The paper "Multi-Task Learning for Calorie Prediction on a Novel Large-Scale Recipe Dataset Enriched with Nutritional Information" was accepted to ICPR 2020:
The final pic2kcal dataset consists of the following files:
(1.94GB, 211k entries)All of the recipes with matched nutritional information per ingredient and in total. Note that some of the free-text is in German, since the recipes come from German websites. The same approach of matching ingredients should work for international sites though, using e.g. recipe-scrapers.
[ { "id": "[...]", "title": "Die beste vegetarische Lasagne", "subtitle": "", "recipe_text": "Die geschälten Möhren und den geschälten Sellerie andünsten [...]", "rating_count": 2, "picture_urls": ["https://[...]", "https://[...]"], "kcal_per_portion": null, "restingtime_min": 1440, "cookingtime_min": 30, "workingtime_min": 40, "rating": 3, "author": "[...]", "tags": [], "canonical_url": "https://[...]", "portions": 4, "date": "[...]", "difficulty": "normal", "picture_files": ["./[...]", "./[...]"], "nutritional_values": { "per_portion": { "Kohlenhydrate": { "Menge": 68.064, "Einheit": "g" }, "Kalorien": { "Menge": 671.8875, "Einheit": "kcal" }, "Protein": { "Menge": 8.355, "Einheit": "g" }, "Fett": { "Menge": 39.14, "Einheit": "g" }, "[...]": {} }, "per_recipe": { "[...]": {} }, "per_100g": { "[...]": {} } }, "ingredients": [ { "original": { "ingredient": "Möhre(n)", "amount": "2" }, "type": "ingredient", "matched": { "id": "[...]", "name": "Karotten / Möhren, frisch", "multiplier": 2, "normal": { "count": 200, "unit": "g" }, "weird": { "count": 2, "unit": "Stück" }, "match_accuracy": 0.9999998807907104, "matched": true, "nutritional_values": { "Kohlenhydrate": { "Menge": 4.8, "Einheit": "g" }, "Wassergehalt": { "Menge": 88, "Einheit": "%" }, "Kalorien": { "Menge": 39, "Einheit": "kcal" }, "[...]": "..." } } }, { "": "[...]" } ] } ]
(181GB, 902k images)
The total dataset is around 190GByte, most of which is the images. Due to copyright, KIT can sadly not publish the full dataset itself.
- Run the steps in the extraction directory one by one.
cd data/recipes && sqlite3 processed_data.sqlite3 'select data from recipes' | pv | jq -s > processed_data.json
This will give you these files:
containing all the recipesdata/recipes/img/*
containing all the recipe picturesdata/fddb_data.json
containing all the nutritional values
Ingredients Matching
Run all the notebooks in the ingredients_matching directory.
You can run them in a docker container as follows:
sudo docker run -p 8890:8888 -v /home/checkout/dir/pic2kcal:/tf/notebooks --runtime=nvidia -it --rm tensorflow/tensorflow:1.12.0-gpu-py3 jupyter notebook --allow-root --notebook-dir=/tf/notebooks
This will give you these files:
created by step 1 containing the unique amounts from the recipes parsed into (count, unit) tuplesdata/recipe-ingredient-to-fooddb.json
created by step 2 containing a mapping of all unique ingredient names from the recipes to a list of fooddb ingredients sorted by their matching accuracydata/recipes/recipes_matched.jsonl
created by step 3 that contains all recipes with the additional attributenutritional_values
for the whole recipe and with the matched ingredient for each original
created by step 4 containing the most common ingredients used for the ingredients prediction in the network
Dataset creation
Run nn/data/ to create the three datasets (per 100g, per portion and per recipe). Image files will be created as symlinks to the results from the extraction scripts.
from above.Output:
Model Training
Train a model using nn/, for example:
./ --runname dn121-p100g-nuting --datadir data/extracted_v3_per_100g --train-type kcal+nut+topings --bce-weight 400 --model densenet121 --test train+test
Logs and the weights will be sade to
.bce weights:
- per portion: bce-weight=800
- per 100g: bce-weight=400
- per recipe: bce-weight=2000
Model Evaluation
For evaluation during training, run
To extract a Latex results table from the tensorboard logs, use
To calculate the baseline (error when using the mean as the prediction) for a specific dataset, use
python --datadir data/extracted_v3_per_portion