Potential information is currently retrieved from src/assets/potentials.json The format is as follows:
"name": "Name of Potntial 1",
"elements": [ "List", "Of", "Element", "Symbols", "Like", "H", "C", "Se","..."],
"source": "https://a.url.pointing.to/the/source/of/this/potential"
Color changes can be made in the <style>
section of src/components/PeriodicTable.vue
Elemental information was retrieved from: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/diniska/chemistry/master/PeriodicalTable/periodicTable.json
Main Code for the periodic table (before modifications) was retrieved from: https://codepen.io/spAnser/pen/bqbvOq (licensed under MIT License)
npm install
npm run serve
npm run build
npm run deploy
npm run lint