersion: 4)
github "tadija/AEXML"
pod 'AEXML'
AEXML is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.