A simple template for getting started using ROS-I with WPI's ABB-IRB-1600 Robotic arm.
Has a fixes for URDf and launch files that the main ROS-I experimental branch doesn't have.
Has Action client/server ROS packages for bridging Python and C++ enabling Python to be used for high levle control decisions.
- master.launch A place to launch multiple launch files. Currently launches connection to the robot and static frame transformations.
roslaunch master_launcher master.launch
static_TFs.launch A place to put static TFs
ROS-I Launch the ROS-I stack to connect to the robot and visualize in rviz:
roslaunch abb_irb1600_6_12_moveit_config moveit_planning_execution.launch sim:=false robot_ip:=
- motion_server This node recives action messages from the action client and sends motion requests to the ROS-I stack using move_group. Only needed if you wanto to use Python for planning.
roslaunch motion_server motion_server.launch
- motion_planning_client This node is the main controll node written in python. When in normal operation it will read an image and draw it on the white board. In debug mode it goes to manually prgorammed locations.
roslaunch motion_planning_client motion_client.launch
- master_launcher Package with various micilanous launch files and launch files that launch others
- msgs Automatically generated custom msgs
to visualize the robot run
roslaunch abb_irb1600_6_12_moveit_config moveit_planning_execution.launch sim:=true
This setup assistant helps you configure you URDF and must be launched and used to auto generate files after changing your URDF:
roslaunch moveit_setup_assistant setup_assistant.launch
TRAC-IK Kinematics Solver http://docs.ros.org/kinetic/api/moveit_tutorials/html/doc/trac_ik/trac_ik_tutorial.html
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