Install PI GSCD Library for your operating system and install the PIPython library that supports it. This library was tested with PIPython==1.5
Clone this repository:
Install with pip
pip install .
>>> from sardana_pihexapod.ctrl.pihexapod import PIHexapod
>>> h = PIHexapod(host="dlaelcthex01")
>>> h.axes
['X', 'Y', 'Z', 'U', 'V', 'W']
>>> h.move_to({"X": 1})
>>> h.position
{"X": 0.999997220867mm, "Y": 1.22225325645e-06mm, "Z": 3.03443967969e-08mm, "U": -1.42516686632e-07deg, "V": 8.01359844144e-08deg, "W": 1.2431950165e-07deg }
Locate the path where this package have been installed. Usually in site-pakcages and add the path to the macros to the MacroServer macro path configuration. Do the same with the pool and the controllers.
For instance:
Pool_<ServerName>_<ServerNumber>.put_property({"PoolPath":["<Your controller dir path>"]})
Then create a controller:
defctrl PIHexapodMotCtrl hexCtrl Host dlaelcthex01
Then define the axes:
defelem hex_x hexCtrl 1
defelem hex_y hexCtrl 2
defelem hex_z hexCtrl 3
defelem hex_u hexCtrl 4
defelem hex_v hexCtrl 5
defelem hex_w hexCtrl 6
For more information look at Sardana: Adding elements
To install the macros the same procedure have to be done:
_MACRO_SERVER.put_property({"MacroPath":["<Your macro dir path>"]})
The position properties x, y, z, u, v, w
may provoke a timeout exception if are called too often in a very short period of time like:
hexapod.x = 1
hexapod.y = -1