Table of Contents
Medcheck is a cutting-edge platform designed to provide users with comprehensive information about drug interactions and reactions. With the ever-growing complexity of modern medicine and the increasing number of medications available, it's crucial for both healthcare professionals and patients to have access to reliable information about potential interactions between drugs.
- Mecheck Provides OTP based Authentication for the users Verificition
- Medcheck Provides Drug to Drug Viablity Checking Mechanism along with precautions and Reason for the medical Viability
- It has one feature where it suggests alternative drug for the given drug
- We have Integrated Our Own Google Meet like platform for Sceduline Meet with Patients
- Youtube :
- Alongside with It is Built Using UI Libraries NextUI , Mantine.DEV.UI
npm install npm@latest -g
Download Nodejs Version ^ 18.0.0 LTS
Follow The Installation manual and install dependencies
There are Three Folder Respectively AIModels , Frontend and Backend
- Go to Frontend Folder and Run Command
npm install --force
- Run Following Command and Your Frontend Will be On localhost:5173
npm run dev
Do not Kill the frontend Terminal and Open New terminal and go to Backend Terminal
Run Following Command in Backend Folder
nodemon Server (If You Have Nodemon Installed) / node Server(If you Do not Have Nodemon)
5 . Do not Kill Both terminals and Go to AIModels Folder
6 . Run Command to activate Venv
- Now our VEnv is activated now run fastAPI Server With Command
uvicorn main:app --reload
8 . Do Not kill any Terminal and You are good to go
- Deployed Site :
- Deployed Meet Platform :