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ENH: Refactor CLI scripts
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Combine the `pyradiomics` and `pyradiomicsbatch` entry point into 1 joint entry point `pyradiomics`.
This new entry point operates in batch mode when input to `Image|Batch` has `.csv` extension.
In batch mode, `Mask` argument is ignored. In single mode `Mask` inputs is required.

Additionally, enables easy multi-threaded extraction by specifying `--jobs` / `-j` argument (with integer indicating number of parallel threads to use.
Will only work in batch mode, as extraction is multi-threaded at the case level (1 thread per case).

Removes argument `--label` / `-l`, specifying an override label to use is now achieved through specifying `-s "label:N"`, with N being the label value.

Also includes a small update to initialization of the feature extractor:
- In addition to a string pointing to a parameter file, feature extractor now also accepts a dictionary (top level specifies customization types 'setting', 'imageType' and 'featureClass') as 1st positional argument
- Regardless of initialization with or without a customization file/dictionary, `kwargs` passed to the constructor are used to override settings.
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JoostJM committed Feb 22, 2018
1 parent 8c7dd45 commit dd7c445
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Showing 5 changed files with 486 additions and 23 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion examples/
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Expand Up @@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ def run(case):

imageFilepath = case['Image'] # Required
maskFilepath = case['Mask'] # Required
label = case.get('Label', 1) # Optional
label = case.get('Label', None) # Optional

# Instantiate Radiomics Feature extractor

Expand Down
44 changes: 24 additions & 20 deletions radiomics/
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Expand Up @@ -26,12 +26,14 @@ class RadiomicsFeaturesExtractor:
signature specified by these settings for the passed image and labelmap combination. This function can be called
repeatedly in a batch process to calculate the radiomics signature for all image and labelmap combinations.
At initialization, a parameters file can be provided containing all necessary settings. This is done by passing the
location of the file as the single argument in the initialization call, without specifying it as a keyword argument.
If such a file location is provided, any additional kwargs are ignored.
Alternatively, at initialisation, custom settings (*NOT enabled image types and/or feature classes*) can be provided
as keyword arguments, with the setting name as key and its value as the argument value (e.g. ``binWidth=25``). For
more information on possible settings and customization, see
At initialization, a parameters file (string pointing to yaml or json structured file) or dictionary can be provided
containing all necessary settings (top level containing keys "setting", "imageType" and/or "featureClass). This is
done by passing it as the first positional argument. If no positional argument is supplied, or the argument is not
either a dictionary or a string pointing to a valid file, defaults will be applied.
Moreover, at initialisation, custom settings (*NOT enabled image types and/or feature classes*) can be provided
as keyword arguments, with the setting name as key and its value as the argument value (e.g. ``binWidth=25``).
Settings specified here will override those in the parameter file/dict/default settings.
For more information on possible settings and customization, see
:ref:`Customizing the Extraction <radiomics-customization-label>`.
By default, all features in all feature classes are enabled.
Expand All @@ -47,28 +49,30 @@ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self._enabledImagetypes = {}
self._enabledFeatures = {}

if len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], six.string_types):
if len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], six.string_types) and os.path.isfile(args[0]):"Loading parameter file")
elif len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], dict):"Loading parameter dictionary")
# Set default settings and update with and changed settings contained in kwargs
self.settings = self._getDefaultSettings()
if len(kwargs) > 0:'Applying custom settings')
else:'No customized settings, applying defaults')

self.logger.debug("Settings: %s", self.settings)'No valid config parameter, applying defaults: %s', self.settings)

self._enabledImagetypes = {'Original': {}}'Enabled image types: %s', self._enabledImagetypes)

self._enabledFeatures = {}

for featureClassName in self.getFeatureClassNames():
self._enabledFeatures[featureClassName] = []'Enabled features: %s', self._enabledFeatures)

if len(kwargs) > 0:'Applying custom setting overrides')
self.logger.debug("Settings: %s", self.settings)


Expand Down Expand Up @@ -270,8 +274,8 @@ def enableAllFeatures(self):
Enable all classes and all features.
.. note::
Individual features that have been marked "deprecated" are not enabled by this function. They can still be enabled manually by
a call to :py:func:`~radiomics.base.RadiomicsBase.enableFeatureByName()`,
Individual features that have been marked "deprecated" are not enabled by this function. They can still be enabled
manually by a call to :py:func:`~radiomics.base.RadiomicsBase.enableFeatureByName()`,
or in the parameter file (by specifying the feature by name, not when enabling all features).
However, in most cases this will still result only in a deprecation warning.
Expand All @@ -293,8 +297,8 @@ def enableFeatureClassByName(self, featureClass, enabled=True):
Enable or disable all features in given class.
.. note::
Individual features that have been marked "deprecated" are not enabled by this function. They can still be enabled manually by
a call to :py:func:`~radiomics.base.RadiomicsBase.enableFeatureByName()`,
Individual features that have been marked "deprecated" are not enabled by this function. They can still be enabled
manually by a call to :py:func:`~radiomics.base.RadiomicsBase.enableFeatureByName()`,
or in the parameter file (by specifying the feature by name, not when enabling all features).
However, in most cases this will still result only in a deprecation warning.
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266 changes: 266 additions & 0 deletions radiomics/scripts/
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@@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
import argparse
import csv
from functools import partial
import logging
from multiprocessing import cpu_count, Pool
import os
import sys

