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Installation and Usage

Joost van Griethuysen edited this page Oct 20, 2016 · 3 revisions

This is a work in progress addressing

  • To get the code:

    Clone the repository: git clone git://

  • Install on your system:

    For mac/linux: cd pyradiomics; sudo python install

  • If you don't have sudo/admin rights on your maching, you need to locally install numpy, SimpleITK, tqdm, PyWavelets

  • Run the example, helloRadiomics: python bin/

  • Interactively:

    Add pyradiomics to the environment variable PYTHONPATH: setenv PYTHONPATH /path/to/pyradiomics/radiomics

    Start the python interactive session: python

    Import the necessary classes:

from radiomics import firstorder, glcm, imageoperations, shape, rlgl, glszm
import SimpleITK as sitk
import sys, os
Set up a data directory variable: `dataDir = '/path/to/data'

Use SimpleITK to read an image and mask:
imageName = str(dataDir + os.path.sep + 'image.nrrd')
maskName = str(dataDir + os.path.sep + 'label.nrrd')
image = sitk.ReadImage(imageName)
mask = sitk.ReadImage(maskName)
Calculate some first order features:
firstOrderFeatures = firstorder.RadiomicsFirstOrder(image,mask)
for (key,val) in firstOrderFeatures.featureValues.iteritems():
  print '  ',key,':',val
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