Releases: AY2324S2-CS2103-F08-1/tp
FinCliq v1.4
For v1.4, we did some bug fixes relating to the app's delete meeting functionality, and revamped both the User Guide and the Developer Guide. The changes that we made are down below.
What's new for v1.4!
1. Fixed bug where deletion of person did not cascade down to deletion of meeting
Previously, there was a bug in our app where the deletion of a person object did not remove the meeting from storage, leading to the meeting still being rendered.
The bug has been rectified, and the interface now reflects the deletion of meetings once a person is deleted!
2. Fixed bug related to invalid client index
Previously, there was a bug in our app where the error message had an unreadable string when an invalid client index was passed in. It's now been rectified to reflect the correct index.
3. Addition of additional diagrams, planned enhancements and effort section for developer guide
We added these additional sections to detail the new features of our app, possible planned enhancements and to showcase the difficulties we encountered when trying to produce FinCliq.
FinCliq v1.3
For v1.3, we added some new features to the original address book that are catered more towards tracking meetings with clients for Financial Advisors. The changes that we made are down below.
What's new for v1.3!
1. Filter Client Command
What it does: Filters through all clients and display the clients with the specified tag as well as their associated meetings
What is the purpose: This command allows for the filtering of clients by a specified tag. This command allows the financial advisor to find subsets of people with the same tag allowing the financial advisor to perhaps recommend different plans for that group of people.
filter [name of tag]
- Filter Clients by the given tag
Example: filter friends
Take note that only one tag should be provided
Merge pull request #146 from itstrueitstrueitsrealitsreal/branch-devg…
FinCliq v1.2
For v1.2, we added some new features to the original address book that are catered more towards tracking meetings with clients for Financial Advisors. The changes that we made are down below.
What's new for v1.2!
1. Add Meeting Command
What it does: Adds a meeting to a specified client
What is the purpose: This command facilitates the addition of meetings to a specific client's profile. It is designed to empower financial advisors by providing them with a tool to systematically log meetings for any chosen client. Through this command, financial advisors can ensure that every important meeting is recorded.
- Add a meeting
Example: addMeeting client/1 dt/02-01-2025 12:00 d/sign life plan
Take note index is one based
2. Delete Meeting Command
What it does: Deletes a meeting for a specified client.
What is the purpose: This command allows for the precise removal of a scheduled meeting from a client's profile. This command ensures the efficient management of a client's meeting schedule by providing the ability to delete obsolete or completed meetings, it helps maintain an up-to-date and clutter-free schedule.
- Delete a meeting
Example: deleteMeeting client/ 1 meeting/ 1
Take note index is one based
3. View Client Command
What it does: Select a particular client to be shown in the panel as well as all his/her associated meetings.
What is the purpose: To enable the financial advisor to have a holistic view of all scheduled meetings for a specific client, alongside comprehensive details of the client's profile. By offering a snapshot of both the scheduled interactions and in-depth client details financial advisors can prepare for each meeting.
- View A Specific Client
Example: view 1
Take note index should be the same as the index of the client from the home screen
To view another client please return back to the home screen by typing list
4. Edit Meeting Command
What it does: Edits a particular meeting.
What is the purpose: To enable the financial advisor to modify the details of an existing meeting within a client's schedule. The purpose behind this feature is to provide financial advisors with the flexibility to update meeting details as circumstances change. This capability is essential for adapting to both the advisor's and the client's evolving needs and schedules, ensuring that the planning of meetings remains as efficient and relevant as possible.
- Edit a meeting
Example: editMeeting clientIndex/1 meetingIndex/2 n/starbucks meeting d/01-01-2024 12:00
Parameters: INDEX (must be a positive integer) [clientIndex/CLIENT INDEX] [meetingIndex/MEETING INDEX] [n/NAME] [d/DATETIME]