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@Molkree Molkree released this 01 Aug 18:07
· 19725 commits to master since this release


SL-2.3.10 (2021-08-01)

Full Changelog Previous Releases

Highlight of this update

  • We finally have Runecarving Powers tracking! (Hint: conduits tracking is next)

Notable changes:

  • Quest Objective Groups are now excluded from the Retail version of ATT due to the in-game Quest tracking being plenty sufficient for a vast majority of Quests in the game without needing to rely on ATT trying to track every possible Quest Objective while you are on a Quest. If anyone finds major concern with this, please let us know in #suggestions as to how/why seeing Quest Objectives in an ATT list is useful!
  • Fixed Quests popped out from a Quest popout from showing the Source Quest as a Source (just a reminder that you can Right-click practically anything in ATT lists and it will bring more info)
  • Fixed popouts that have been closed still playing a 'window-completion' sound (only plays if visible when being completed)
  • Fixed Achievements/Holidays/Factions categories shifting in popouts
  • Breadcrumb warning chat messages should now be clickable to open an ATT popout for that quest
  • Minilist will now force update itself when being shown (i.e. fixes collecting things in the zone while the minilist is closed, then opening the list afterward)
  • Fixed Quests not being visible in Party Sync if they were replayed/completed during the Party Sync session and 'Show Completed Things' is enabled
  • Fixed various bugs and inconsistencies with objects (treasure chests)
  • Fixed /attwq not showing certain Things in the list even when they are active (i.e. Argus Cloth/Plate sets from rares due to active WQ's)
  • More rare/Adventure drops, treasure/rare coordinates/descriptions, recipes, dailies, new Campaign chapters, etc
  • Various fixes