Replaces the Grass Crest Shield texture to Kaeya Balls face
- Step 1: Download TKGP's "DSR Texture Packer and Unpacker (TPUP)"
- Step 2: Extract files from said mod
- Step 3: Clone the repo or download from releases and extract them somewhere
- Step 4: Look for a folder named "Texture Override" inside the files of TPUP
- Step 5: Move the files in BallsShield\Texture Override to the Texture Override folder in TPUP's files
- Step 6: Open "DSR-TPUP.exe"
- Step 7: At the top of TPUP's window, a place for you to input your game's installation folder will appear. Click on browse and look for your game's intallation folder.
(If you're on steam, right click on the game's cover art or name, go to Manage and then click Browse Local Files, this will open the game's installation folder)
- Step 8: Right below Game Directory, select the option "Repack"
- Step 9: A bit below, to the right, click on the "Repack" button
- Step 10: Wait for a bit, once it's finished TPUP will alert you and you can then open your game and enjoy.