4.2.3a (2024-12-23)
Full Changelog Previous Releases
- [Localization] update zhCN/zhTW:fix typo.
- Added the 'sensemble' shortcut for when an Ensemble is directly-granted by SpellID alone
Parser: Refactored some Ensemble logic to fit more scenarios in which a TransmogSet data is determined
Parser: Added a bunch more WARN logging for situations where Ensembles end up with no data to help protect future erroneous situations
Ensemble: Stonebound Earthen Regalia converted to 'sensemble' - Retail: Added glyphs of the pistol shot
- Parser: Added a WARN log when an iensemble fails to associate with any SpellEffect records (to pull in TransmogSet properly)
Parser: Fixed an issue where unknown ItemEffect types were being prioritized over known ItemEffect types when associating SpellIDs from Wago data (e.g. Anniversary ensembles) - Updated Retail Wago files
- Fix Gill'el