from pykwalify.compat import yaml
import six.moves

import radiomics
from . import segment

scriptlogger = logging.getLogger('radiomics.script') # holds logger for script events
logging_config = {}
relative_path_start = os.getcwd()

def parse_args(custom_arguments=None):
global relative_path_start
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(usage='%(prog)s image|batch [mask] [Options]',

inputGroup = parser.add_argument_group(title='Input',
description='Input files and arguments defining the extraction:\n'
'- image and mask files (single mode) '
'or CSV-file specifying them (batch mode)\n'
'- Parameter file (.yml/.yaml or .json)\n'
'- Overrides for customization type 3 ("settings")\n'
'- Multi-threaded batch processing')
inputGroup.add_argument('input', metavar='{Image,Batch}FILE',
help='Image file (single mode) or CSV batch file (batch mode)')
inputGroup.add_argument('mask', nargs='?', metavar='MaskFILE', default=None,
help='Mask file identifying the ROI in the Image. \n'
'Only required when in single mode, ignored otherwise.')
inputGroup.add_argument('--param', '-p', metavar='FILE', default=None,
help='Parameter file containing the settings to be used in extraction')
inputGroup.add_argument('--setting', '-s', metavar='"SETTING_NAME:VALUE"', action='append', default=[], type=str,
help='Additional parameters which will override those in the\n'
'parameter file and/or the default settings. Multiple\n'
'settings possible. N.B. Only works for customization\n'
'type 3 ("setting").')
inputGroup.add_argument('--jobs', '-j', metavar='N', type=int, default=1, choices=six.moves.range(1, cpu_count() + 1),
help='(Batch mode only) Specifies the number of threads to use for\n'
'parallel processing. This is applied at the case level;\n'
'i.e. 1 thread per case. Actual number of workers used is\n'
'min(cases, jobs).')

outputGroup = parser.add_argument_group(title='Output', description='Arguments controlling output redirection and '
'the formatting of calculated results.')
outputGroup.add_argument('--out', '-o', metavar='FILE', type=argparse.FileType('a'), default=sys.stdout,
help='File to append output to')
outputGroup.add_argument('--skip-nans', action='store_true',
help='Add this argument to skip returning features that have an\n'
'invalid result (NaN)')
outputGroup.add_argument('--format', '-f', choices=['csv', 'json', 'txt'], default='txt',
help='Format for the output.\n'
'"csv" (Default): one row of feature names, followed by one row of\n'
'feature values per case.\n'
'"json": Features are written in a JSON format dictionary\n'
'(1 dictionary per case, 1 case per line) "{name:value}"\n'
'"txt": one feature per line in format "case-N_name:value"')
outputGroup.add_argument('--format-path', choices=['absolute', 'relative', 'basename'], default='absolute',
help='Controls input image and mask path formatting in the output.\n'
'"absolute" (Default): Absolute file paths.\n'
'"relative": File paths relative to current working directory.\n'
'"basename": Only stores filename.')

loggingGroup = parser.add_argument_group(title='Logging',
description='Controls the (amount of) logging output to the '
'console and the (optional) log-file.')
loggingGroup.add_argument('--logging-level', metavar='LEVEL',
default='WARNING', help='Set capture level for logging')
loggingGroup.add_argument('--log-file', metavar='FILE', default=None, help='File to append logger output to')
loggingGroup.add_argument('--verbosity', '-v', action='store', nargs='?', default=3, const=4, type=int,
choices=[1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
help='Regulate output to stderr. By default [3], level\n'
'WARNING and up are printed. By specifying this\n'
'argument without a value, level INFO [4] is assumed.\n'
'A higher value results in more verbose output.')

parser.add_argument('--version', action='version', help='Print version and exit',
version='%(prog)s ' + radiomics.__version__)

args = parser.parse_args(args=custom_arguments) # Exits with code 2 if parsing fails

# Run the extraction
_configureLogging(args)'Starting PyRadiomics (version: %s)', radiomics.__version__)
results = _processInput(args)
if results is not None:
segment.processOutput(results, args.out, args.skip_nans, args.format, args.format_path, relative_path_start)'Finished extraction successfully...')
return 1 # Feature extraction error
except Exception:
scriptlogger.error('Error extracting features!', exc_info=True)
return 3 # Unknown error
return 0 # success

def _processInput(args):
global logging_config, relative_path_start, scriptlogger'Processing input...')

caseCount = 1
num_workers = 1

# Check if input represents a batch file
if args.input.endswith('.csv'):
scriptlogger.debug('Loading batch file "%s"', args.input)
relative_path_start = os.path.dirname(args.input)
with open(args.input, mode='r') as batchFile:
cr = csv.DictReader(batchFile, lineterminator='\n')

# Check if required Image and Mask columns are present
if 'Image' not in cr.fieldnames:
scriptlogger.error('Required column "Image" not present in input, unable to extract features...')
return None
if 'Mask' not in cr.fieldnames:
scriptlogger.error('Required column "Mask" not present in input, unable to extract features...')
return None

cases = []
for row_idx, row in enumerate(cr, start=2):
if row['Image'] is None or row['Mask'] is None:
scriptlogger.warning('Batch L%d: Missing required Image or Mask, skipping this case...', row_idx)
imPath = row['Image']
maPath = row['Mask']
if not os.path.isabs(imPath):
imPath = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(relative_path_start, imPath))
scriptlogger.debug('Updated relative image filepath to be relative to input CSV: %s', imPath)
if not os.path.isabs(maPath):
maPath = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(relative_path_start, maPath))
scriptlogger.debug('Updated relative mask filepath to be relative to input CSV: %s', maPath)
cases[-1]['Image'] = imPath
cases[-1]['Mask'] = maPath

caseCount = len(cases)
caseGenerator = _buildGenerator(args, cases)
num_workers = min(caseCount,
elif args.mask is not None:
caseGenerator = _buildGenerator(args, [{'Image': args.input, 'Mask': args.mask}])
scriptlogger.error('Input is not recognized as batch, no mask specified, cannot compute result!')
return None

from radiomics.scripts import segment

if num_workers > 1: # multiple cases, parallel processing enabled'Input valid, starting parallel extraction from %d cases with %d workers...',
caseCount, num_workers)
pool = Pool(num_workers)
results =, parallel_config=logging_config), caseGenerator)
elif num_workers == 1: # single case or sequential batch processing'Input valid, starting sequential extraction from %d case(s)...',
results = []
for case in caseGenerator:
# No cases defined in the batch
scriptlogger.error('No cases to process...')
return None
return results

def _buildGenerator(args, cases):
global scriptlogger
setting_overrides = _parseOverrides(args.setting)

for case_idx, case in enumerate(cases, start=1):
yield case_idx, case, args.param, setting_overrides

def _parseOverrides(overrides):
global scriptlogger
setting_overrides = {}

# parse overrides
if len(overrides) == 0:
scriptlogger.debug('No overrides found')
return setting_overrides

scriptlogger.debug('Reading parameter schema')
schemaFile, schemaFuncs = radiomics.getParameterValidationFiles()
with open(schemaFile) as schema:
settingsSchema = yaml.load(schema)['mapping']['setting']['mapping']

# parse single value function
def parse_value(value, value_type):
if value_type == 'str':
return value # no conversion
elif value_type == 'int':
return int(value)
elif value_type == 'float':
return float(value)
elif value_type == 'bool':
return value == '1' or value.lower() == 'true'
raise ValueError('Cannot understand value_type %s' % value_type)

for setting in overrides: # setting = "setting_key:setting_value"
if ':' not in setting:
scriptlogger.warning('Incorrect format for override setting "%s", missing ":"', setting)
# split into key and value
setting_key, setting_value = setting.split(':', 2)

# Check if it is a valid PyRadiomics Setting
if setting_key not in settingsSchema:
scriptlogger.warning('Did not recognize override %s, skipping...', setting_key)

# Try to parse the value by looking up its type in the settingsSchema
setting_def = settingsSchema[setting_key]
setting_type = 'str' # If type is omitted in the schema, treat it as string (no conversion)
if 'seq' in setting_def:
# Multivalued setting
if len(setting_def['seq']) > 0 and 'type' in setting_def['seq'][0]:
setting_type = setting_def['seq'][0]['type']

setting_overrides[setting_key] = [parse_value(val, setting_type) for val in setting_value.split(',')]
scriptlogger.debug('Parsed "%s" as list (element type "%s"); value: %s',
setting_key, setting_type, setting_overrides[setting_key])
if 'type' in setting_def:
setting_type = setting_def['type']
setting_overrides[setting_key] = parse_value(setting_value, setting_type)
scriptlogger.debug('Parsed "%s" as type "%s"; value: %s', setting_key, setting_type, setting_overrides[setting_key])

except Exception:
scriptlogger.warning('Could not parse value %s for setting %s, skipping...', setting_value, setting_key)

return setting_overrides

def _configureLogging(args):
global scriptlogger, logging_config

# Initialize Logging
logLevel = getattr(logging, args.logging_level)
rLogger = radiomics.logger
logging_config['logLevel'] = logLevel

# Set up optional logging to file
if args.log_file is not None:
handler = logging.FileHandler(filename=args.log_file, mode='a')
handler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter("%(levelname)s:%(name)s: %(message)s"))
logging_config['logFile'] = args.log_file

# Set verbosity of output (stderr)
verboseLevel = (6 - args.verbosity) * 10 # convert to python logging level
logging_config['verbosity'] = verboseLevel

scriptlogger.debug('Logging initialized')

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